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研究生(外文):Suz-yen Chan
論文名稱(外文):Nanopressing based on Self-Assembly in mixtures of a block copolymer(PS-b-PI) and a homopolymer(hPS)
指導教授(外文):Raymond Chien-Chao Tsiang
外文關鍵詞:self-assemblemicrosphase separationozoneblock copolymer
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本研究以團聯共聚物(block copolymer)的微相分離形態為主軸,由於高分子兩鏈段本性互不相容,根據此種特性,共聚合物中相同鏈段會自我聚集(self-assembles)而產生微相分離型態(如1-D lamellae、cylinder、bicontinuous及sphere等),使得微相分離的大小侷限於分子鏈段的旋轉半徑(Rg)大小,大約介於10 ~100 nm的範圍。
研究中首先採用陰離子聚合的方法合成團聯共聚物Poly(styrene- block-isoprene)(PS-b-PI)系統,再利用摻混技術將均聚物homo- Polystyrene(hPS)與團聯式共聚物(PS-b-PI)摻合(PS-b-PI/hPS),藉由不同的摻混比例,使相對兩分子鏈段的體積分率改變,進而得到不同的微相分離結構。
Because of the incompatibility with the other block, each block of a diblock copolymer will be self-assembled resulting in the microphase separation in various shapes, such as lamella, cylinder, sphere, and bicontinuous. In this study the diblock copolymer of Polystyrene-block- Polyisoprene(PS-b-PI) is synthesized by a sequential living anionic polymerization with n-BuLi as the initiator. The observed sizes of microdomains are about 10~100nm which are limited by the radius of gyration(Rg) of the copolymer.
The polystyrene-block-polyisoprene(PS-b-PI) copolymer was then mixed with a variety of low molecular weight homopolystyrene(hPS) to alter its morphology. The altered morphology of the mixture(PS-b-PI/hPS) was observed to be a function of the volume fraction of PS.
Via the ozone oxidation process, carbon-carbon double bonds of PI segments were cleaved. After the removal of the cleaved PI segments nanochannels were formed in the matrix of polystyrene.

第一章 序論---------------------------------------------1
1.1 前言--------------------------------------------1
1.2 研究大綱----------------------------------------9
第二章 文獻回顧----------------------------------------11
2.1 陰離子聚合反應----------------------------------11
2.2 團聯共聚物之微相分離型態------------------------23
2.3 團聯共聚物摻合系統之型態變化--------------------34
2.4 團聯共聚物摻合均聚物之應用----------------------40
2.4.1 光子晶體材料製備-------------------------------40
2.4.2 自組裝分離膜的製備-----------------------------42
第三章 實驗內容與儀器分析------------------------------44
3.1 實驗藥品----------------------------------------44
3.2 實驗設備與分析儀器------------------------------48
3.3 實驗步驟及方法----------------------------------50
3.4 儀器原理----------------------------------------57
第四章 結果與討論--------------------------------------67
4.1 陰離子聚合法合成Poly(styrene-block-isoprene)(PS-b-PI)
4.2 團聯共聚物(PS-b-PI)與均聚物(hPS)摻混體型態探討--73
4.3 臭氧裂解程序------------------------------------80
第五章 結論與後續研究----------------------------------101
附錄A 團聯共聚物(PS-b-PI)之GPC圖譜------------------------106
附錄B 團聯共聚物(PS-b-PI)之GPC轉換因子(F)-----------------107
附錄C FITR圖譜-------------------------------------------108
附錄D 1H NMR圖譜-----------------------------------------110
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