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研究生(外文):Shu-Shen Chuang
中文關鍵詞: 數位浮水印 盲目型 小波轉換
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本論文主要討論為盲目型浮水印中的半盲目型浮水印,也就是不需原圖,但仍需原圖的資訊以萃取出水印。提出的方法是在彩色影像經過離散小波轉換(DWT, Discrete Wavelet Transform)後嵌入不可見的二元浮水印的演算法。首先將原來的彩色影像轉換到YUV空間後,利用小波轉換的特性,在中高頻次頻帶部分,我們依據次頻帶的係數平均值及變異數來調整小波係數,以嵌入水印;在低頻次頻帶部份,我們則使用量化的方式來嵌入水印。除此之外,為了加強水印之強健性及不可見性,我們也利用了離散小波轉換後之影像區塊之變異數來選擇嵌入水印的區塊。最後再對嵌入影像之多水印最佳化處理。
在實驗結果部份,我們將影像經過多種攻擊,如JPEG壓縮攻擊、STIRMARK 4.0之高低通濾波器攻擊及模糊攻擊,都可以成功地得到強健的浮水印。
Digital watermarking is an important method for copyright protection and authentication of multimedia data on the internet. The watermarking can be viewed as one of major communication tasks, where the watermarking, acting like information and logo etc., is embedded into a host image, in a communication channel that susceptible to be attacked on purpose.
This paper concerns with the fragile watermarking belonging to the method of blind watermarking, so called semi-blind watermarking. That is by extracting watermarks without original images but some information of them are needed, in blind watermarking method. The proposed algorithm embeds invisible binary watermarks in the color image after Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT).The original color image is first transformed into the YUV color space. In the mid-high frequency subband, by exploiting the excellent properties of the wavelet transform, we use the mean and variance of the detail subbands to modify the wavelet coefficients adaptively to embed the watermark. In the low frequency subband, we adopt the quantification method to embed the watermark. Besides, we use the variance of each image block after DWT to choose the block to embed the watermark. This way can enhance the watermark robustness and transparency. Finally, we apply the optimal watermarking scheme to combine extracted multiple watermark.
Experimental results show that the hidden watermarks are robust to the attacks of JPEG lossy compression, high-pass filter, low pass filter, and the blurring processing under Stirmark 4.0, and so on.
1. 緒論
2. 浮水印相關技術  
2.1 數位浮水印類型
2.2 數位浮水印基本架構
2.2.1 浮水印嵌入技術
2.2.2 浮水印萃取方法
2.3 小結
3. 浮水印架構
3.1 離散小波轉換
3.2 浮水印嵌入方法
3.3 浮水印嵌入
3.3.1 彩色模型轉換
3.3.2 選擇嵌入浮水印區塊
3.3.3 嵌入中高頻次頻帶提出方法
3.3.4 嵌入低頻次頻帶之提出方法
3.4 浮水印萃取
3.4.1 中高頻次頻帶萃取水印之提出方法
3.4.2 低頻次頻帶萃取水印之方法
3.5 貢獻
4.1 實驗簡介
4.1.1 加權
4.1.2 多數決
4.2 萃取水印
4.3 各種影像攻擊
4.3.1 JPEG攻擊
4.3.2 低通濾波(LP, Low Pass Filter)、高通濾波(HP, High Pass Filter)與模糊攻擊
4.3.3 改變影像大小的攻擊
4.4 小結
自 傳
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