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研究生(外文):Chen-Jung Huang
論文名稱(外文):Using HLA time management and Dead Reckoning method to improve the performance of heterogeneous simulations
指導教授(外文):Chung-Yu Liu
外文關鍵詞:Distributed SimulationHigh Level ArchitectureTime ManagementDead Reckoning
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In recent years, military operations are joint-oriented and have become more and more complex. But the traditional single simulation system can not meet the needs of joint operation simulations. One solution is to integrate all kinds of simulations by using distributed simulation technology and to divide the complex simulation into small pieces to allocate CPUs execution thus improving the simulation performance. However, the simulations of complex operations using distributed simulators share a common virtual world achieved by message passing within the communication network. Heavy message passing could cause the communication channel to jam and waste computation resources when too many simulators are joined. This thesis proposes a distributed algorithm using HLA time management and Dead Reckoning method to integrate different time-step simulations and improve communication cost. Using HLA time management to control simulation time advancing, the synchronization problem among distributed simulations can be solved. Considering the tradeoff between data precision and communication cost, the thresholds in the proposed dead reckoning algorithm are adaptively adjusted and the data exchange rate is reduced. Finally, three experiments are implemented to prove the correctness of the proposed algorithm. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can integrate different time-step simulations and reduce the amount of exchanging data without losing adequate data accuracy. Therefore, the performance of the distributed simulation can be increased.

誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
目錄 v
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
1. 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究方法及範圍 4
1.4 論文架構 5
2. 文獻探討 6
2.1 預測方法及應用 6
2.1.1 內插法 6
2.1.2 外推法 9
2.1.3 航跡推估法 10
2.1.4 數位濾波器 11
2.1.5 數位濾波外推法 12
2.2 HLA簡介 14
2.2.1 時間定義 15
2.2.2 為何需要時間管理 16
2.2.3 時間管理機制 17
2.2.4 時間管理服務 19
2.2.5 介面相關事項 23
2.3 相關文獻探討 26
3. 模擬系統整合 29
3.1 應用航跡推估法之分散式模擬 29
3.2 平滑法 31
3.3 適應性臨界值 33
3.4 異質時間模擬整合 37
4. 實驗結果及分析 46
4.1 適應性臨界值實驗 46
4.1.1 靜態測試 46
4.1.2 靜態測試結果 47
4.1.3 靜態測試結果分析 52
4.1.4 動態測試 54
4.1.5 動態測試結果 55
4.1.6 動態測試結果分析 57
4.2 平滑法實驗 59
4.2.1 平滑法實驗實驗結果 61
4.2.2 平滑法實驗結果分析 63
4.3 模擬整合實驗 64
4.3.1 模擬整合實驗結果 66
4.3.2 模擬整合實驗結果分析 69
5. 結論與未來展望 73
參考文獻 75
自傳 76
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