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研究生(外文):Cheng-Dah Chen
論文名稱(外文):Biomolecular Sensing and Biomedical Properties of Gold Nanorods
指導教授(外文):Wang C.R. Chris
外文關鍵詞:Refractive indexSurface Plasmon ResonanceNanomaterialPhotothermal signalPhotoacoustic wave
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金奈米圓柱粒子特性上可分為主要貢獻之長軸共振和些微貢獻之短軸共振(在較短之520奈米波長),顆粒長短軸比值不同時,其長軸共振波帶則會產生偏移,且顆粒之吸收係數非常高,長軸共振波帶為950奈米長短軸比值5時,吸收係數約為5.5*10(9) (M–1•cm–1)。長軸共振波帶對顆粒長短軸比值的改變非常靈敏,且為了應用之需要,可調控顆粒吸收光譜之區域從可見區至紅外光區。
本論文針對與金奈米圓柱粒子長軸表面電漿共振有關之三大主題進行研究探討,第一點:發展新的不需螢光標示之表面電漿共振感測器,此感測器非常容易製備,且只需一部吸收光譜儀即可用來偵測訊號,更重要的是此感測器可以在近紅外光區操作,而且可以用來偵測低濃度之待測物於全血溶液中,待測物並不需另外做樣品製備,幾分鐘之內即可得到結果,我們從實驗中証實利用金奈米圓柱粒子之長軸共振波帶感測生物分子之可行性。從對周圍環境溶劑的感測可以得到,此包含長短軸比值5的金奈米圓柱粒子之感測器,單位折射率金奈米圓柱粒子長軸共振之偏移量為366 nm/RIU,而且此數值隨著長短軸比值變大而增加。這樣的感測器經由進一步修飾,可非常有效地用來定量有選擇性之生物分子,例如生物素/鏈黴抗生物素蛋白分子對,結果顯示光譜之波長偏移正比於鏈黴抗生物素蛋白之濃度,從實驗和理論皆顯示長軸表面電漿共振對生物感測是很有效的。
It is known that the absorption spectra of AuNRs are characterized by the dominant longitudinal surface plasmon band (SPlong, at a longer wavelength) and the much weaker transverse surface plasmon band (SPtrans, at a shorter wavelength, ca. 520 nm), with the position of the SPlong band being strongly dependent on the aspect ratio of the AuNRs. Meanwhile, gold nanorods (AuNRs) possess extremely large photoabsorption cross-sections for the characteristic longitudinal surface plasmon (SPlong) resonant absorption band. For example, the absorption coefficient at 950 nm for AuNRs having a mean aspect ratio of 5 is ca. 5.5*10(9) (M–1•cm–1). The resonant wavelength of the SPlong absorption maximum, which is sensitive to the mean particle aspect ratio, has a very wide wavelength range from Vis. to NIR that can be utilized to tune the SPlong band for the particular needs of the application.
There are three major subjects in my thesis which all relate to the SPlong absorption band: (I) A new label-free LSPR sensor, which retains many of the desirable features of SPR sensors: This sensor is easy to fabricate, and requires only a Vis-NIR spectrometer for detection purposes. More importantly, the sensor operates in the NIR region and is potentially useful for detecting low concentration of analytes in whole blood within minutes without any sample preparation. We demonstrate the feasibility of using the lmax of SPlong band in the proposed biomolecular sensing scheme. The sensor containing AuNRs, with a mean aspect ratio of 5.2, exhibits a sensitivity of ca. 366 nm/RIU (refractive index unit), which increases accordingly with the increase of the particle mean aspect ratios. Such a biosensor was further modified to demonstrate its effectiveness in quantitative detection for selective binding events, such as biotin/streptavidin pairs. Results showed that the spectral lmax shifts linearly to the streptavidin concentration. The results from both experiment and model calculations strongly indicate the efficacy of the longitudinal surface plasmon absorption band in biosensing. (II) Laser-induced hyperthermia therapy in the cancer cells selective targeted nanoprobes containing AuNRs: This highly efficient thermotherapy is also wavelength-selective. The large absorption coefficients, strong optothermal effects, and wavelength tunability of AuNR systems also make them ideal candidates for use in biomedical molecular imaging. Anti-HER2 monoclonal-antibody (HER2mAb) was chosen to carry AuNRs for specific recognition of HER2 over-expression cancer cells. The AuNRs efficiently transform near-IR light into heat. The local heating is sufficiently high to successfully damage the neighboring cancer cells within a few minutes of laser irradiation. By the way, the generation of acoustic wave signal from the heat effectively discerned the cancer cell with and without nanoprobes. AuNRs have been demonstrated as being useful in both the imaging and NIR thermal therapy of cancer cells. (III) Particles self-assembly features structural control in thermodynamically disfavored means. We set out this work to aim at developing a simple, yet effective, nanoparticle self-assembly route to link gold nanorods in a way of end-to-end fashion forming another overall 1D nanostructure in order to apply in tissue engineering or self-assemble contact end.
總目錄……………………………………………………………………. vii
第一章 金奈米材料簡介………………………………………………….1
1.1 奈米科學……………………………………...………………….1
1.3 一維奈米金顆粒之合成……………………...………………….2
1.4 一維奈米金顆粒之特殊性質………………...………………….5
第二章 金奈米圓柱粒子於生物感測之研究………………………….10
2.1 簡介金奈米粒子於生物感測器上之應用…...………………….10
2.3 金奈米圓柱粒子吸附於玻璃片上感測生物分子之理論光譜預測……………………………………………………………….16
第三章 可調式金奈米圓柱粒子光熱轉換系統於治療醫學之研究….26
3.1 金奈米圓柱粒子之光熱轉換性質…………………...………….26
第四章 金奈米圓柱粒子於影像醫學之研究………………..……….45
4.1 影像醫學之簡介……………………………...………………….45
第五章 金奈米圓柱粒子的幾何組裝建構之研究………………………54
5.1 表面鍍層不均勻奈米結構顆粒之製備……...…………………55
5.3 無法自我組裝之顆粒………………………...…………………65
第六章 金奈米圓柱粒子研究探討之總結及未來發展方向………….68
6.1 金奈米圓柱粒子研究探討之總結…………...………………….68
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