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研究生(外文):Tang, Pai-Chiu
論文名稱(外文):Study of Applying OO Simulation to build DoDAF-based Architecture Simulation Model.
指導教授(外文):Liu, Chung-Yu
外文關鍵詞:C4ISRDoDAFObject-Oriented Simulation
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In order to reach the goal of a modernized armed force, the ROC military is combining operational forces and construct a C4ISR system. However, C4ISR system is a complex system which is difficult to integrate. Therefore, we must apply US. Military developing experience, that is, to describe the C4ISR by using DoDAF as a common framework to meet the need of integration. In the earlier stage of developing C4ISR, the architecture needs to be transformed to an executable model that can be simulated and analyzed for verifying dynamic behavior and performance. This thesis provides Object-Oriented simulation method to develop a simulation model, using UML language. The relationship between the simulation model and DoDAF architecture model is analyzed. Using the inherit characteristic of Object-Oriented to generalize every simulation model classes, a reusable simulation model mapping on DoDAF model is built up and the transformation from OV-5 product of DoDAF into simulation model is derived. This simulation model can rapidly transfer to other domain applications that shorten the simulation constructing time. Even though applying this simulation model for C4ISR system, the user only needs to define activities and parameters, and the simulation model is quickly built. This work will provide an efficient method to reuse simulation model programs for DoDAF-based model and enable the contribution of efficiently constructing simulation and obtaining verification.
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
目錄 v
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
1. 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究範圍 3
1.4 研究步驟與方法 3
1.5 論文架構 4
2. 文獻探討 5
2.1 模擬的基本觀念 5
2.1.1 模擬概述 5
2.1.2 模擬的分類 13
2.1.3 模擬的應用與限制 15
2.2 物件導向模擬簡介 16
2.2.1 物件導向概述 16
2.2.2 物件導向模擬的設計 22
2.2.3 物件導向模擬模式的建立方法 24
2.2.4 物件導向模擬之應用 25
2.3 美國國防部架構框架簡介 26
2.3.1 DoDAF架構與規範 26
2.3.2 架構整合觀點 27
2.3.3 IDEF0圖形化塑模工具與方法 27
2.4 Psim-Java物件導向程式語言在模擬模式之設計 29
2.4.1 模擬模式事件排程 30
2.4.2 模擬活動物件 31
2.4.3 模擬程序 32
3. 以物件導向模擬建立機場模擬系統 34
3.1 模擬機場作業系統 34
3.1.1 簡易機場作業模擬想定設計 34
3.1.2 機場作業系統分析 35
3.1.3 建立簡易機場作業系統模擬模式 41
3.1.4 機場作業系統模擬模式實作與模擬結果分析 54
3.1.5 複雜機場作業系統模擬模式 56
3.2 機場作業系統模擬模式抽象化 63
3.2.1 OV-5作戰活動模式架構 63
3.2.2 OV-5轉換類別圖 65
3.3 OV-5一般化 70
3.4 模擬模式想定一般化設計 72
4. 應用與實作 76
4.1 野戰防空接戰系統想定設計 76
4.2 建立DoDAF架構規範之野戰防空接戰系統模式 77
4.2.1 野戰防空接戰系統OV-1高階作戰概念圖 77
4.2.2 野戰防空接戰作業系統OV-5作戰行動模式圖 78
4.3 套用物件導向模擬模式 80
4.4 模擬驗證與結果分析 84
5. 結論與未來展望 86
參考文獻 87
附錄 88
自傳 99
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