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研究生(外文):Wen-Hsien Tseng
論文名稱(外文):Building an Integrated OMR-and-Paper-Based Data Automatic Collection Support System
指導教授(外文):Polun ChangTze-Heng Ma
外文關鍵詞:OMRautomaticpaper-basedsurveyquestionnaire recognitionpattern recognition
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本研究主要利用光學標誌辨識(OMR)技術,來研究與設計出自動化問卷辨識系統。使用者將可使用其來取代傳統的人工問卷資料輸入,其將可迅速且有效地辨識出問卷結果,並可彈性地搭配文書處理軟體(Microsoft Office Word)來做相關的問卷設計工作。在系統架構上主要可分為三個主要的模組,分別是文件定位產生器(DPG: Document Positioning Generator)、問卷辨識引擎(QRE :Questionnaire Recognition Engine)、結果校正與統計工具(CST :Correction and Statistic Tools),而為了提高資料轉移的可行性,系統中資料儲存方式採用XML的資料交換格式,如此將來我們也可以輕易地將資料轉移到其他的資料庫系統中。

在系統操作流程方面,第一步須先完成問卷設計與利用DPG來建立該問卷的譯碼簿(code book),然後便可接著利用DPG來將紙本問卷原稿之電子檔(.doc)或掃瞄圖檔(.bmp)做事先的問卷定位工作。而之後回收的調查問卷可先透過附有自動快速送紙器(ADF)的掃瞄器來掃瞄成圖檔,也可利用傳真數據機來將問卷透過傳真的方式傳回成圖檔到電腦上。接著便可利用QRE來做問卷辨識的工作,然後便可利用CST來觀看辨識結果列表,並可直接透過圖形介面操作方式來直接做辨識結果校正的工作。此外最後也可以將問卷調查之統計結果匯入至其他之相關統計分析軟體(如: Microsoft® Office Excel或 SPSS : Statistical Package for the Social Sciences)來做進階的統計分析處理工作。


Questionnaires are generally used for collecting data in public health and medicine. But they always consume much manpower and money, and the problem of human errors also occurs frequently when entering data. The purpose of our research is to design an automatic questionnaire recognition system to support entire life cycle of survey. And we hope this system could help to improve the quality of surveys, speed up the flow of surveys and reduce the cost of surveys.

The main technique we used to design this system was OMR (Optical Mark Recognition). The system included three primary modules which were “Document Positioning Generator (DPG)”, “Questionnaire Recognition Engine (QRE)” and “Correction and Statistic Tools (CST)”. The output of our system is in XML-format which makes the data easily transferable to other system and format.

The first step of system operating flow was to finish the questionnaire design and to use the DPG to build the code book of questionnaire, and then users could use the DPG to do the pre-position work by electronic file (.doc) or scanning image (.bmp) of questionnaire draft. Afterward the answered questionnaire images could be collected by scanning with scanner has ADF (automatic document feeder) or directly faxing to image files to computer through fax modem. The next step was to use the QRE to start questionnaire recognition work, and then users could use the CST to view the recognition results and statistical table. Besides, users could also use the CST to directly correct the recognition results by GUI (Graphical User Interface) tool. Finally, the statistical result could also be transformed into a text file. The text file which could be used by other statistical software to do advanced statistical analysis and produce the related statistical tables or charts, e.g. Microsoft® Office Excel and SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences).

According to the evaluation result of our system, directly using the paper-image of questionnaire draft to pre-position is better than using electronic file (.doc) of questionnaire draft. And using the questionnaire images from scanner to recognize is better than questionnaire images form fax. The lowest error rate of questionnaire recognition is 0.00057 per checkbox, and the lowest time of questionnaire recognition which include gathering and recognition of questionnaire images is 1.17 seconds per page.

This system will be a junction system between traditional paper-based survey and current electronic survey. And because of the lower human errors and the lower manpower users could use this system to replace the traditional manual data entry. But this system is still insufficient for user’s needs. We will endeavor to improve our system continually.
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