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研究生(外文):Jen-Hong Su
論文名稱(外文):Characterization of Selective-Oxidized Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes
指導教授(外文):Chi-Chang Hu
外文關鍵詞:temperature programmed oxidationmulti-walled carbon nanotubesspecific capacitanceoxygen-containing functional groupspurificationmulti-step oxidation
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This study uses temperature programmed oxidation (TPO) to purify the MWNTs in air, performs a two-step modified process, carries out the oxidation in air followed by chemical treatment, and studies the electrochemical characteristics of these oxidized MWNTs electrode for the supercapacitor applications.
Raw MWNTs were oxidized by an 8-step program in air. In step 3 (400-450℃), the weight of MWNTs increases, reaches a maximum, and then decreases with increasing the temperature. These oxidized MWNTs are confirmed to possess the best purity through the textural analyses. The most suitable temperature for purification of MWNTs is between 400-450℃. Temperature programmed desorption (TPD) was employed to analyze the surface oxygen functional groups. The functional groups corresponding to the desorption of CO2 and CO are decreased and increased respectively with the proceeding the TPO. The specific capacitance of MWNTs was found to increase obviously when the oxidation temperatures are higher than 500℃.
An applicable program was proposed to purify MWNTs according to the results in the first part. MWNTs were oxidize at a heating rate of 10℃/min to 440℃ and maintained at 440℃ for 30min, and then oxidized at a heating rate of 1℃/min to 450℃ and keep the same temperature for 30min. After this oxidation program, the weight is not reducing even though the temperature is up to 460℃. Raman, TGA and TEM were used to investigate the changes of these oxidized MWNTs and their purity was improved. The purity is improved due to the removal of amorphous carbon stuck on the MWNT. This TPO procedure is effective for purifying MWNTs and the purity of MWNTs can be easily determined by the weight loss instead of the rough estimation through electron microscopy.
In the last part, a combination of air oxidation and chemical modification of three oxidants were conducted to explore the influence of multi-step oxidation on the capacitive performance of MWNTs. These oxidants are H2SO4/HNO3, H2SO4/H2O2, and H2O2/NH4OH/H2O. The TPD analysis data showed that the amount of CO and CO2 was increased with the applications of gas-phase oxidation and liquid-phase oxidation, respectively. The capacitance of MWNTs with a combined treatment of air and H2SO4/HNO3 oxidation increases from 12.2 to 33.5 Fg-1 and the weight loss were 35%. The capacitance of MWNTs oxidized through the by 8-step temperature program in air increases from 12.2 to 35.3 Fg-1 and the weight loss were 53.3%. For the purpose to increase specific capacitance with a lower weight loss, the multi-step oxidation is more economically benefic than the single air oxidation program.

Keywords:multi-walled carbon nanotubes, temperature programmed oxidation, oxygen-containing functional groups, purification, multi-step oxidation, specific capacitance

第一章 緒論………………………………………………………...………..1
1-1 奈米碳管簡介……………………………………………...………1
1-1-1 奈米碳管的歷史……………………………………………1
1-1-2 奈米碳管的結構………………………………………………4
1-1-3 奈米碳管之成長機制…………………………………………8
1-1-4 奈米碳管之製備方法………………………………………..10
1-1-5 奈米碳管之性質……………………………………………..15
1-1-6 奈米碳管之應用……………………………………………..17
1-2 純化奈米碳管……………………..………………...………………20
1-2-1 氧化法……………………………………….…..………...…20
1-2-2 以嵌入觸媒後進行氧化…………………..…………………22
1-2-3 過濾法……….………...……………..………………………23
1-2-4 層析法………………………….…...……..…………………23
1-2-5 微波加熱法…………………………………………………..23
1-2-6 超音波輔助法……………………………………………..…24
1-3 碳管的基本性質………………………………………...…..…...25
1-3-1 熱重量分析(TGA)……………………………………...……25
1-3-2 程溫脫附(TPD)………………………………………....……26
1-3-3 拉曼光譜儀(Raman)………....……………..................……27
1-3-4 氮氣吸附儀…………………………………………………..28
1-4 電化學電容器……………………………………………...…..…...32
1-4-1 電化學反應系統…...…………………………………...……32
1-4-2 電化學電容器………………………………..................……36
1-4-3 電容器碳極的應用…………..………..……..................……39
1-4-4 碳電極之表面改質………………..……................…………41
1-5 研究動機與本文大綱………………………………..……………...48

