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研究生(外文):Yi-Han Liao
指導教授(外文):Feng-Bin Wang
外文關鍵詞:RootletsGlossopharyngeal NerveRhizotomyVagal Nerve
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舌咽神經與迷走神經分別為第九及第十對腦神經,其弁鄏b掌控消化與心血管系統。大鼠的迷走神經與舌咽神經包含傳入(afferent)與傳出(efferent)神經成份,其在顱內進出腦幹的位置,雖有頭尾差異,但其界線仍未曾細分。我們利用大片組織製備法與西洋山奏皝L氧化酶(WGA-HRP)神經追蹤術,把大鼠的迷走神經與舌咽神經的傳入成份在顱內進出腦幹的分佈情形,分別以實物圖譜方式標示出來。迷走神經進入腦幹的路徑追蹤,是注射WGA-HRP到結狀神經節(左側,N = 6;右側,N = 5),而舌咽神經的路徑追蹤則是直接注射其周邊神經束(左側,N = 6;右側,N = 6)。結果顯示,迷走神經主要透過尾端四條神經束,再分成至少五條更細相鄰的神經細索(rootlet)和腦幹相連;舌咽神經則透過一條頭端神經束,再分成兩條更細相鄰的神經細索。依據這個圖譜資料,研究人員可以實施精準顱內迷走神經切斷手術(intracranial vagal rhizotomy),讓真正屬於迷走神經或舌咽神經的感覺(傳入)或運動(傳出)神經的角色弁鈶繸o確認。
The glossopharyngeal and the vagal nerves are the 9th and 10th cranial nerves and involved in the control of the gastrointestinal and cardiovascular systems. The rat vagal and glossopharyngeal nerves have afferent and efferent rootlets running into and out off the brainstem rostrally and caudally. However, the rostro-caudal delineation of these two cranial nerves in the brainstem is not clear. We take the advantage of the wholemount tissue preparation and the tract tracing method of wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) to differentiate the afferent components of the glossopharyngeal and vagal rootlets in the intracranial cavity. The WGA-HRP (0.3~0.5μl) solution was injected into the nodose ganglion (Left, N = 6; Right, N = 5) to trace the vagal pathway and directly into the glossopharyngeal nerve bundle (Left, N = 6; Right, N = 6) to trace its intracranial pathway. The results indicate that on each side the vagus nerve has four main caudal bundles and the glossopharyngeal nerve has one rostral bundle running between the rostral nodose gnaglion and the brainstem and these bundles can be subdivided into more delicate close rootlets running on the surface of the brainstem. With this mapping, it is feasible to perform a much more specific intracranial vagal rhizotomy that can differentiate the very functional role of the afferent or efferent components of the vagal or glossopharyngeal nerve.
摘 要
WGA-HRP Injection
Tissue Preparation
Afferent Components of the Vagal Rootlets Connecting to the Brainstem
Afferent Components of the Glossopharyngeal Rootlets Connecting to the
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