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研究生(外文):yeong maw, kuo
外文關鍵詞:systemsdual-use technologydefense industry base capabilityscience and technology administration
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The globalization of technologies is the trend of the economic actions in the 21st century. The localism in the development of the former national defense technology had been changing structurally. The relation between technologies and the national affairs, such as politics, economics, and military affairs, forms a complicated system. The total amount of the technological ability and that of the national defense, on the premise that it is for dual purpose, is actually holding a two-sided meaning in a single entity except the difference of various countries in the degree of preventing the key techniques from spreading. The potential of the folk technologies is making progress at a tremendous pace. As for the national defense technology, its investigation and development holds an important influence on the development of the national scientific technique and the national economics. As a result, all the nations look for a revolution in the developing manner of the national defense industry to assure or get beyond the present military power. The managing work of technologies also becomes an important factor in the system development.
This research utilizes the BCG matrix from a perspective of considering the total amount of the technological ability to analyze the trend of the ROC in developing the national defense technology in the present situation with the US, and the mainland China. By using the SWOT/PEST analytic method, the advantages, the disadvantages, the odds, and the threats which have to be faced in the industry of the national defense technology in the ROC are to be analyzed. The engineering and management environments which the national defense technology has to face and the system developing manner are also explored by using the national diamond system theory.
The result shows the following findings. First, in the trend of technological globalization, the development of the national defense technology focuses on the hold of the core ability of the technologies, which emphasizes the joint development, the resource utilization, and the applications of dual-purposed technologies. Secondly, innovation is the key point of success in the competition between nations. No matter it is about the engineering technologies, services, or the development in the management, the national defense technological environment and the estimation potential of the technological ability should be constructed by using the vantage of the technological development. This will make more progress in breaking through the bottleneck of the national defense technology. The objectives of the development in the technologies are providing the military strength in the battles, prospering the civil economics, and eventually preventing human beings from warfare in the management of technologies which enhances dignity and welfare of the human civilization.
致謝 ii
摘要 iii
目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 xi
1.緒論 1
1.1.研究動機 1
1.2.研究目的 2
1.3.資料說明 2
1.4.文獻回顧 4
1.4.1.定義 4
1.4.2.文獻報告 5
2.基礎理論 8
2.1.BCG矩陣分析法 8
2.2.SWOT/PEST分析法 9
2.3.國家鑽石體系的競爭理論 10
3.主要國家國防科技工業發展概況 13
3.1.美國 13
3.2.中國 14
3.3.日本 15
3.4.俄羅斯 16
3.5.法國 17
3.6.以色列 18
4.轉變中的國防科技概念及發展模式 20
4.1.全球資源共享的夥伴關係 20
4.2.民營化 21
4.3.兩用技術 22
4.4.合作開發 23
4.5.授權製造 25
4.6.工業合作 25
5.國防科技發展系統環境 27
5.1.科技創新系統 27
5.2.科技能力評估 29
5.3.關鍵技術/軍事關鍵技術 32
5.4.智權管理 35
6.美國國防科技發展能力 36
6.1.政策 36
6.1.1.美國國家安全科學技術戰略 36
6.1.2.美國國防部國防科學技術策略 36
6.2.國防科技研發機制 38
6.3.科學技術創新系統 41
7.中國國防科技發展能力 44
7.1.中國科技研發機制 44
7.2.中國科技研發環境建設 46
7.3.中國十一大軍工集團企業科技能力評估 49
8.我國國防科技發展能力 56
8.1.國防與民間的關係 56
8.2.科技研發機制 57
8.3.產業科技能力 58
8.3.1.研發人力 58
8.3.2.深層次技術創新能量 59
8.4.國防訓儲研發能量 71
9.綜合分析 72
9.1.我國、美國與中國國防科技工業發展趨勢BCG矩陣分析 72
9.2.我國國防科技發展SWOT/PEST分析 76
9.3.我國國防科技發展關鍵因素之鑽石體系 84
10.結論與建議 86
參考文獻 89
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