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研究生(外文):Chen-Han Yao
論文名稱(外文):An Energy Efficient and Reliable Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
指導教授(外文):Gwo-Jong Yu
外文關鍵詞:Sensor NetworkRoutingSensor Nodes
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在無線感知網路中,電源是相當重要且珍貴的資源。為了讓網路運作的時間得以增長,無線感知網路可以透過睡眠的機制來減少不必要的電量消耗。本文的目標是在一個具干擾源且很少發生事件的環境中,研究如何設計一個高效能的繞徑協定使得封包可以很可靠的送達網路的監控端(Sink node)、傳輸延遲時間較低及整體網路的運作時間得以維持最久。本文提出的方法可以分成局部網路喚醒機制(Local Wakeup Mechanism)及干擾資訊已知具可靠的網路繞徑協定(Interference Aware Routing Protocol)兩部分。在局部網路喚醒機制的部分,我們結合低功率省電的喚醒天線(Wakeup Antenna)及高傳輸效能的一般天線(Normal Antenna)來達到下列兩個目的:(1)無事件發生時,具有最低的電量消耗及(2)有事件發生時,能儘快的將事件資訊傳送到網路監控端。在干擾資訊已知具可靠性的繞徑協定中,我們評估剩餘電量、感測器和目的點的距離、以及傳輸對之間的link穩定度找到最佳的代傳點,搭配Power Control機制,使得每個點能平均消耗電量,並且達到平行傳輸的目的。另外我們提出當網路中有一個持續的干擾源存在時,如何尋找較不受干擾的代傳點,使得傳輸盡量不會耗費額外的電力。我們將透過模擬來驗證我們提出的協定可達到較低的電量消耗、較低的傳輸延遲及較高的資訊傳達率。
In wireless sensor network, energy is important and scarce resource. To prolong the lifetime of network operation, a specific power saving mechanism can be used to reduce unnecessary power consumption in wireless sensor network. The objective of this paper is to propose an energy efficient routing protocol in network layer which has properties of high packet delivery ratio, low transmission latency and good network lifetime in a network environment in which external interference exists and rare event happens. The proposed protocols include both local wakeup mechanism (LWM) and interference aware routing protocol (IAPP). In local wakeup mechanism, the proposed protocol integrates advantages of low power wakeup antenna and high data rate normal antenna, so that the network will consume as little energy as possible when there is no event while the transmission latency will be as small as possible when event happens. In interference aware routing protocol, information of remaining energy in each node, distance between sensor node and sink node, and link reliability are used in conjunction with power control mechanism, so that the objective of low power consumption and load balance can be achieved. When the network includes interference source, the proposed routing protocol can find routing path with low interference. From the simulation results, we demonstrate that the proposed LWM and IAPP can achieve the objective of low power consumption and high packet delivery rate.
第一章 簡介 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 4
1.3 研究目的 8
1.4 研究方法 9
1.5 本文貢獻 9
1.6 章節安排 9
第二章 文獻探討 11
第三章 減少干擾並省電的繞徑協定-IAPP 13
3.1網路假設與描述 13
3.2 局部網路喚醒機制 15
3.3繞徑方法細節 23
3.3.1路徑維持方法 26
3.3.2路徑繞路問題 27
3.3.3傳送電量計算 29
3.3.4資料頻道關閉的時間計算 31
第四章 模擬 33
第五章 結論 36
第六章 參考文獻 36
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