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研究生(外文):Yian-Ru Chen
論文名稱(外文):Path Planning and Navigation of Automatic Guided Vehicle Based on Ultrasonic Sensors
指導教授(外文):Long-Jyi Yeh
外文關鍵詞:AGVPWMultrasonic sensor
  • 被引用被引用:7
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本論文的目的是發展一以超音波感測為主的自主性自走車,主要目標是開發智慧型清掃機器人。自走車的控制系統以Microchip PIC18F452微控器為控制核心。超音波的量測系統、DC馬達的速度控制及系統操作時的相關運算皆由此單晶片獨立完成。本研究完成的自走車可利用超音波感測器得知自走車與環境的相對關係,能自主性地行走於未知的環境中,具有沿牆行走、閃避障礙物及內螺旋完整平面自動路徑規劃與行走三種行為模式,可達成清掃機器人的基本運動需求。
The purpose of this paper is to develop an automatic guided vehicle (AGV) based on ultrasonic sensor (US-AGV). Developing an intelligent cleaning robot is the long term main goal of this research. Microchip PIC18F452 micro processor was used to be the core of the control system of US-AGV. Ultrasonic measurement system, DC motor velocity control and related system operating calculations were all integrated by the PIC18F452. This US-AGV can get the environment information relative to the wall, and it can move in the unknown environment autonomously. It has three modes of motion. The first mode is that along the wall. The second mode is that dodge the obstacle. The third mode is that interior spiral intact surface path planning and walking automatically. These motion modes are the basic function of a cleaning robot.
TABLE OF CONTENTS….……………......…….…………..………….ii
I Introduction.………………………….................…………….1
1.1 Preface………………..…………..…………………….1
1.2 Motivation….....…………….…………………………..2
1.3 Literature Review....………..…........…………………...3
1.4 Organization of the thesis....………..…........…………..4
II The systematic structure of AGV….…..……………….…6 2.1 Systematic structure general survey…...……………….6
2.2 Systematic structure of the hardware…..…….…………8
2.2.1 AGV structure……………………………………...8
2.2.2 Main controller……………………………………11
2.2.3 The circuit of motor driver……………………….14
2.2.4 The voltage transfering and turning into the mould group……………………….....................................16
2.2.5 Velocity feedback module.……………………….17

2.3 Communication way…..……….………..……………...19
2.4 Detecting device of ultrasonic wave……………………20
2.4.1 The principle of the operation of ultrasonic sensor
2.4.2 The Application of ultrasonic sensor……………..22
2.4.3 Principle of measurement of ultrasonic sensor…...24
2.4.4 Ultrasonic sensor module………………………...27
2.4.5 Flowchart of program of ultrasonic sensor module
III Path planning and guide of AGV.…..……....……………...32
3.1 Along the walking type behavior of the wall…………...32
3.1.1 Walk along the straight line wall…………………..32
3.1.2 Walk along the concave wall………………………34
3.1.3 Walk along the protruding wall……………………35
3.1.4 Way procedure that walk along the wall…………...37
3.2 Walk in the way sharply in vertical wall direction……..38
3.3 Behavior of dodge the obstacle….………………….......41
3.4 Behavior of Interior spiral automatic route plan and walk

IV Experimental result and discussing…..…..............................47
4.1 Realization of along the wall………………………………47
4.2 Realization of dodge the obstacle…………………………49
4.3 Realization of behavior of Interior spiral automatic route plan and walk……………………………………………..51
V The conclusion and future development...........……………...56
5.1 Conclusion………………………………………………...56
5.2 Future development……………………………………….57
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