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研究生(外文):W. H. Chang
論文名稱(外文):Study of armor steel EDM characteristics
指導教授(外文):T. M. Shih
中文關鍵詞: 抗彈鋼板 粗糙度 加工機 品質性 計畫法
外文關鍵詞:EDMMaterial removal rate
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本研究可概括為三個部份;第一,研究初期選用田口實驗計畫法(Taguchi Method),規劃放電加工時的重要參數(Factor)--極性、脈衝時間、脈衝休止時間、電流、極間電壓和電極轉速等六項參數,及該參數下不同的水準條件(Level),經由變異數分析(Analysis of Variance)的推算,分別獲致最佳單一品性特性(諸如:最大材料移除率、最少的電極消耗率及最小的表面粗糙度)之加工參數與條件。第二,以先前所獲得最佳材料移除率參數組合為固定條件,運用田口實驗計畫法,規劃螺旋型式之電極—電極旋轉速度、螺旋狀電極之節距與螺旋狀電極之方向等三項參數,分別探討材料移除率、電極消耗率及表面粗糙度與加工參數間之關係,藉由變異數分析的推算,尋求各單一品性最佳螺旋參數組合。第三,另因田口實驗計畫法分析對多重品性特性之加工參數最適化稍嫌不足,因此,本階段研究以TOPSIS多屬性評估方法獲致多重品質性特性最佳化。經由本實驗結果分析顯示,研發出最佳改良式電極,其材料移除率可達221.112 mg/min,相較於未具有螺旋造型之電極比較,其改善率可達60.910 %。
Because of the progress with industrial national defense, the shelter demand for the weapon improves constantly too, Armor steel possessing a high hardness and high strength wait for good mechanical nature, and it is very easy to choose in strengthening the shelter of the weapon. But, Armor steel although the mechanical nature with excellence, characteristics cause tool wear and damaged situation of material when traditional machining is used. Hence, is it thinking other processing methods solve his problem to force. In addition, EDM can meet all produce between manufacturing field and demand that part process, but, the processing speed still dislikes slow, process getting rid of the good and bad key that the question concerns their processing efficiency of the bits at the same time. If adopted with this research institute EDM, this research designs proper routes to evacuate thread electrodes, very suitable for processing Armor steel choice.
In this experiment shows four categories: (1) Taguchi method was required to efficiently determine are connected with several factors and levels which are related to EDM condition. This experiment show six factors, including polarity, peak current, pulse duration, pulse duration, pulse off time gap voltage and rotational speed, Furthermore, an analysis of variance can obtain the best single quality characters (for the highest material rate, the low electrode wear rate and fine surface roughness respectively); (2) Then we use the optimal factors got from the first step to investigate the material removal rate of works with various designed thread (including the rotational speed, thread pitch and thread direction) by applying Taguchi method again. Hence we can find the optimal parameters of three items (MRR, EWR, SR) by ANOVA; (3) Taguchi method is not well at handing the problems of multiple quality characteristics. The analysis TOPSIS method inference technique applied in multiple quality conventional design. Analyses via this experimental result that shows, comparing with electrodes without thread, the MRR can reach 221.112 mg/min and its improvement rate is 60.910 %.
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
目錄 vii
表目錄 x
圖目錄 xii
符號說明 xiv
1.緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 文獻回顧 3
1.3.1 抗彈鋼板材料 3
1.3.2 放電加工應用於難加工材料 4
1.3.3 提高放電加工效率 5
1.3.4 實驗計劃法曁最適化理論應用 9
2.基本原理 10
2.1 放電加工原理 10
2.1.1 放電加工過程 12
2.1.2 放電加工參數 15
2.1.3 放電加工特性 16
2.1.4 放電加工之優缺點 17
2.2 田口式品質工程 18
2.2.1 直交表 20
2.2.2 參數設計與種類 22
2.2.3 變異數及貢獻度分析 24
2.3 屬性權重之決定---熵測度(Entropy Measurement) 25
2.4 TOPSIS多屬性評估法 27
3.實驗設備與方法 30
3.1 實驗材料 30
3.1.1 抗彈鋼板材料 30
3.1.2 電極材料及加工液物理性質 30
3.2 實驗設備 31
3.2.1 放電加工機(EDM) 31
3.2.2 旋轉夾具(Die Rotation Pindel) 31
3.2.3 電子天平 32
3.2.4 超音波清洗機 32
3.2.5 線切割放電加工機(WEDM) 32
3.2.6 表面粗糙度量測儀(Surface Roughness) 32
3.2.7 自動化車床 33
3.3 實驗方法 37
3.3.1 實驗規劃 37
3.4 實驗步驟 42
3.4.1 放電加工實驗 42
3.4.2 電極製作與改良 42
3.4.3 改良式電極放電加工實驗 44
4.結果與討論 45
4.1 單一品質特性 46
4.1.1 材料移除率分析 48
4.1.2 電極消耗率分析 53
4.1.3 表面粗糙度分析 55
4.2 改良式電極造型研究 57
4.2.1 改良式電極之造型參數與材料移除率關係 58
4.2.2 改良式電極之造型參數與電極消耗率關係 61
4.2.3 改良式電極之造型參數與表面粗糙度關係 63
4.3 多重品質特性分析 65
4.3.1 運用TOPSIS多屬性評估法 65
5.結論 68
參考文獻 70
附錄 75
自傳 78
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