第二章 實驗藥品、儀器、步驟…………………...…………………………50
2-3 第三章八段程式升溫氧化碳管…….……………………...……….53
2-4 第四章六段程式升溫氧化碳管…………....….……………...…….53
2-5 第五章多步驟氧化碳管…………………….....................................54
2-5-1 五段程式升溫……………………………………...………..54
2-6 碳管電極製作……………………………………………………….55
2-7 電化學分析實驗…………………………………………………….55
2-7-1 循環伏安實驗………………..……………………………...57
2-7-2 可逆性實驗………………………………………………….57
2-7-3 充放電實驗………………………………………………….57
2-8 材料分析…………………………………………………………….58
2-8-1 碳管表面結構測試………………………………………….58
2-8-2 含氧官能基分析…………………………………………….58
2-8-3 熱重分析…………………………………………………….59
2-8-4 表面型態觀察……………………………………………….59
2-8-5 微區拉曼光譜分析………………………………………….59
2-8-6 電子能譜化學分析儀……………………………………….60

第三章 空氣下利用程序升溫氧化多壁奈米碳管之特性探討…………...61
3-1 簡介……………………………………………………….………....61
3-2 結果與討論…………………………………………….……………62
3-2-1 氧化後碳管材料特性……………………………………….62
3-2-1-1 TGA分析……………………………………………62
3-2-1-2 TPD分析…………………………………………….67
3-2-1-3 ESCA分析…………………………………………..68
3-2-1-4 Raman分析.…………………………………………70
3-2-1-5 SEM分析……………………………………………72
3-2-1-6 TEM分析……………………………………………75
3-2-2 原始碳管電極電化學特性………………………………….77
3-2-2-1 CV分析……………………………………………...77
3-2-2-2 可逆性測試…………………………………………80
3-2-2-3 充放電測試…………………………………………81
3-2-3 氧化後碳管電極電化學特性……………………………….82
3-3 結論…...…………………….…...………………………………..89

第四章 空氣下以程式升溫純化多壁奈米碳管…………………...............90
4-1 簡介…………………………………………………..……..…….…90
4-2 結果與討論……………...……………………….………………….91
4-2-1 純化前後碳管材料特性…………………………………….91
4-2-1-1 TGA分析……………………………………………91
4-2-1-2 Raman分析.………………………………………..103
4-2-1-3 SEM分析…………………………………………..106
4-2-1-4 TEM分析…….…………………………………….108
4-2-1-5 沈降分析…………………………………………..110
4-2-2 純化前後碳管電化學特性…………………………………111
4-2-2-1 CV分析..…………………………………………...111
4-2-2-2 掃瞄速率的影響…………………………………..116
4-2-2-3 充放電測試及可逆性…………………………….118
4-3 結論………………………………………………………...………121

第五章 多步驟氧化奈米碳管之特性探討…………...…………………122
5-1 簡介……………………………………………………...…………122
5-2 結果與討論.…………………………………………………….…123
5-2-1 氧化後碳管材料分析………………………………………123
5-2-1-1 TPD分析…………………………………………...123
5-2-1-2 BET分析…………………………………………...125
5-2-1-3 SEM分析…………………………………………..127

5-2-1-4 TEM分析.………………………………………….128
5-2-2 氧化步驟後碳管電化學特性探討…………….….……....130
5-2-2-1 CV分析…………………………………………….130
5-2-2-2 掃瞄速率的影響…………………………………..132
5-2-2-3 充放電測試………………………………………..133
5-2-2-4 可逆性測試………………………………………..134
5-3 結論……….…………………………………………………..……136

第六章 總結與展望……………………………………………...………137
6-1 總結………………………………………………...………………137
6-2 建議與展望………………………………………………...………139

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