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研究生(外文):Jun-chin Lee
論文名稱(外文):Syntheses, Characterization and Applications of Palladium Catalysts in Homogeneous, Heterogeneous and Hybrid Forms
外文關鍵詞:HomogeneousHybrid FormsPalladium CatalystsHeterogeneous
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第一章主要是探討鈀奈米粒子在有機溶劑及離子液體中的催化活性,實驗中使用在o-xylene溶劑中所製備的鈀奈米粒子,將其應用於催化Heck反應,同時藉由改反應變時間及催化劑量來尋找最佳的反應條件,在溫度為 140 ℃下反應 0.5~12 小時,催化劑添加量則為2.5 × 10^-4 ~ 2.5 × 10^-3 mole %,其轉化數(turnover number, TON)可達近310,000,同時轉化率(turnover frequency , TOF)也可達37,000。另外,實驗中也使用離子液體bmimPF6來萃取o-xylene中的鈀奈米粒子同時應用於Heck催化反應,雖然離子液體對鈀奈米粒子的較差分散效果,使催化活性不如在o-xylene中的鈀奈米粒子,TOF值仍然可達到6,000左右,而藉由增加反應系統中鹼的含量,則又可讓TOF值提升五倍。
第二章主要是直接對鈀奈米粒子的表面做修飾,合成出高分散性可溶於有機溶劑之「鈀奈米粒子載體式鈀金屬觸媒」,並利用NMR、TEM、IR、UV-Vis等儀器對其表面結構作鑑定,最後將其應用於Heck碳-碳偶合催化反應,進一步探討鈀奈米粒子表面對鈀二價金屬催化活性的加成效果。奈米鈀粒子的合成主要是使用雙相合成法,使用檸檬酸鈉(sodium citrate)的飽和水溶液將氯仿層中的二價鈀錯合物[PdCl2(CH3CN)2]還原,製備成粒徑約4.1 ± 1.1 nm大小的球型鈀奈米粒子,作為鈀二價分子型觸媒之載體。為銜接鈀奈米粒子與鈀二價金屬觸媒,選用雙端具配位弁鄋熄▲Z分子[HS(CH2)11N(H)(O)P(2-py)2](4)。接著,我們將間距分子中一端的硫醇(HS)錨定在金奈米粒子載體表面上,同時添加辛硫醇將TOAB置換後,以穩定鈀奈米粒子。進而合成出粒徑大小約為4.52 ± 1.3 nm的『可溶性』鈀奈米載體式配位基;最後,再將此載體上之間距分子另一端的雙吡啶配位基與二價鈀金屬氯化物Pd(CH3CN)2Cl2進行錯合反應,製備出粒徑約為4.60 ± 1.2 nm的 『可溶性』鈀奈米粒子載體式二價鈀觸媒。由於此載體式觸媒可輕易地溶於有機溶劑中,使我們得以利用操作簡便的液相氫核、碳核及磷核磁共振儀,迅速且確切地針對其結構組成進行鑑定與定性暨定量的分析。並藉由TEM的表面顯影技術及經由公式運算,得知平均每一顆奈米鈀粒子表面上鈀觸媒分子及辛硫醇的含量。最後將本論文所合成之鈀奈米粒子載體式二價鈀觸媒應用於Heck型態的碳-碳鍵偶合催化反應,在Heck碳-碳偶合反應的催化過程中,證實鈀奈米粒子載體式鈀觸媒對於一系列Heck反應具有不錯的催化活性。
This thesis involves the synthesis, characterization of palladium catalysts in various forms and the catalytic applicability to a series of Heck-type C-C formation reactions. The results and discussion will be categorized into two independent chapters.
In the first chapter, the Pd nanoparticles (Pd NPs) with an average diameter of ~16 nm prepared in o-xylene at reflux were employed as the catalyst for a series of Heck reactions of iodobenzene with various alkyl acrylates and styrene. The catalyses were performed in o-xylene with catalysts loading of 0.0025 ~ 0.00025 mole % at 140 oC for 0.5 to 12 hours to give TONs of 33000 ~ 310,000 and TOFs of 22,000 ~ 37,000. By direct extraction of the Pd NPs from molecular solvents into ionic liquids, the same catalytic reactions were also carried out in bmimPF6 (butyl methyl imdazonium hexafluorophosphate). However, the catalytic reactivity of Pd NPs seemed to be suppressed in bmimPF6 to give TOFs of < 6,000. In addition, The TOFs can be enhanced if extra base was added to the same reaction systems.
In the second chapter, the main focus was on the syntheses, structural characterization of Pd NPs-immobilized Pd(II) complex catalysts, and their catalytic reactivity towards a series of Heck reactions of iodobenzene with various alkyl acrylates and styrene. Spherical Pd NPs of an avearge diameter of 4.1 ± 1.1 nm in size were used as support to immobilize molecular Pd(II) complex catalysts. These Pd NPs were synthesized by the chemical reduction method using sodium citrate as the reducing agent to reduce [PdCl2(CH3CN)2] in the presence of tetra-n-octylammonium bromide (TOAB) surfactant. The compound [HS(CH2)11N(H)(O)P(2-py)2] (4), with both ends capable of metal-binding, was specially designed as the linker between the nano-surface Au and the molecular Pd(II). By adding appropriate amount of ligand 4 and n-octanethiol to the TOAB protected Pd Nps, the “soluble” form of the Pd NPs-supported ligands, Pd(0)−Ligand (9), with diameters of 4.52 ± 1.3 nm in size were synthesized. Further treatment of the Pd(0)−Ligand (9) thus obtained with molecular Pd(CH3CN)2Cl2 resulted in the formation of “soluble” Pd NPs-immobilized Pd(II) complexes with diameters of 4.60 ± 1.2 nm in size. These Pd NPs were analyzed by TEM, UV-Vis and IR spectroscopy. Since hybrid catalysts of this type are highly soluble in organic solvents, such as DMSO, their structures and reactions were also studied by simple solution NMR technique with a resolution typically obtained for the soluble molecular systems. Finally, the Pd NPs−Pd(II) complexes were also demonstrated to be highly effective catalysts for a series of Heck reactions.
