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研究生(外文):chiang shou-kung
論文名稱(外文):the zone plate encoded Imaging technique in the radar field
外文關鍵詞:GPIB(General Purpose Interface Bus)UMI(Universal Motion Interface)
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本論文的主旨是在探究環紋編碼成像技術應用於雷達波段的可能性,當波源經過編碼環紋片後所產生的波前投影,此編碼投影等同於全像片,可依傅涅爾繞射(Fresnel diffraction)原理,來重建雷達的波前影像。
在實作實驗方面,完成雷達投影自動紀錄系統的建立,當雷達波源入射於正迴轉二元蓋伯環紋片後,在投影屏幕位置,可由電腦自動執行波前投影訊號的讀取、紀錄及儲存。此自動紀錄裝置是以PASCO廠製WA-9314B為雷達波源、使用頻率10.525 GHz(波長為2.85公分),以軍用的APR-39雷達偵測器作為接收器,並運用LabVIEW軟體整合X-Y步進平台、HP 8563A頻譜分析儀、通用界面(GPIB)及馬達控制界面(UMI)。最後,編碼投影資訊以MATLAB程式重建影像,順利完成雷達波前影像及繞射現象研究,實現了物體形狀及輪廓的影像重建。
This thesis explored the possibility of applying the zone plate encoded Imaging technique in the radar field. The intensity of the encoded wavefront has been recorded. The encoded wavefront, shadowgram, is equivalent to the hologram. It can be reconstructed back to image according to Fresnel diffraction principle.
The main works of this thesis can be divided into two parts; one is the computer-simulation and signal processing by MATLAB, and another is the setup of the radar wavefront recording instrument.
In the first part, the works have been accomplished as following:
(1) The simulation of the electromagnetic wave source.
(2) Encoded zone plates simulation (Fresnel Zone Plate、Gabor Zone Plate、Binary- Gabor Zone Plate、Rotated Binary-Gabor Zone Plate).
(3) Obtain shadows of objects.
(4) Image reconstruction.
Two different ways, convolution and Fourier transform, are used to reconstruct images through positive and negative Gabor zone plates.
In the second part, the WA-9314B radar source, which was manufactured by PASCO, functions as an object (source), the frequency being 10.525GHz (wavelength 2.85cm). The APR-39 radar detector acts as a receiver. The radar wavefront recording instrument has been revealed by the following processes:
(1) Through a positive rotated binary-Garbor zone plate, the WA-9314B radar source projecting a shadow which is recorded by the radar detector which is installed and scanned across the shadow plane.
(2) Settling the radar detector on an x-y stage, the detected signal being fed into a HP 8563A spectral analysis device, then through a GPIB (General Purpose Interface Bus) connects to a personal computer and be saved as a file. The same computer also controls the moving of the x-y stage (the detector) through a UMI 7342 (Universal Motion Interface) interface. The radar signal saving program and detector moving program are composed by LabVIEW software.
(3) Inputting the recorded shadow file into the image-reconstruction program to restore the radar wavefront and get the shape and outline of the radar source or object.
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
目錄 vi
圖錄 ix
符號與縮寫 xiii
1. 緒論 1
1.1. 研究背景 1
1.2. 研究動機 1
1.3. 研究目的 3
1.4. 研究方向與內容 3
1.5. 論文內容架構 7
2. 文獻回顧及探討 8
2.1 文獻回顧 8
2.2 文獻探討 10
3. 實驗原理 11
3.1 全像術 11
3.2 環紋編碼成像技術 13
3.3 雷達基本原理 14
3.4 環紋片介紹 15
3.4.1 傅涅爾環紋片(Fresnel Zone plate) 15
3.4.2 蓋伯環紋片(Gabor Zone Plate) 18
3.4.3 二元蓋伯環紋片(Binary-Gabor Zone Plate) 19
3.4.4 旋轉二元蓋伯環紋片(Rotated Binary-Gabor Zone Plate) 20
3.5 影像重建原理 22
4. 實驗研究 26
4.1 電腦模擬環紋編碼成像技術 26
4.1.1 雷達波段的環紋編碼參數 26
4.1.2 電腦模擬飛機、字體的影像重建 27
4.1.3 以傅立葉轉換方式重建飛機、字體的影像 31
4.1.4 水平鑑別率 32
4.2 實作實驗設置 34
4.2.1 尋找適當之雷達波源 34
4.2.2 尋找適當之偵測器及測試 35
4.2.3 環紋片規格及製作 36
4.2.4 建立編碼投影紀錄裝置 38 以手動方式執行雷達訊號初測及成像 38 雷達投影自動紀錄系統 41 偵測器感應開口大小測試 43 X-Y定位平台步進行程測試 43
4.3 雷達波波源測試 48
4.4 雷達波的繞射現象 50
4.5 雷達波的環紋投影及影像重建 52
4.6 物體形狀、輪廓影像重建 54
4.6.1 方形影像重建 54
4.6.2 三角形影像重建 58
4.6.3 圓形影像重建 60
5. 結論與未來研究方向 63
5.1 電腦模擬實驗 63
5.2 實作實驗 64
5.3 未來研究方向 66
5.3.1 實驗研究的改進 66
5.3.2 雷達投影紀錄裝置的改進 66
參考文獻 68
附錄 69
自傳 85
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[9]Hecht, E., Optics 4nd, Addison-wesley Publishing Company, pp. 444-446, 2002.
[10]Shulman, A. R., Analysis Of Optical Data Processing Systems, John Wiley & Sons, New York, pp. 387, pp. 436, 1970.
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