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研究生(外文):Chung An Wang
論文名稱(外文):The preparation of Ni-Mo-P nano-thin-film on silicone wafer using non-isothermal deposition(NITD)
指導教授:葛 明 德
指導教授(外文):Ming Der Ger
外文關鍵詞:Nano-thin-filmElectrolessNi alloy
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本研究利用非均溫化學析鍍法(Non-Isothermal Deposition, NITD)製備鎳鉬磷合金奈米薄膜,藉由非均溫高溫系統對於化學鍍鎳具有較大的反應驅動力,可讓鍍液中鎳離子還原,產生大量的鎳鉬磷合金奈米微粒,並在半導體元件表面析鍍ㄧ層鎳鉬磷合金奈米薄膜,以作為大馬士革銅製程所需的擴散障礙層。研究中以鍍液組成、pH值、操作溫度、析鍍時間與鉬酸鈉濃度作為操作參數,分別探討鎳磷合金奈米核點之表面形態、鎳磷合金奈米薄膜表面粗糙度、薄膜結構、薄膜之電性以及添加不同鉬酸鈉濃度後對次磷酸根氧化電流之變化。
This thesis aims to study the deposition of Ni-Mo-P nano-thin-film on silicone wafer using non-isothermal deposition (NITD) method. The higher deposition temperature in the NITD method provides higher driving force to directly reduce the electrolyte to the Ni-Mo-P nano-particles without using of any noble metal as catalyst. These nano-particles finally grew to form a nano-scale thin film, which can act as a barrier layer in the copper Damascene process of IC semiconductor industry. The effects of operating parameters, such as the composition of electrolyte, the PH value of electrolyte、the deposition temperature、the concentration of NiSO4 and Na2MoO4, and the deposition time, on the morphology of deposited particles, the surface toughness, microstructure and sheet resistivity of deposited films were studied. The Cyclic Voltammetry was also used to analyze the effect of MoO42- on the deposition current.
The result shows that there was a great quantity of nano particles forming in the NITD process. The higher deposition temperature resulted in a greater amount of Ni-Mo-P nano-particles and smaller mean size of these particles, which eventually grew to a thinner deposition film. On the contrary, the lower deposition temperature resulted in a lesser amount of Ni-Mo-P particles and larger mean size of these particles, which eventually grew to a thicker deposition film. The adding of Na2MoO4 can increase the thermal stable of the deposition film, reduce the residual stress of Ni films and alloy and inhibit the coarsening of Ni-Mo-P nucleus to reduce the thickness of deposition film to nano-scale.
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xi
1.前言 1
2.文獻回顧 3
2.1積體電路現況 3
2.2阻障層製作目的 7
2.2.1阻障層沉積技術 8物理氣相沉積法(Physical Vapor Deposition, PVD) 8有機金屬化學氣相沉積法(Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition, Mo-CVD) 8原子層沉積(Atomic layer deposition, ALD) 9
2.3化學鍍 10
2.3.1化學鍍原理 10
2.3.2化學鍍鎳之反應機制 11鍍液組成與特性 13
2.3.3化學鍍銅之反應機制 14
2.4非均溫化學析鍍 17
2.5研究動機 18
3.實驗方法 19
3.1實驗儀器設備 19
3.2實驗藥品 20
3.3實驗操作參數 21
3.3.1化學鍍鎳基合金 21鎳磷鍍液組成 21鎳鉬磷鍍液組成 21基材準備 21基材之前處理 21操作參數 22
3.3.2化學鍍銅 23鍍液之組成 23基材前處理 23基材準備 23基材之前處理 23操作參數 23
3.4實驗裝置 25
3.5儀器與方法 26
3.5.1場發射電子顯微鏡(FE-SEM) 26
3.5.2原子力顯微鏡(AFM) 26
3.5.3聚焦離子束與電子束顯微(Forceionbean, FIB) 26
3.5.4X光繞射儀(X-ray Diffractometer) 27
3.5.5電阻率量測 27
3.5.6循環伏安法裝置圖 28
3.6實驗流程 29
4.結果與討論 30
4.1鎳磷合金奈米薄膜製備 30
4.1.1硫酸鎳濃度對微粒粒徑與成膜的影響 30
4.1.2基材加熱溫度對微粒粒徑與成膜的影響 35
4.1.3 pH值對微粒粒徑與成膜的影響 41
4.2鎳鉬磷合金奈米薄膜製備 51
4.2.1鉬酸鈉濃度對微粒粒徑與成膜的影響 51
4.2.2添加不同鉬酸鈉對結構與電性之關係 66
4.2.3對鎳鉬磷合金奈米鍍層上析鍍銅膜結構與電性之關係 70
5.結論 74
參考文獻 75
自傳 79
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