中文摘要 ---------------------------------------------------------------------I
英文摘要 -------------------------------------------------------------------III
圖目錄 -----------------------------------------------------------------------X表目錄 --------------------------------------------------------------------XIII
附圖目錄 --------------------------------------------------------------------XV

1.1 前言------------------------------------------------------------------2
1.2 鈀金屬的簡介及其奈米尺寸下的應用--------------------------------------3
1.3 Heck反應的起源與發展--------------------------------------------------5
1.4 以室溫離子液體萃取把奈米粒子應用於Heck 反應---------------------------8
1.5 研究動機-------------------------------------------------------------10
2.1 製備鈀金屬奈米粒子---------------------------------------------------12
2.1.3 AA定量之方法---------------------------------------------------13
2.2 一般實驗步驟---------------------------------------------------------14
2.2.1 化合物 1a 之製備-----------------------------------------------15
2.2.2 化合物 1b 之製備-----------------------------------------------15
2.2.3 化合物 1c 之製備-----------------------------------------------16
2.2.4 化合物 1d 之製備-----------------------------------------------16
2.2.5 化合物 1e 之製備-----------------------------------------------17
2.2.6 化合物 2a 之製備-----------------------------------------------17
2.2.7 化合物 2b 之製備-----------------------------------------------18
2.2.8 化合物 2c 之製備-----------------------------------------------18
2.2.9 化合物 2d 之製備-----------------------------------------------19
2.2.10 化合物 2e 之製備----------------------------------------------19
2.3 離子液體的製備合成---------------------------------------------------20
2.4 鈀奈米粒子的萃取步驟-------------------------------------------------21
2.5 使用含鈀奈米粒子之離子液體於Heck反應---------------------------------21
2.6 以NMR光譜對產率作定量------------------------------------------------22
3.1 鈀奈米粒子的合成與鑑定-----------------------------------------------23
3.2 有機相鈀奈米粒子對 Heck 反應的催化活性-------------------------------26
3.2.1 有機相鈀奈米粒子的催化活性探討---------------------------------27
3.2.2 有機相鈀奈米粒子對於不同起始物的催化反應-----------------------34
3.2.3 使用離子液體萃取鈀奈米粒子並應用於Heck反應---------------------34
3.2.4 使用離子液體萃取鈀奈米粒子並應用於Heck反應---------------------37
3.2.5 探討增加鹼對離子液體催化系統的影響-----------------------------40

1.1 混成相載體式觸媒的發展背景-------------------------------------------49
1.2 混成相觸媒(hybrid catalysts)的組成-----------------------------------51
1.3 混成相載體式觸媒的發展契機-------------------------------------------55
1.4 研究動機-------------------------------------------------------------57
2.1 配位基的合成---------------------------------------------------------58
2.1.1 HO(CH2)11N3 (1)的合成------------------------------------------58
2.1.2 Br(CH2)11N3 (2)的合成------------------------------------------59
2.1.3 HS(CH2)11N3 (3)的合成------------------------------------------60
2.1.4 HS(CH2)11N(H)P(O)(2-Py)2 (4)的合成-----------------------------61
2.1.5 HO(CH2)11N(H)P(O)(2-Py)2 (5)的合成-----------------------------63
2.1.6 HO(CH2)11N(H)P(O)(2-Py)2PdCl2 (6)的合成------------------------64
2.2 鈀奈米粒子載體式觸媒的合成-------------------------------------------65
2.2.1 製備TOAB介面活性劑保護之鈀奈米粒子Pd(0)-TOAB (7)---------------65
2.2.2 製備n-Octanethiol保護之鈀奈米粒子Pd(0)-SR (8)------------------66
2.2.3 合成鈀奈米粒子載體式配位基(Pd(0)-Ligand (9))-------------------67
2.2.4 合成鈀奈米粒子載體式鈀觸媒(Pd(0)-Ligand-Pd(II)Cl2 (10)) -------69
2.3 載體式觸媒的1H-NMR定量實驗-------------------------------------------70
2.3.1 鈀奈米粒子上的辛硫醇定量---------------------------------------70
2.3.2 鈀奈米粒子載體式配位基 (Pd(0)-Ligand (9)) 的辛硫醇定量及
2.3.3 鈀奈米粒子載體式觸媒 (Pd(0)-Ligand-Pd(II)Cl2 (10))
2.4 一般Heck 催化反應實驗步驟--------------------------------------------71
3.1 鈀奈米粒子載體式觸媒的合成策略---------------------------------------73
3.1.2 鈀奈米粒子載體式鈀觸媒的合成策略-------------------------------75
3.2 鈀奈米粒子載體式觸媒的鑑定-------------------------------------------77
3.2.1 NMR光譜鑑定----------------------------------------------------77
3.2.2 TEM照影及粒徑分析----------------------------------------------82 Pd(0)-TOAB (7)-----------------------------------------82 Pd(0)-SR (8)-------------------------------------------84 Pd(0)-Ligand (9)---------------------------------------85 Pd(0)-Ligand-Pd(II)Cl2 (10)----------------------------87
3.2.3 IR光譜鑑定-----------------------------------------------------88
3.2.4 UV光譜鑑定-----------------------------------------------------91
3.2.5 表面定量分析---------------------------------------------------92
3.3 鈀奈米粒子載體式鈀觸媒的催化應用-------------------------------------95
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