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研究生(外文):Xue Zheng Zu
論文名稱(外文):Trivalent chromate conversion coating on electro-galvanized steel
指導教授(外文):Ming Der Ger
外文關鍵詞:Trivalent chromateconversion coating
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The corrosion behavior of Cr(III) based conversion coating used to replace Cr(VI) conversion coating on electro-galvanized steel. Trivalent conversion coatings on zinc have been studied using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS), scanning electro microscopy(SEM), and X-ray spectrum technology before and after heat treatment.
The research that composition of the conversion baths and change of the operation parameter, will all influence the conversion coating corrosion resistance and surface microscopy, and from the experiment , while finding and conversion coating that for the first time , have not reached the steady state , so adopt hot to toast auxiliary way, is it conversion coating up to the attitude of stabilizing with higher speed to let.
In the experiment course, chromate coating was carried out in the bath for 1 minute at 60℃and heat treatment for 30 minute at 90℃, can obtain this research best film.
The ESCA results show that the trivalent chromate coatings contain Zn and Cr(III) oxides/hydroxides before heat treatment, and heat treatment to toast course, the Cr(III) coatings contain ZnO and Cr2O3, but among the experiment results of XRD, unable to is it feel ZnO exist, turn into ZnO of membrane mainly to check, caused by existing in the form of non-brilliant attitude.
致謝 ii
摘要 iii
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 ix
1.前言 1
2.文獻回顧 2
2.1鍍鋅化成膜的發展近況 2
2.2鋅的三價鉻近況 3
2.3 六價鉻與三價鉻化成膜的比較 4
3.理論探討 6
3.1 電鍍鋅及合金簡介 6
3.2 化成處理的原理 7
3.3電化學交流阻抗頻譜法 8
4.實驗方法 12
4.1藥品 12
4.2儀器 13
4.3三價鉻試片製作的流程 13
4.4電化學檢測 17
4.5微結構分析 17
5.結果與討論 18
5.1三價鉻化成膜成膜研究 18
5.1.1基礎三價鉻水合物成膜研究 18
5.1.2螯合劑的影響 21
5.1.3亞鈷離子對三價鉻化成膜性質的影響 24
5.1.4硝酸根離子濃度對三價鉻化成膜耐蝕性的影響 26
5.1.5成膜溫度對三價鉻化成膜的影響 28
5.1.6成膜時間對三價鉻化成膜的影響 39
5.2三價鉻化成膜穩定性研究 44
5.2.1烘烤溫度對化成膜的影響 47
5.2.2烘烤時間對化成膜的影響 52
5.2.3熱烘烤前後三價鉻化成膜組成分析的探討 57
6.結論 67
7.參考文獻 69
自傳 73
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