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研究生(外文):Chun-Yu Kuo
論文名稱(外文):Influences of rewarding schedules on the strength of delayed reinforcements.
外文關鍵詞:delayed rewardresponse ratesteady-state performancereinforced rateobserved behavioroperant condition
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在操作制約中,呈現酬賞物之延宕時間是影響增強效果之主要因子之一,在過去文獻中設計數種行為典範測量增強效果與延宕時間之關係,然而仍存在混淆變項,如行為間之競爭、第二級酬賞物之效果等。本論文使用雙桿連續操作制約研究延宕時間與增強效果之關係。實驗一採用雙桿延宕酬賞連續增強作業,在有效鍵之反應與酬賞物之間安排一延宕時間,無效鍵與酬賞物無關,結果發現延宕時間會降低有效鍵之反應速率。實驗二採用雙桿tandem VI COD作業,第二按鍵設定之change-over-delay(COD)使第一按鍵反應和給予酬賞物之間具有一段延宕時間;以第一按鍵反應速率測量COD延宕之增強效果,結果發現延宕時間愈長,第一按鍵之反應速率愈低,兩者呈倒數形式之關係。實驗三採用雙桿tandem VI FI作業,觀察酬賞速率與反應速率之關係,結果發現酬賞速率並不會顯著改變第一按鍵之反應速率,排除實驗二中酬賞速率降低第一按鍵反應速率之解釋。實驗四採用雙桿tandem VI FR作業,探討第一按鍵反應和第二按鍵反應之關係,結果發現第二按鍵之壓桿行為會和第一按鍵之壓桿行為競爭增強效果,然而第一按鍵之酬賞延宕時間也有差異。綜合以上結果顯示,酬賞之延宕時間以及行為間之競爭,皆會影響操作制約之反應速率,延宕時間與行為競爭之綜合效果值得未來研究進一步探討。
The effect of delayed reinforcement is a topic that has been intensively studied in the past. Numerous paradigms were designed to find out the relationship between the reinforcement strength and the length of delay. However, confounding factors, such as competition between behaviors, effects of secondary reinforcements etc., still prevent us from its full understanding. In the present study a series of schedules were applied to two-keys free operant paradigms to investigated the relationship between the length of delay and the strength of reinforcement. In experiment 1, the two-keys delayed continuous reinforcement task, a delay was inserted between the response of the active key and the delivery of rewards. Responses on the other key had no consequence. Results indicated that delay of reward could reduce responding rate of active key. In experiment 2 a tandem VI/COD schedule was applied. The change-over-delay (COD) defined on key 2 forced a delay between the last response of key 1 and the delivery of reward. The rate of key 1 response was supposed to be able to measure the strength of COD-delayed reinforcement. Results showed that the response rate of first key decreased with increasing COD length. Again a hyperbolic function was found to fit well the curve of key 1 responding rate and experienced delay. By using the 2 keys tandem VI / FI schedule, it was found in experiment 3 that the reinforcement rate did not alter significantly the responding rate of key 1, ruling out the alternative interpretation of results found in experiment 2 that reduction of key 1 responding was caused by decreased reinforcement rate. By using a two-keys tandem VI/FR schedule, it was found in experiment 4 that key 2 pressing behavior competed for reinforcement effects with key 1 response. However, it turned out that there were experienced delays for key 1 as well. In conclusion, both delay of reward and competition between behaviors had influence on the responding rate of key 1. How this combined effect shall be modeled will be an interesting topic for further studies.
摘 要 1
Abstract 2
第一章 序 論 4
第一節 延宕酬賞之相關理論 4
第二節 延宕酬賞之相關研究 6
第三節 研究目的 15
第二章 研究方法 25
受試者 25
實驗儀器 25
實驗基本程序 26
統計分析 27
第三章 實驗一:酬賞之延宕時間對連續增強制約反應速率之影響 30
目的 30
實驗步驟 30
結果 31
討論 32
第四章 實驗二:酬賞之延宕時間對制約反應速率之影響 35
目的 35
實驗步驟 35
結果 36
討論 37
第五章 實驗三:酬賞速率對制約反應速率之影響 42
目的 42
實驗步驟 42
結果 43
討論 44
第六章 實驗四:觀察行為對制約反應速率之影響 47
目的 47
實驗步驟 47
結果 48
討論 49
第七章 綜合討論 52
參考文獻 58
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