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研究生(外文):Hsing-Chiao Lin
論文名稱(外文):To study and observe the water behavior in transparent PEMFC(The variational humidification and concentration of cathode gas)
外文關鍵詞:water flooding behavior
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本實驗必須固定以Ion Power提供的膜電極組、蛇行流道導電板、端板的材料影響因素,再以固定的組裝、測試、活化程序來保持電池的穩定性,而實驗中以供給固定電流、固定陽極氣體的電流當量,觀察陰極氣體在不同濃度及溼度的電流當量於長時間操作下所產生的積水效應,再搭配電池產生的功率、電壓、歐姆變化來分析彼此之間的影響性。
In the history of fuel cell development, its performance is always influenced by the water behavior in flow channel blocks. The position of water behavior and moisture directly affects the efficiency of the fuel cell. If the flow channel block of cathode collects much of the water behavior, that fuel can not diffuse easily. Moreover, in case of high fuel flow rate or excess heat in high ampere, the membrane electrode assembly becomes dry and deteriorates the performance of fuel cell. The objective of this experiment is to observe and study the relationship between water behavior of cathode and the performance of the fuel cell in transparent PEMFC when the fuel cell consumes variational humidification and concentration of cathode gas. And we also hope to provide a method to study and solve the problems in water and heat management.
The method we adopt in this experiment is to firstly fix the component of the fuel cell, and to fabricate them with Ion Power’s membrane electrode assembly、gold-coated brass and two-channel serpentine current collect plate、Plexiglas end plant. The status of this step is then confirmed and stabilized by constructing、testing、activation process. Finally,by operating the transparent fuel cell in steady mode of constant current、constant anode flow rate for a long time with the variational humidification and concentration of cathode gas flow rate, we try to observe the water flooding behavior in cathode channel flow as well as to analyze the relationship between the water behavior and the property of power, voltage, ohmage.
目 錄

書名頁 ………………………………………………………………… i
論文口試委員審定書 ………………………………………………… ii
授權書 ……………………………………………………………… iii
中文提要 ……………………………………………………………… iv
英文提要 ……………………………………………………………… v~vi
誌謝 …………………………………………………………………… vii
目錄 …………………………………………………………………… viii~ix
表目錄 ………………………………………………………………… x
圖目錄 ………………………………………………………………… xi~xiv
一、緒論-------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.1 前言-------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.2 燃料電池簡介及發展優勢----------------------------------------- 2
1.3 燃料電池的種類----------------------------------------------------- 6
1.3.1鹼性燃料電池------------------------------------------------- 6 1.3.2 磷酸燃料電池------------------------------------------------------ 7 1.3.3 熔融碳酸鹽燃料電池--------------------------------------------- 7 1.3.4 固態氧化物燃料電池--------------------------------------------- 7 1.3.5 質子交換膜燃料電池--------------------------------------------- 8 1.3.6 直接甲醇燃料電池------------------------------------------------ 8
1.4燃料電池基本構造與原理------------------------------------------ 9
1.5參考文獻--------------------------------------------------------------- 16
1.6 研究目的--------------------------------------------------------------- 20
二、實驗設計--------------------------------------------------------------- 23
2.1 燃料電池製作與設計---------------------------------------------- 23
2.1.1 高分子質子膜(Membrane)------------------------------------- 24
2.1.2 觸媒層(Catalyst layer)------------------------------------------- 25
2.1.3 氣體擴散層(Gas diffusion layer)----------------------------------- 25
2.1.4 流道板(Flow channel blocks)--------------------------------------- 25
2.1.5 墊圈(Gasket) --------------------------------------------------------- 27
2.1.6 端板(End plant) ------------------------------------------------------ 27
2.2實驗裝置 -------------------------------------------------------------- 28
2.3燃料電池測試------------------------------------------------------- 28
2.3.1 阻抗測試------------------------------------------------------- 29
2.3.2 漏氣測試------------------------------------------------------- 29
2.4 實驗裝置方式------------------------------------------------------- 29
2.4.1 暖機程序------------------------------------------------------- 30
2.4.2 活化程序------------------------------------------------------- 30
2.5燃料計算方式 ------------------------------------------------------- 31
三、實驗結果與討論 ------------------------------------------------------- 34
3.1氧氣不加濕之實驗結果 ------------------------------------------- 35
3.1.1 陰極氣體(氧氣)不加濕(濃度極化區)之實驗條件及討論------ 35
3.1.2 陰極氣體(氧氣)不加濕(歐姆極化區)之實驗條件及討論------ 36
3.1.3 陰極氣體(氧氣)不加濕(活性極化區)之實驗條件及討論------ 38
3.1.4 陰極氣體(氧氣)不加濕之實驗結果總結 --------------------- 39
3.2 空氣(1/4 O2)加濕之實驗結果---------- 40
3.2.1 陰極氣體(空氣(21% O2))加濕(活性極化區)之實驗條件及討論----40
3.2.2 陰極氣體(空氣(21% O2))加濕(歐姆極化區)之實驗條件及討論----42
3.2.3 陰極氣體(空氣(21% O2))加濕(濃度極化區)之實驗條件及討論----44
3.1.4 陰極氣體(空氣(21% O2))加濕之實驗結果總結----------------------- 45
四、結論 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 47
4.1 溼度差異之結論 ----------------------------------------- 48
4.2 濃度差異之結論 ----------------------------------------- 48
4.3 加濕、濃度結論 ----------------------------------------- 49
圖表 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50~97
參考文獻------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 98~102
參 考 文 獻
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