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研究生(外文):Lin Fei-Fan
論文名稱(外文):Development of Intelligent Diagnostics and Maintenance Technoledgy
指導教授(外文):Hung Min-Hsiung
外文關鍵詞:DiagnosticsPrognosticsNeural NetworkWaveletSVD(Singular Value Decomposed)Web Service
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In this thesis, wavelet, singular value decomposition (SVD), neural network, and Web Services are applied to develop an intelligent diagnostics and prognostics system (IDPS). First, we use wavelet and SVD technologies to design a data preprocess mechanism for effectively reducing data dimensions and the associated computational volumes. Specifically, the data preprocess mechanism includes four steps: data acquisition, noise elimination, data compression, and feature extraction. Next, the back propagation neural network is used to construct the intelligent diagnostics and prognostics functions that are able to diagnose equipment failures and predict the time to failure. On the other hand, the proposed system adopts a three-tiers network architecture to deploy the desired functional components. The first tier is the front-end controller, which is responsible for real-time diagnostic tasks of equipment failures. The middle tier is the security and prognosis server, which is in charge of predicting equipment failures, as well as authenticating and authorizing the clients. The third tier is the remote client side. Since the Web Services technology is utilized to establish the communication infrastructure of the system, the users can then employ any Web-enable device to operate the system functions at any time from anywhere. Finally, we construct a PLC-based motor-driven platform, design failure samples of gears, and conduct run-to-failure tests to verify the effectiveness and practicability of the proposed IDPS. The testing results show that the IDPS can allow the users to monitor the operational statuses of equipment in real time from remote sites. It can also accurately identify the failure modes of gears and predict the failure trend of equipment.

誌謝 i
摘要 ii
目錄 iv
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 viiii
1. 緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機與目的 5
1.3 論文結構 7
2. 應用技術 9
2.1小波理論 9
2.1.1小波轉換 9
2.1.2小波函數 9
2.1.3離散小波轉換 11
2.1.4 小波轉換多重解析度分析 12
2.2 奇異值分解法(SVD, Singular Value Decomposed) 14
2.3 類神經網路 15
2.3.1 處理單元(Processing Element) 15
2.3.2 層(layer) 16
2.3.3 網路(network) 17
2.3.4 倒傳遞類神經網路 18
2.4 網路服務技術 19
2.4.1 HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) 20
2.4.2 SOAP 20
2.4.3 WSDL 21
2.4.4 可延伸參數語言技術 21
2.5 網路資訊安全技術 21
2.5.1 SSL(Secure Sockets Layer)] 21
2.5.2 XML簽章 22
2.5.3 XML加密 23
2.5.4 單一認證(SSO, Single Sign-On)服務 24
2.6 統一塑模語言 25
3. 智慧型診斷與預兆偵測系統技術之開發 29
3.1資料前處理(Data Pre-Processing) 30
3.1.1小波轉換(Wavelet Transformation) 30
3.1.2 門檻化(Thresholding) 35
3.1.3特徵值擷取(Feature Extraction) 36
3.2智慧型診斷及預兆偵測(Intelligent Diagnostics / Prognostics) 38
4. 智慧型診斷與預兆偵測系統架構設計 48
4.1系統需求與架構設計 48
4.2 系統運作流程 49
4.2.1區域伺服端訊號擷取及智慧型診斷與預兆偵測流程 51
4.2.2 遠方用戶端監測智慧型診斷與預兆偵測結果流程 52
4.3 軟體元件之開發 55
4.3.1區域伺服端訊號擷取及智慧型診斷與預兆偵測 55
4.3.2 遠方用戶端監測智慧型診斷與預兆偵測結果 64
5.系統硬體元件 72
5.1加速規(Accelerometer) 73
5.2資料擷取卡 74
5.3 可程式邏輯控制馬達平台 76
6.系統實作與整合測試 82
6.1 開發環境:軟體部分 82
6.2 開發環境:硬體部分 85
6.3實作測試結果 85
6.3.1小波特徵擷取結果 85
6.3.2奇異值分解法測試結果 87
6.3.3倒傳遞類神經網路學習測試 88
6.3.4類神經網路推論引擎測試 89
6.3.5 預兆偵測實驗結果 90
6.4 系統整合測試 94
6.4.1 前端控制器診斷功能 94
6.4.2安全暨預兆偵測伺服器預兆偵測功能 95
6.4.3遠方用戶端監測診斷及預兆偵測結果功能 98
7. 結論 102
7.1 論文總結 102
7.2 研究成果 102
7.3 未來研究方向 103
參考文獻 104
自傳 109
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