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研究生(外文):Han-Yuan Lee
論文名稱(外文):Using KeyGraph to Discover Hidden Blue Ocean Strategies
指導教授(外文):Fang-Cheng Hsu
外文關鍵詞:KeyGraphBlue Ocean strategystrategychance discovery
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藍海策略(blue ocean strategy;BOS)是Kim and Mauborgne(2005)提出的一套方法論,破除競爭為中心的策略思考邏輯,以價值創新為中心思想,透過六大原則與四大行動架構,使用策略行動(strategy move)為分析單位,建立藍海策略草圖(strategy canvas)的價值曲線,尋求企業與顧客的價值同時躍進。也即是打破價值與成本抵換的規則,同時實現差異化與低成本,開創無人競爭的市場疆界,並且以許多成功案例驗證其架構,是有別於傳統血腥廝殺的紅海策略(red ocean strategy;ROS)。
KeyGraph則是由Yukio Ohsawa(2002)所創,屬於資料採礦(data mining)的一種演算法,將各種文章的觀點予以視覺化,在視覺化的過程中,將各個文章段落中經常同時出現的高頻單詞節點,和鄰近共同出現的單詞節點賦予有意義的連結,再解讀所產生的圖形做出結論。其特點有二,即視覺化圖形、和發現弱關係。本研究首先將藍海策略大量複雜的文章內容轉換為視覺化圖形,解析其數量與質性的關係,透過視覺化綜合呈現各種事件與內容,從大量複雜的文章上下文的脈絡中,發掘出藍海策略架構簡約的意義和隱藏的特殊意涵。其次、從圖形上發現資料中潛藏的弱關係,解析圖形中隱含的一些意想不到的劇本(scenario),以達到發掘藍海策略機會(BOS chance discovery)的目的。
傳統KeyGraph的投入資料,都是直接以文章內容轉為文字檔,經前置處理後投入執行,而前置處理中有諸多限制會影響KeyGraph演算的結果。因此本研究採取編碼方式,先將藍海策略方法論架構設定編碼原則,再將藍海策略的相關案例文章內容依編碼原則予以編碼,以一個案例一個子句(sentence),同一子句中每一編碼以出現一次為原則。由此產生的投入資料檔,透過執行KeyGraph演算結果的圖形解析,反向去驗證本研究的目的,即發掘藍海策略架構的共同劇本(common scenario)和隱藏的策略機會。
Blue ocean strategy(BOS) is a methodology of strategy planning and proposed by Kim and Mauborgne(2005). To eliminate competition is the centre logic of strategic thinking and value innovation is the cornerstone of BOS. To build the value curve of blue ocean strategy canvas with the six principle and four action framework, and think about how to provide a leap in value to the customers and firms. The strategic choices for firms are to achieve both differentiation and low cost and break the existing value-cost trade-off. To create uncontested market space across divers industry domain, and verified the structure of BOS with the best practical case, It is different to the red ocean strategy(ROS)of cutthroat competition.
Yukio Ohsawa(2005)proposed the KeyGraph algorithm, that is a graphical method for data mining originally developed for indexing a document, and recently utilized for chance discovery. The viewpoints of document are visualized with KeyGraph and link the high frequency terms of document to co-occurrence terms in a sentence, through KeyGraph to analyze the finished graph and determine the conclusion of document. The KeyGraph have two characteristic as : visualized graph and weak relationship. In this paper, the first is changed the content of article of BOS to visualized graph, and analyzed the events and contents for discovering the BOS framework and hidden implications, and the second is finding weak relationship to analyze the some scenarios in these graphs for discovering chance of BOS.

Usually, the input data of Keygraph is text file direct changed from the articles, and performed KeyGraph process after document pre-processing. Due to limitations of pre-processing affect the result of KeyGraph process so that the content of document exchanged to code (coding mode), and design the principle of BOS architecture. Then coding the context of BOS by the coding principle, one practical case one sentence, and any code just occur one time in the sentence. To collect the text file after coded case and analyze the finished graph through KeyGraph algorithm for examine the purpose of this paper, and that is discovering common scenario and hidden strategic chance of BOS architecture.
The result is find as: BOS scenario-1 is common scenario of BOS, and that is composed by value innovation, the four action framework, and the fourth principle of the six principle(customer utility, strategic pricing, and target cost). BOS scenario-2 is established by (1) look across alternative industry,(2) to challenge the conventional strategy practices and (3)to address adoption hurdles. And BOS scenario-3 is established by(1)look across complementary product and service offerings, (2)to challenge the conventional strategy practices, (3)look across the noncustermers, or (1)look across complementary product and service offerings, and (2)target cost. The BOS scenori-2 and -3 are hidden strategy chance in addition to common scenario of BOS. It was examined with practiced case. In this paper, the result of this study, and this methodology can be used to future research directions in different fields.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
第一節 經營策略 4
一、傳統的經營策略 4
1. 經營策略的定義 4
2. 經營策略的分類 8
二、藍海策略 18
1. 藍海策略的基石:價值創新 18
2. 擬定與執行藍海策略的原則 22
3. 藍海策略的分析工具與架構 23
第二節 KeyGraph演算法 29
一、KeyGraph概述 29
二、資料分析的雙螺旋模型 31
第三章 研究方法 34
第一節 研究問題 34
第二節 研究步驟 35
第三節 研究設計 37
一、整理藍海策略架構與制定編碼原則 37
二、藍海策略案例的選擇與分類 39
三、案例編碼 41
四、資料彙整與前置處理 41
五、執行KeyGraph演算法 42
第四章 研究結果與分析 47
第一節 執行KeyGraph演算法的圖形解讀與結果分析 47
一、藍海策略原著的圖形解讀與結果分析 47
二、藍海策略台灣版的圖形解讀與結果分析 55
第二節 綜合分析與討論 56
第五章 結論與建議 59
第一節 研究結論 59
第二節 管理意涵 60
第三節 研究限制 61
第四節 未來研究方向建議 62

參考文獻 63
中文部份 63
英文部份 64
附錄 66
附錄A 66
附錄B 67
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