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論文名稱(外文):Low Temperature Growth of Carbon Nanotubes by Thermal Chemical Vapor Deposition Using Galvanic Displacement Deposited Ni/Pd Co-catalysts
指導教授:劉 益 銘
指導教授(外文):Yih-Ming Liu
外文關鍵詞:Galvanic DisplacementCarbon NanotubesNi/Pd Co-catalysts
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The thesis includes two main sections. First, the carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were synthesized using Ni-P alloy catalysts or Ni-Pd-P co-catalysts, which were deposited on silicon wafer with non-isothermal deposition method (NITD), and thermal chemical vapor deposition (TCVD) with acetylene gas. Ammonia gas was not used in this synthesizing process to be compared with the prior work where ammonia has been used, which was done by another postgraduate. The result shows that CNTs grown with NH3 have more narrow diameters than those grown without NH3. The CNT growth temperature can be lowered to 400℃ with NH3 in the synthesizing process, whereas, without NH3, only carbon fibers have grown when the growing temperature was lower than 500℃.
Second, the CNTs were grown with TCVD using galvanic displacement deposited Ni catalysts or Ni-Pd co-catalysts. Chemical composition of the Ni-Pd co-catalysts was evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively using XRD and ESCA respectively. The effects of deposition time, displacement sequence of Ni and Pd, and the growth temperature on the morphology and structure of the synthesized CNTs were also evaluated. The result indicates that the sizes of the Ni catalysts increased with the increasing of displacement time. And the diameters of grown CNTs were affected by the sizes of the Ni catalysts. The density, morphology and structure of the synthesized CNTs were also strongly dependent on the displacement sequence of Ni/Pd catalysts and the growth temperature. The high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) observation shows that there existed different products at the growth temperature of 500C, 600C and 700C. At 700C, hollow and well-structured CNTs with diameter of 30 to 40 nm were obtained. At 600C, it was found that the inner hollow tubes of the synthesized CNTs were unclear, and the crystalline structure of these CNTs became inferior. The diameter of the CNTs grown at 600C was range from 50 to 80nm. Carbon nano-fibers (CNFs), which have the diameter of 100 to 1500 nm, were produced when the growth temperatures was lowered to 500C. Besides, Raman analysis and I−V test also indicates that the field emission efficiency and the crystalline structure of the CNTs synthesized at 700C were better than others.

誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 x
1. 序論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 1
2. 文獻回顧與理論基礎 7
2.1 奈米碳管發展歷史簡介 7
2.2 奈米碳管的結構 7
2.3 奈米碳管的各種特殊性質 10
2.3.1 機械特性 10
2.3.2 電性 10
2.3.3 熱穩定性、熱導性及熱膨脹性 11
2.3.4 場發射性質 12
2.4 奈米碳管的製備方法 15
2.4.1 電弧放電法 16
2.4.2 雷射剝蝕法 17
2.4.3 太陽能法 18
2.4.4 化學氣相沉積法 19
2.4.5 觸媒催化熱裂解法 22
2.5 奈米碳管之成長機制與模式 24
2.5.1 化學氣相沉積法(CVD)原理 24
2.5.2 奈米碳管之成長機制 26
2.5.3 奈米碳管之成長模式 28
2.6 化學鍍製備觸媒微點方式 29
2.7 低溫生長奈米碳管之方法 31
2.8 奈米碳管之應用 32
2.8.1 複合材料中的應用 33
2.8.2 掃描探針顯微鏡的探針 34
2.8.3 電磁性能的應用 35
2.8.4 場發射性能的應用 35
2.8.5 氫氣儲存及鋰離子電池 37
3. 實驗設備與實驗方法 38
3.1 實驗設備 38
3.1.1 非均溫化學析鍍設備 38
3.1.2 均溫置換法設備 38
3.1.3 熱裂解化學氣相沉積設備 39
3.1.4 檢測分析儀器 41
3.2 實驗方法 44
3.2.1 實驗流程規劃 44
3.2.2 樣品製備 45
4. 結果與討論 47
4.1 以非均溫化學析鍍法及均溫置換法製備鎳磷及鎳鈀磷觸媒生長奈米碳管 47
4.1.1 非均溫析鍍時間、生長溫度及鈀觸媒對奈米碳管生長之影響 47
4.1.2 氨氣對奈米碳管生長之影響 51
4.1.3 小結 54
4.2 以均溫置換法製備鎳及鎳鈀共觸媒進行奈米碳管之成長 55
4.2.1 鎳鈀共觸媒之形貌觀察及檢測分析 55
4.2.2 不同觸媒置換條件對奈米碳管生長之影響 61
4.2.3 成長溫度對鎳及鈀/鎳共觸媒生長奈米碳管之影響 64
4.2.4 奈米碳管TEM觀察分析 68
4.2.5 奈米碳管之場發射性能測試 70
4.2.6 小結 71
5. 結論 73
參考文獻 74
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