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研究生(外文):Huang, Chieh-Chih
論文名稱(外文):Study on the AZO transparent conductive thin film by pulse DC magnetron sputtering
指導教授(外文):Hsieh, Li-Zen
外文關鍵詞:AZOPulse DC magnetron sputtering
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隨著光電產業的發展,新材料不斷地被開發,透明導電膜即是其中一項,其廣泛的應用於光電及顯示器元件上,目前被業界所廣泛使用的ITO(Indium Tin Oxide)透明導電膜,雖然具有不錯的導電性、透光性及成熟的製程,但是仍有些許的問題無法克服,例如在氫氣電漿中不太穩定、在高溫環境中易釋放毒性等問題,而近年來銦礦的來源短缺,造成近幾年價格飆漲,故目前仍積極尋找其他的材料以替代ITO,其中又以AZO(Aluminum doped Zinc Oxide)因為具有與ITO相近的光電特性、寬能隙、無毒、低成本…等優點,而被寄與厚望。
實驗結果顯示,不需透過基板預熱及後續熱處理,僅藉由調整適當功率、頻率及脈波寬度,AZO陶瓷靶已可鍍出電阻率2.5×10-3 Ω cm的薄膜,而薄膜透光率在可見光範圍高於80%。
With the development of optical-electric industry, there are new materials that are developed out constantly. The transparent conductive oxide (TCO) thin film is one of them. TCO is broadly applied to LCD, PDP, FED, and LED. For the transparent conductive thin film, the ITO with ripe fabricated processes, good electrical and optical properties is used broadly by industry, then it has still some problems such as low stability to Hydrogen plasma and toxicity. The source shortage of the indium ore, therefore the price is rise crazily in recent years. The engineers are looking for materials that can substitute ITO. The AZO (Aluminum doped Zinc Oxide) has optical and electrical characteristics similar to ITO, ex. wide band-gap, no toxicity and low cost. The AZO is placed great expectations.
For many deposited TCO thin film, the pulsed DC magnetron sputtering gets more and more attention in recent years, because it can control the arc and get higher efficiency. This study on characteristics of AZO thin film was completed by pulsed DC magnetron power technique with varying sputtering power, frequency and pulse width. We wish to get the optimal parameters to develop the transparent conductive thin film, which has low resistivity and high transmittance.
In our results, we can get lower resitivity of 2.5×10-3 Ω cm and higher transmittance of 80 - 90 % in the visible wavelength by controlling suitable frequency and pulse width conditions.
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
目錄 v
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 x
1. 緒論 1
1.1. 透明導電膜 1
1.2. 透明導電膜的應用 4
1.3. 透明導電膜之製備 5
1.4. 研究動機與目的 5
2. 理論基礎與論文回顧 8
2.1 晶體結構及特性 8
2.1.1 ZnO晶體結構及特性 8
2.1.2 ZnO:Al薄膜之晶體結構 10
2.1.3 ZnO:Al薄膜之電學性質 11
2.1.4 ZnO:Al薄膜之光學性質 11
2.2 影響透明性的因素 12
2.3 濺鍍原理 13
2.3.1 電漿 13
2.3.2 濺鍍理論 17
2.3.3 濺鍍系統 20
2.3.4 磁控濺鍍系統 22
2.3.5 脈波直流濺鍍 24
2.4 鍍層的成核 26
2.5 鍍層為結構的Thorton模型 28
3. 實驗方法與儀器設備 31
3.1 氧化鋁鋅(AZO)薄膜製程 31
3.2 材料準備 32
3.3 試片清洗流程 33
3.4 濺鍍製程 34
3.5 薄膜特性量測 35
3.5.1. 膜厚量測 35
3.5.2. 電性量測 36
3.5.3 表面型態觀察 37
3.5.4 X – Ray繞射分析 38
3.5.5 霍爾量測 39
3.5.6 光激發光譜量測 40
3.5.7 光穿透率量測 41
4 結果與討論 43
4.1 薄膜之均勻性探討 43
4.2 濺鍍功率對AZO薄膜之影響 44
4.2.1 電性分析 44
4.2.2 晶格結構分析 46
4.2.3 光穿透率分析 49
4.3 濺鍍頻率對AZO薄膜之影響 49
4.3.1 電性分析 49
4.3.2 晶格結構分析 51
4.3.3 表面型態分析 54
4.3.4 光穿透率分析 56
4.4 脈衝寬度調變對AZO薄膜之影響 57
4.4.1 電性分析 57
4.4.2 晶格結構分析 59
4.4.3 表面型態分析 61
4.4.4 光穿透率分析 64
4.5 薄膜發光分析 65
5 結論與未來展望 67
5.1 本實驗之結論 67
5.2 未來展望 67
參考文獻 69
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