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研究生(外文):Chia-Wen Liao
論文名稱(外文):The Study of the Postweld Microstructures of the Ti-6Al-4V Alloy
指導教授(外文):Le-Min Wang
外文關鍵詞:TEMTi-6Al-4VTIGHeat TreatmentTEM
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本論文主旨在研究Ti-6Al-4V合金之TIG銲接特性,探討不同的熱處理對銲件機械性質與微觀結構之影響。銲件熔融區出現晶粒長大之現象,在TEM觀察下,組織呈多向分佈,為a+b雙相奈米結構;銲後退火處理﹙ANN/704℃/2hr/A.C.﹚之熔融區,經HRTEM觀察發現a2-Ti3Al介金屬化合物產生,此介金屬化合物對強度有相當的強化效應,其延伸率伴隨著有下降的趨勢;經銲後固溶﹙S.T./954℃/15min/WQ﹚及時效處理﹙A.A./704℃/4hr/FC﹚之熔融區,HRTEM觀察發現,有大量約2~5nm r-TiAl介金屬化合物產生,拉伸實驗顯示,該相提升銲件降伏強度至838 MPa,而延伸率劇降為2.8%。
This study is focused on the influences of various post-weld heat treatments ﹙PWHT﹚on the microstructures and the mechanical properties of the TIG-welded Ti-6Al-4V weldment. Metallographic observation shows that the fusion zone of the weldment with no PWHT was a relatively larger grain-size microstructure. The enhanced grain-size microstructure of fusion zone was identified by TEM to be a nanostructure of a+b duplex phase whose orientation was random. For the weld with a PWHT of annealing at 704°C for 2 hours and air cooling, the a2-Ti3Al metallic compound was found to precipitate in the fusion zone. This type of metallic compound contributed a significant strengthening effect together with its decreased elongation. For the weld with a PWHT of solutioning at 954°C for 15 minutes, water-quenching, and following ageing at 704°C for 4 hours and furnace cooling, a great amount of r-TiAl compounds in size of 2~5 nm was found on the fusion zone. The tensile test, shows that the precipitation of r-TiAl metallic compounds of the 704°Cx4 hrs-aged weld increased the yield strength from 802 to 838 MPa and decreased the elongation from 11.6 to 2.8%.
致謝 ii
摘要 iii
目錄 v
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
符號說明 xii
1. 前言 1
2. 文獻回顧 2
2.1 鈦與鈦合金介紹 2
2.2 添加合金元素對鈦的影響 2
2.2.1 a穩定元素 2
2.2.2 b穩定元素 3
2.3 鈦合金的分類 3
2.3.1 a型鈦合金 3
2.3.2 Near a型鈦合金 4
2.3.3 a+b型鈦合金 4
2.3.4 b型鈦合金 5
2.3.5 Near b型鈦合金 5
2.4 Ti-6Al-4V合金 5
2.5 鈦合金熱處理機制 6
2.5.1 弛力退火或稱應力消除 6
2.5.2 退火處理 7
2.5.3 固溶處理 8
2.5.4 固溶處理加時效 9
2.6 Ti-6Al-4V合金之顯微組織 10
2.6.1 等軸結構 10
2.6.2 層狀結構 11
2.6.3 麻田散體結構 11
2.6.4 介金屬化合物 12
2.7 惰性氣體電弧銲 13
2.7.1 TIG銲接原理與機構 13
2.7.2 TIG銲接之優劣 14
2.8 鈦合金的銲接性 14
2.8.1 銲件微觀組織 15
2.8.2 銲件機械性質 15
3. 實驗方法 33
3.1 實驗材料 33
3.2 實驗規劃 33
3.3 金相試驗 33
3.4 微硬度測試 34
3.5 掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察 34
3.6 X光繞射儀 34
3.7 穿透式電子顯微鏡觀察 35
4. 結果與討論 43
4.1 機械性質試驗 43
4.1.1 硬度測試 43
4.1.2 拉伸測試 43
4.2 OM及SEM顯微組織觀察 45
4.2.1 A.R.顯微組織 45
4.2.2 HAZ顯微組織 46
4.2.3 FZ顯微組織 46
4.3 結晶結構與微結構分析 47
4.3.1 X-Ray繞射分析 47
4.3.2 TEM觀察 47 A.W.之FZ區域 47 P.W.+ANN之FZ區域 48 P.W.+S.T.+.A.A之FZ區域 49
5. 結論 76
參考文獻 77
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