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研究生(外文):Lai-Sang Iao
論文名稱(外文):Semantic Memory in Schizophrenia
指導教授(外文):Yuh-shiow Lee
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本研究以Deese-Roediger-McDermott(DRM)假記憶(false memory)典範和概念促發(conceptual priming)典範來探討精神分裂症患者在有意提取和自動化提取兩情況下的語意記憶表現。實驗一比較參與者於標準再認和意義再認作業上的表現來探討精神分裂症患者的要旨記憶(gist memory),結果發現在意義再認的情況下,患者判斷相關字「有出現」的比例較正常組少,顯示精神分裂症患者的要旨記憶是有缺損的。實驗一是在參與者有意提取的情況下測量語意記憶,而實驗二則著重於語意記憶的自動化提取。實驗二利用內隱/外顯的類別-範例產出作業(implicit/explicit category-exemplar production test)發現患者在內隱情況下的表現與正常組無異,但他們於外顯情況下的線索回憶量較正常年輕組少。而且,患者在內隱情況下的反應時間較正常年輕組慢,但各組參與者於外顯情況下的反應時間並無差異。本研究結果顯示精神分裂症患者的語意記憶是否受損決定於他們的記憶提取是有意的或是自動化的。
Two experiments investigated semantic memory in schizophrenia under intentional and automatic retrieval conditions with the use of the Deese-Roediger-McDermott (DRM) false memory paradigm and the conceptual priming paradigm. Experiment 1 examined gist memory in schizophrenia by comparing participants’ performance in two recognition tests (standard vs. meaning), and found that patients endorsed fewer related words than did controls in meaning recognition test, suggesting that gist memory in schizophrenia was impaired. Experiment 1 probed semantic memory explicitly under an intentional retrieval condition, while Experiment 2 focused on the automatic/implicit process of semantic memory. Experiment 2 used an implicit/explicit category-exemplar production test, and found that patients’ performance was normal in implicit condition but they recalled fewer studied target words than young controls in explicit condition. Moreover, patients were significantly slower than young adults in the implicit condition, but there was no response time difference in the explicit condition. These results suggest that schizophrenic patients demonstrate a selective deficit in semantic memory that depends on whether it is probed under intentional or automatic retrieval condition.
Table of Contents
Abstract i
Abstract (Chinese translation) ii
Table of Contents iii
List of Tables v
List of Figures vi
List of Appendixes vii
Introduction 1
Memory deficits in schizophrenia 3
The current study 13
Experiment 1 21
Method 21
Results 25
Discussion 27
Experiment 2 30
Method 30
Results 35
Discussion 39
General Discussion 43
References 48
Appendixes 60
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