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研究生(外文):Tsung-Han Wu
論文名稱(外文):Control Study of a Vehicle Aactive Suspension System Using PID and Neural networks
指導教授(外文):Jyh-Chyang Renn
外文關鍵詞:Active suspension systemMATLAB/SimulinkNeural networksPID control
  • 被引用被引用:18
  • 點閱點閱:495
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The main purpose of this thesis is to research on the car suspension system subjected to different road profiles and achieve the purpose of the control of active suspension system. Two controllers are utilized in this thesis, one is PID control system and the other is neural networks. The latter can achive the best results. Neural networks is a control system that connected by neuros. And it has abilities of on-line learning and identification. The learning process used EBP to adjust weighting. It decrease to the error of active suspension system. The purpose of controler is to control output position of active suspension system to decrease errors and improve steady of vehicle.
This thesis used the MATLAB/Simulink to design moden control system and to do dynamic simulation. From the result of simulations, we can find that the two control theory have obvious inhibition about body deflection and acceleration. Finally, a quarter vehicle active suspension test rig is constructed. The experimental results show that the active suspension system exhibits superior performance of force tracking and significant improvement of the ride quality.
中文摘要 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i
英文摘要 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii
誌謝 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii
目錄 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iv
表目錄 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vi
圖目錄 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vii

一、 緒論------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1
1.1 研究背景------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.2 研究動機------------------------------------------------------------------ 5
1.3 研究目的------------------------------------------------------------------ 6
1.4 文獻回顧------------------------------------------------------------------ 6
1.5 研究的方向與論文架--------------------------------------------------- 7

二、 主動式懸吊系統之架構與數學模------------------------------------ 8
2.1 主動式懸吊系統的描述------------------------------------------------ 8
2.2 主動式懸吊系統的主要系統架構及其方程------------------------ 10
2.2.1 液壓伺服位置控制系統------------------------------------------------ 10
2.2.2 懸吊系統運動方程式--------------------------------------------------- 12
2.2.3 主動式懸吊系統之PID控制器設計方塊圖------------------------ 14
2.4 實驗設備------------------------------------------------------------------ 15
2.4.1 懸吊機構部份------------------------------------------------------------ 18
2.4.2 電控系統部分------------------------------------------------------------ 19
2.4.3 懸吊系統各種感測器信號處理與量測------------------------------ 21
2.5 MATLAB/Simulink與ADAMS/VIEW連結----------------------- 23
2.5.1 以ADAMS建構1/4 T主動式懸吊模型---------------------------- 23
2.5.2 ADAMS與MATLAB/Simulink 之連結介面---------------------- 24

三、 控制理論介紹------------------------------------------------------------ 26
3.1 PID控制理論------------------------------------------------------------- 26
3.1.1 PID控制------------------------------------------------------------------- 26
3.1.2 PID控制的調整法------------------------------------------------------- 28
3.1.3 臨界靈敏度調整法------------------------------------------------------- 29
3.2 類神經網路控制理論---------------------------------------------------- 30
3.2.1 神經元模型---------------------------------------------------------------- 30
3.2.2 類神經網路架構---------------------------------------------------------- 34
3.2.3 類神經網路的學習法則------------------------------------------------- 37
3.2.4 類神經網路控制器架構------------------------------------------------- 39
3.2.5 傳導神經網路------------------------------------------------------------- 42
3.2.6 倒傳遞類神經網路的學習演算法------------------------------------- 44

四、 PID控制器設計之模擬與實驗結果---------------------------------- 52
4.1 簡介------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52
4.2 實驗台各項參數數據---------------------------------------------------- 53
4.3 1/4 T主動式懸吊系統模擬--------------------------------------------- 54
4.4 動式懸吊系統之PID控制器設計方塊圖---------------------------- 56
4.5 1/4 T主動式懸吊系統實驗--------------------------------------------- 60
4.6 MATLAB/Simulink與ADAMS/VIEW連結模擬結果------------ 64

五、 纇神經網路控制器設計之模擬與實驗結果------------------------ 67
5.1 簡介------------------------------------------------------------------------ 67
5.2 主動式懸吊系統之類神經網路控制器設計方塊圖--------------- 67
5.3 1/4 T主動式懸吊系統實驗-------------------------------------------- 71

六、 結論與未來展望---------------------------------------------------------- 76
6.1 結論------------------------------------------------------------------------- 76
6.1.1 模擬分析比較------------------------------------------------------------- 76
6.1.2 實驗分析比較------------------------------------------------------------- 79
6.1.3 結果分析------------------------------------------------------------------- 83
6.2 未來展望------------------------------------------------------------------- 83

參考文獻 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 85
自傳 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 86
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