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研究生(外文):Chi-Yu Wu
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This thesis will establish the simulation environment which can analysis and supply the air combat fighters equipped with air-to-air missile, and find the missile capture area and the fighter evasive range. This thesis is divided into four parts. Firstly, the governing equations of motion and the seven combat strategies of a fighter are introduced. The optimal strategy is determined in accordingly with the theory of zero-sum two-player games. The key characteristic is the suitable scoring functions and the resultant scoring function. The resultant scoring function is used to provide a combined scores and the scoring functions including an orientation score, a relative range score, etc., which can reflect the real situation of air-to-air combat. Second, we introduce pursuit guidance laws and equations of motion of a missile. We apply feedback linearization control method to obtain the accelerations to implement pursuit guidance law. The solution makes warhead direction follow with line-of-sight. The damage scoring function by fragmentation warhead is also defined. Third, we implement three-dimensional pursuit guidance law with feedback linearization control method and study the effects of parameters, e.g. control gain, time delay, etc. Finally, the missile capture areas and the fighter evasive ranges are studied in different air combat cases, e.g., pilot’s intelligence, aircraft performance. With the information of capture areas and evasive ranges, the optimal distance to launch missile and the last chance to escape from missile can be predicted.
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
目錄 v
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 x
符號說明 xiv
1. 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.3 論文架構 5
1.4 研究目標與成果 6
2. 雙機對抗模擬系統 8
2.1 模擬系統 8
2.2 預測模式 8
2.2.1 決定戰機飛行決策種類數目及其飛行命令值 8
2.2.2 我機之動態方程式以及初值 9
2.2.3 計分時間模式 11
2.3 計分模式 13
2.3.1 計分函數 13
2.3.2 決定總分模式 32
2.4 決策模式 35
2.5 雷達之運用 39
2.6 飛彈發射區 41
2.7 飛彈之攻擊 42
2.8 戰機之逃逸 42
2.9 勝負模式 45
2.10 模擬流程 46
3. 飛彈追擊模擬系統 49
3.1 飛彈之運動方程式 49
3.2 飛彈的導引方式 51
3.3 迴授線性化控制實現尾隨法導引律 57
3.4 飛彈爆破殺傷機率 60
3.5 飛彈發射區與最小脫逃距離 63
3.6 智慧型飛彈發射區 70
3.7 飛彈發射距離選取過程 71
4. 飛彈之模擬、分析與討論 74
4.1 尾隨法導引律飛彈追擊兩種不同目標之模擬結果 74
4.2 積分步階對飛彈追擊之影響 76
4.3 K值對飛彈追擊之影響 79
4.4 飛彈速度對飛彈追擊之影響 81
4.5 誤差對飛彈追擊之影響 82
4.6 飛彈加速度對飛彈追擊之影響 84
4.7 飛彈發射區之建立 85
4.7.1 靶機為直線飛行時之飛彈發射區建立 85
4.7.2 初速與飛彈發射區關係的確認 88
5.智慧型戰機飛彈發射區探討 95
5.1 目標為智慧型戰機時之飛彈發射區模擬 95
5.2 戰機智慧度對逃逸能力之影響 98
5.3 飛彈參數對飛彈發射區之影響 105
5.4 驗證飛彈發射區之正確性 109
5.5 驗證模擬系統之正確性 110
5.6 戰機脫逃距離之模擬 126
6. 結論 129
6.1 結論 129
6.2 未來研究方向 131
6.3 展望 132
參考文獻 133
論文發表 135
自傳 136
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