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論文名稱(外文):Real Time Motorcycle Recognition and Tracking System
指導教授(外文):Lu. Yi-Bin ,Chiu. Chung-Cheng
外文關鍵詞:Occlusive image segmentationmotorcycle recognitionsystemtaiwanvehicle tracking
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The development of the intelligent transportation system becomes a benchmark with developed country. The study of the intelligent system is becoming more and more important. Because the automobile industry is expanding, the traffic accident and traffic jam are frequently occurred. Therefore, how to solve the traffic issues becomes the important topic for the intelligent transportation system.
In Taiwan, because the populations are concentrated in the big cities, the traffic jam is frequently occurred. The motorcycle becomes the most convenient transportation for the Taiwanese. However, the driver of a motorcycle is always injured when the traffic accident occurred.
The study of this thesis proposes a motorcycle detection and recognition system. The system can extract the moving objects from the image sequence, and recognize the motorcycles from the moving objects. Experiments obtained by using complex road scenes are reported, which demonstrate the validity of the method in terms of robustness, accuracy, and time responses.
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
1. 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究方法 5
1.3 章節的安排 5
2. 系統架構 7
2.1 系統架設方法 7
2.2 系統硬體設備簡介 9
2.3 系統流程圖 11
3. 機車偵測演算法 14
3.1 去陰影 17
3.2 連通法 22
3.3 空洞補償 24
3.4 視覺長度與寬度的計算 26
4. 機車辨識技術演算法 32
4.1 數位影像之邊緣偵測 32
4.2 使用Fuzzy面積中心法 36
4.3 機車辨識技術 39
5. 機車交疊偵測與切割辨識演算法 46
5.1 移動物體交疊情形的分類 47
5.2 交疊偵測與切割辨識的方法 51
5.2.1 A類交疊情形的辨識方法 51
5.3.2 B類交疊情形的辨識方法 55
5.3.3 C類交疊情形的辨識方法 58
5.3.4 D類交疊情形的辨識方法 60
5.3.5 E類交疊情形的辨識方法 62
6.機車追蹤演算法 64
6.1 機車追蹤的程序 64
6.2 機車追蹤的實驗結果 66
7.實驗結果 68
8.結論與心得 75
參考文獻 76
論文發表 79
專利申請 80
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