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研究生(外文):Jeremy Chiu
論文名稱(外文):Detecting Malicious Software By Monitoring Program Behavior
外文關鍵詞:anomaly modelsAPI-HookIntrusion detectionsystem calls
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本文的研究是以Hose-based IDS為主。HIDS是以主機上的資料作為偵測用的依據,所以,HIDS可以取得像是Server的Log或是使用者的使用記錄,甚至是Process的一些行為等。因此,所獲得的資料相對於Network-based IDS更顯的高階,分析來的結果會越接近Intruder的意圖。本文的研究主題便是以Process Behavior做為分析對象,透過intercept system call的技術,可以採集到許多的行為特徵,進而發展出一些Program behavior modeling的演算法
We present a host-based intrusion detection system (IDS) for Microsoft Windows. The system is an algorithm that detects malicious program on the host machine by monitoring Windows API-Calls. The idea is to train a behavior model of malicious programs, and use this model to detect malicious programs at run-time. Once there models have been established, subsequent API-Log are analyzed to identify deviations, given the assumption that anomalies usually represent evidence of an attack.
1. Introduction 6
2. Relevant Work 7
3. Modeling Common Malicious Software 10
4. Architecture 13
4.1 System Components 13
4.2 Program Behavior Sensor 14
4.3 Model Generator 16
4.4 Malware Detector 17
4.5 Efficiency Considerations 17
5. Malicious Detection Algorithm 20
5.1 Malware Behavior Modeling Algorithm 20
6. Experiments and Results 31
6.1 Data Generation and Experiments 29
6.2 Detection 34
7. Conclusions 35
8. References 36
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