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研究生(外文):Chih-hao Wang
外文關鍵詞:queueing theorybalance equationsstate transition diagramnon-reliable factor
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Queueing theory has already been widely applied to the research of the manufacturing system. However, the manufacturing system in the practical situation is often restricted under non-reliable factors, overly simple queueing system could not be suitable. Some scholars have presented various methods to evaluate the queueing system with non-reliable factors. This paper focused on the manufacturing system of Hi-Tech industry considering two non-reliable factors: machine breakdown and manufacturing processes, and then a non-reliable queueing model was constructed. To solve the model, first we depicted the state transition diagram and balance equations were derived, and then solved the probabilities of every possible state of the system. Secondly, the cost function and performance measures were defined. In the empirical analysis, we assumed that the capacity of the finite queue is known, and built the relations among working rate, yield rate and reworking rate in order to make the model more reasonable. Then, the cost function was transformed into the nonlinear function of the single variable with different parameter values. By solving the cost function for optimization, the optimal working rate can be determined. Finally, we proceeded the sensitivity analysis for this system. The model we constructed in this paper can offer not only another viewpoint in the research of queueing theory but also a practical tool in performance evaluation, control and optimization design of manufacturing system considering the non-reliable factors in the real world.
目 錄
摘要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
致謝 Ⅲ
目錄 Ⅳ
圖目錄 Ⅴ
表目錄 Ⅵ
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 相關研究 2
1.3 研究方法 4
第二章 不可靠等候模式之構建 11
2.1 模式假設 11
2.2 模式架構圖 12
第三章 不可靠等候模式之求解程序 15
3.1 狀態轉移圖 15
3.2 平衡方程式 16
3.3 穩定狀態解 18
3.4 成本函數構建與績效評估值 21
3.4.1 成本函數構建 21
3.4.2 績效評估值 23
第四章 實證分析 25
4.1 實例說明 25
4.2 實例求解 34
4.2.1 、 時,成本函數求解 35
4.2.2 、 時,成本函數求解 40
4.2.3 、 時,成本函數求解 45
4.2.4 、 時,成本函數求解 50
4.3 最佳化求解驗證與成本函數、績效評估值敏感度分析 55
4.3.1 最佳化求解驗證 55
4.3.2 成本函數敏感度分析 60
4.3.3 績效評估值敏感度分析 73
第五章 結論 79
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