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研究生(外文):Tsai Yong-Pin
指導教授(外文):Chang Fwu-An
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The possibilities of using the electromagnetic weapons will apparently increasing in the future warfare with the progress of electric technology. The electromagnetic pulse (EMP) is a phenomenon of instant electromagnetic changes and generated tremendous energy to destroy all kinds of electronic equipments with extreme short time. Electromagnetic interference shielding and protection is particularly needed for military facilities and corresponding electric power and communications. The general cement-based materials are widely used for the military structures and related defense buildings. However, the shielding effectiveness of the electric magnetic pulse of general cement-based materials is lower than wire-mesh and steel fiber cement-based materials.
This thesis is aimed at the attaining of EMP shielding effectiveness in cement-based materials by using single and double layers with wire-mesh array. Different materials, spacing, diameters and array configurations of wire-mesh are discussed. The results of coaxial transmission line test indicated that the shielding effectiveness was increased when increasing the diameter or decreasing the spacing of wire-mesh, but the latter provides better performance. On the other hand, double layers wire-mesh configuration provide a better capability of shielding effectiveness than single. It was believed, that the shielding effectiveness can be enhanced with proper wire-mesh configurations of double layer mesh.
Double layer of stainless steel meshes with steel fiber volume fraction 3% were formulated the specimen to evaluate the shielding effective of cement motor. All the specimens that subjected to shielding effective measure had a size of 500 mm×500 mm and a thickness of 20 mm to evaluate the shielding effectiveness in free space. The results of free space test revealed that the shielding effectiveness is over 32 dB in the range of 1 MHz~30MHz. It also shows that the shielding effectiveness increases as the frequency increases and the maximum shielding effectiveness of 40 dB can be carried out. For the frequency band between 30 MHz to 300 MHz, the shielding effectiveness arrived above 27 dB. For the band above 400 MHz, the shielding effectiveness reached 12 dB~21 dB.
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
目錄 vix
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 x
符號說明 xiv
1. 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究範圍 3
1.4 文獻回顧 5
1.5 論文架構 12
2. 電磁脈衝之產生及影響 13
2.1 電磁脈衝的產生原理 13
2.1.1 雷電電磁脈衝 13
2.1.2 核爆電磁脈衝 14
2.1.3 非核電磁脈衝彈 16
2.2 電磁脈衝的特性 19
2.3 電磁脈衝的破壞機制 20
2.4 電磁脈衝的影響 21
3. 電磁脈衝屏蔽理論及防護機制 26
3.1 屏蔽理論 26
3.1.1 傳輸線理論 26
3.1.2 平面波理論 30
3.2 屏蔽效能 32
3.3 金屬網材料電磁波屏蔽效能經驗公式 36
3.4 電磁脈衝之防護機制 38
4. 實驗規劃與量測 40
4.1 試驗目的 40
4.2 量測儀器 40
4.2.1 同軸傳輸線法 41
4.2.2 自由空間法 45
4.3 試驗材料 48
4.4 試驗流程 51
4.5 量測試件 53
4.5.1 同軸傳輸線法量測試件 53
4.5.2 自由空間法量測試件 64
5. 量測結果分析與討論 68
5.1 金屬網試件之屏蔽效能值量測結果與分析 68
5.1.1 單層金屬網試件之屏蔽效能值量測 68
5.1.2 不銹鋼雙層金屬網試件之屏蔽效能值量測 75
5.2 金屬網經驗公式屏蔽效能值 80
5.3 自由空間法量測結果與分析 82
5.3.1 雙層金屬網鋼纖維水泥砂漿試件之屏蔽效能 84
5.3.2 雙層金屬網水泥砂漿試件之屏蔽效能 86
5.4 試件之吸收量測結果與分析 88
6. 結論與展望 92
6.1 結論 92
6.2 展望 93
參考文獻 95
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