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研究生(外文):Chun-An Chen
指導教授(外文):S. M. Shiah
外文關鍵詞:flight safetyengine flameoutturbofansystem simulationcompressor spool speedburner fuel-air ratio.
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由於飛行安全對確保民航旅運生命財產的重要性,世界各國莫不將其相關工作,諸如:飛行事故的通報與調查、肇因分析與統計、案例宣教與人員訓練等,納入政府的專責部門,期能累積經驗防患於未然。然而在軍用飛行器方面,因事涉國家安全,故各國在相關工作的處理上,均明訂依權責分層執行,並在資料公開方面作某種程度的區隔。有鑒於飛安研究及現代化科技對提昇空軍戰力的重要,本論文乃構思從系統工程的觀點,應用模擬與分析方法,探討有關戰機引擎熄火事故(Engine Flameout)的預警與防制,並規劃以下三項研究重點:(1)引擎熄火的肇因分析與歸類,(2)渦扇引擎穩態平衡運轉模式的分析,(3)典型戰機引擎因高壓軸轉速(N2)降低而造成性能衰降的趨勢探討。至於在成果方面,根據本論文以德國學者Joachim Kurzke教授發展的GasTurb軟體,針對美軍F-16戰機之F100-PW-220渦扇引擎所作個案研究(Case Study),發現當N2低於60%,即無法再以穩態平衡運轉模式預測引擎性能,此恰與Childre及McCoy針對F-16所作
(Air Restart)須達成的目標轉速要求相當吻合,因而確立本論文模擬結果的適用性,並據以導出下列兩項成果:(1)獲得七項具指標性的引擎性能參數隨N2變化之迴歸分析算式(文中以7Ω命名),可作為後續探討熄火徵兆預警機制的參考,(2)辨識出三種不同油氣比」定義及其比值隨N2變化的定量趨勢,可作為後續探討引擎燃室熄火防制的理論基礎。由於本論文旨在建立一架構作為探討戰機飛安的論述參考,故在引擎參數的選取,係以網際網路公開文獻的資料為主,如後續因特殊目的及需求,則應視「實情實況」而作必要的調校與驗證。
Flight safety is a long been concerned worldwide subject, for its role in assuring the life and property in aviation. Administration of relevant works thus is hosted by government agency or authorized committee, with the ultimate goal of zero accident. As to the military aviation, however, it is restricted to different levels of authorization,forming a source of difficulty for academic study. In viewing the importance of flight safety and the need of modern fighter technology to support a superior air force, this thesis proposes a simulation study on the flameout problem of a
turbofan-powered fighter airplane. Particular concern has been centered on the symptom warning, while in approach the GasTurb software developed by Professor J. Kurzke is adopted for doing engine performance calculations. In contents, major effort has been dedicated on: (i) a general survey of the Internet literatures for the flameout cause analysis, (ii)deriving a mathematical model for the stable, equilibrium running of a mixed-flow type turbofan system, (iii) a case study of the F100-PW-220 turbofan of F-16 as an
example for the symptom analysis subject to the effect of a decaying high pressure shaft speed, N2 . According to the case study, it was found that when 60% ≤ N2 , the engine seems no longer operating in a stable and equilibrium mode, informed by the automatic stop of GasTurb and the final trace on the compressor map. This was then
validated using the flight test data published by Childre and McCoy [17], who suggested the 60% = N2 criterion as the goal for the air restart of F100-PW-220. In addition, two typical achievements based on the case study results are as follows: (i)identifications of seven regression formula(7Ω) for computing the performance
deterioration subject to a decaying N2, and (ii) the variation trend of fuel/air ratio with N2 based on three popular definition. Since this thesis is an academic study of a typical fighter airplane, it is thus noted that the results presented here only provide a trend of references, and may subject to change for a real case with special purpose.
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
目錄 v
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
符號說明 xi
1. 前言 1
1.1 主題構思緣起 1
1.2 相關研究回顧 4
1.3 工作重點規劃 7
1.4 論文架構說明 10
2. 渦輪引擎熄火事故之肇因分析與文獻探討 12
2.1 從美軍戰機1999飛安統計看引擎事故的類型 13
2.2 從典型戰機飛行測試看引擎熄火與空中再啟動 16
2.3 從網路資蒐看渦輪引擎熄火肇因的分析與研究 18
2.3.1 網路文獻的蒐集與綜整 19
2.3.2 概括說明類的文獻探討 20
2.3.3 肇因分析類的文獻探討 21
2.4 文獻探討心得與選擇N2為控制變因的構思 24
3. 典型戰機引擎穩態平衡運轉理論模式建構 31
3.1 引擎系統概述 32
3.2 主要模組之特性分析與數學方程式 35
3.2.1 風扇模組 35
3.2.2 壓縮器模組 39
3.2.3 燃燒室模組 43
3.2.4 高壓渦輪模組 45
3.2.5 低壓渦輪模組 47
3.2.6 燃氣與旁通氣流混合區 47
3.2.7 排氣尾管 49
3.2.8 推進噴嘴 51
3.2.9 引擎系統性能 53
3.3 引擎設計點性能規範之模擬算則 54
3.4 偏離設計點操作條件之引擎性能算則 59
4. 應用穩態運轉模式探討熄火徵兆實例評估 66
4.1 目標引擎性能諸元與設計點模擬 66
4.2 以N2減速為控制變因之目標引擎離點性能的模式模擬 72
4.3 根據進氣與燃油流量模擬結果探討引擎燃室熄火 78
4.3.1 目標引擎燃油之可燃極限計算 78
4.3.2 以燃氣比隨N2變化之燃室熄火評估 85
4.4 從週邊模組性能衰降評估引擎熄火之關鍵預警參數 91
5. 結論 100
5.1 主要成果說明 100
5.2 後續研究展望 102
參考文獻 103
附錄A:引擎熄火概括說明類文獻之網路資蒐結果一覽表 106
附錄B:引擎熄火概括說明類文獻之網路資蒐結果一覽表 109
自傳 114
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