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研究生(外文):Chuan-Chun Jen
論文名稱(外文):The research of inmate adjustment and prisonization in Taiwan
外文關鍵詞:inmate adjustmentcoping strategyprisonization
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本研究結果發現:受刑人的困擾問題方面,經過三次的評估,基本上前三名並無多大的變化,分別是思念家人、希望時間過的快一點及多一點私人空間,這些問題的存在皆因監獄本身強制性環境使然。而名次變化上較明顯之處分別是: 希望換別的作業與想念外面生活,會有這樣的變化,因重心轉移至獄中環境所致。
In this research, I study male inmate’s adjustment problems in Taiwan. Our primary goal is to understand how prisons affect individuals based on a transactional model of the causes of human behavior.
To understand the process of adjustment in prison, I adopt a longitudinal design to look at the prediction of future behavior base on current behavior. The measurements were collected at three different waves with each subject over a period of 12 months.
The results found: the first three ranking responses, “Missing somebody, Wishing time would go faster and Had more privacy and quiet”, did not change in inmates’ view of problems of prison throuthout the survey.
Subject’s changes occurred due to the impact of imprisonment during their first year. The results showed that the incarcerated stressor had dropped significantly from the 1st wave to the 2nd wave, but the scale had increased significantly from 2nd to 3rd. We also have looked at the inmates’ internal control which continued to improve gradually. Prisonization decreased from 1st to 2nd survey. After 2nd wave survey, the score was stable. But criminal attitudes and beliefs also improved between 2nd and 3rd survey. In their coping strategy, this did not appear to have been the case. Finally inmates’ emotion problem, we can see at the beginning of their terms, many subjects showed signs of emotional problems. However, after 12 months there was visible but gradual improvement.
In inmates’ model of adjustment on 3 waves, the results showed that 7 paths were found to be statistically significant for inmate’s adjustment. Coping strategy was not affected by individual demographic variables. Inmate’s emotion not only was affected by locus of control and coping strategy but locus of control through coping strategy. Moreover, inmate’s cognition was directly affected by locus of control, age and incarcerated stressor, was not through mediated variable. Compared with first wave model, 2nd wave results showed that coping strategies was explained by locus of control and incarcerated stressor. Inmate’s emotion was affected by locus of control and incarcerated stressor but was not explained by coping strategies. Inmate’s cognition was directly affected by not only coping strategy and incarcerated stressor but also locus of control through coping strategy. The paths of third wave were the same as the second wave in inmates’ model of adjustment.
Finally, I use an invariance-testing strategy to test for the duplication of structural paths across groups. After the first group was replicated over a second group, the results show first time group model and second time group is not invariant. The path from incarcerated stressor to emotion is at a significant level between two waves but estimate parameter is different. When 2nd wave was duplicated over the 3rd wave, we found that 2nd wave model and 3rd wave model are invariant. When 1st wave replicated over 3rd wave, the results showed first wave group model and third wave group are not invariant. Also worthy of note was the significant difference of coping to cognition and incarcerated stressor to cognition.
第一章 研究動機與目的 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 相關名詞詮釋 7
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 監獄的環境 9
第二節 理論基礎 13
第三節 監獄化的實証研究 24
第四節 監獄化的結果 33
第五節 監獄化架構的問題與批判 35
第六節 在監生活適應的相關研究 37
第七節 小結 45
第三章 研究方法 49
第一節 研究架構的概念與假設模型 50
第二節 研究對象與過程 52
第三節 研究工具與變項衡量 61
第四節 預試 67
第五節 問卷的信度與效度 68
第六節 資料處理與分析 83
第四章 第一次調查結果與分析 85
第一節 受刑人的困擾問題 85
第二節 受刑人基本特性與生活適應之差異分析 86
第三節 個人基本特與在監適應變項之相關分析 94
第四節 受刑人的適應模式 95
第五章 第二次調查結果與分析 105
第一節 受刑人困擾問題 105
第二節 六個月後的變化情形 107
第三節 受刑人適應模式 110
第四節 適應模型恆等性的檢驗 117
第六章 第三次調查結果與分析 121
第一節 在監困擾問題 121
第二節 一年後的變化情形 123
第三節 受刑人適應模式 128
第四節 適應模型恆等性的檢驗 135
第七章 結論與建議 143
第一節 結論與討論 143
第二節 研究限制 153
第三節 建議 154
參考書目 159
附錄一 168
附錄二 171
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