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研究生(外文):Tzu-yang Lin
論文名稱(外文):Bit-width Tradeoffs in Hardware Discrete Wavelet Transform Architecture
指導教授(外文):Ching-wei Yeh
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離散小波轉換(Discrete Wavelet Transform,DWT)是一種很有效率的訊號分析技術。新一代的壓縮標準JPEG2000它的時頻分析是採用離散小波轉換為核心技術。其傳統的DWT計算是內部壓縮技術上以不同的小波基底可以分別實現失真壓縮(以Daubechies(9,7) filter bank DWT為核心)以及無失真壓縮(以Integer(5,3) filter bank DWT為核心)。
目前,在離散小波轉換硬體的實現上,經由傳統的離散小波轉換發展出提升式離散小波轉換(Lifting-based DWT)的新架構,此架構跟原架構相比能以一半的面積消耗來達到相同的效能,接著在2002年,C. Huang、P. Tseng及L. Chen提出了新的翻轉式架構(Flipping structure),將乘法器藉由易位的方式,進一步減少registers的數量,以更精簡的面積來達到相同的效果及速率。
Discrete Wavelet Transform is an efficient signal analysis technique. The newly announced image compressing technique JPEG2000 is adopting DWT as the core technology. DWT is performed by convoluting the image with designed filter banks in order decompose the digital signals into the signals in the subbands.
The hardware implementation for DWT has progressed in recent year. An important progress in DWT architecture is called Lifting-based DWT. This architecture has the same performance with only half the area of the original DWT architecture. At 2002, C. Huang, P. Tseng, and L. Chen proposed a “Flipping” structure for the Lifting-based DWT, in which the multiplication positions were changed to reduce the number of registers. With this structure, the same performance can be reached with even less area.
The aim is comparison of the Peaks Signal of Noise Ratio under the difference between the Bit-width of the Flipping structure and the Lifting-based structure. Implementing Flipping structure and Lifting-based structure is the way to compare the difference in the different floating bits. The PSNR of the Flipping in our experiment is 60.64dB under the 7 bits of the floating. The PSNR of the Lifting-based structure is 62.27dB under the 7 bits of the floating.
The optimum floating Bit-width of the Flipping structure’s PSNR is 7 Bits. The PSNR of the Lifting-based structure’s PSNR is better with the longer Bit-width. The outcome of PSNR is enough for us under the 7 Bits of two kind’s DWT structures. Under the 7 floating Bits, the total Bit-width of Flipping structure is shorter than them of the Lifting-based structure and lack 1.6dB in the PSNR. The outcome of the Flipping structure is better than the Lifting-based structure.
摘要 ........................I
目錄 ........................II
第一章 緒論.....................1
1.1 研究背景.....................1
1.2 研究動機與目的..................2
1.3 論文章節安排...................3
第二章 相關文獻與回顧................4
2.1 離散小波轉換...................4
2.2 提升式離散小波轉換架構..............6
2.3 提升式離散小波轉換之實現機制..........10
2.4 翻轉式離散小波轉換架構.............13
2.5 移位加法器設計的提升式離散小波轉換架構.....17
2.6 高效能與有效率記憶體管路化架構...........18
第三章 管路化移位加法器之翻轉式架構.........25
3.1 硬體架構....................25
3.2 電路架構....................32
3.3 模擬驗證....................34
第四章 實驗結果與討論................40
4.1 硬體合成....................40
4.2 實驗結果....................41
4.3 討論......................55
第五章 結論與未來展望...............56
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