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研究生(外文):Chun-han Lin
論文名稱(外文):The Study in Taiwan Excellent Independent Innovators' Key Success Factors of New Product Development -Fuzzy AHP Approach
指導教授(外文):Yung-ching Ho
外文關鍵詞:Key Success FactorsNew Product DevelopmentIndependent inventorsFuzzy AHP
  • 被引用被引用:30
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一、就獨立發明人新產品開發來論,內部因素 (47.70 %) 與外部因素 (52.30 %) 幾乎等同重要。
二、內部因素中,個人歷程 (30.31 %) 最為重要;外部因素中,商品化所需資源(24.74 %) 最為重要。
Taiwan contingent behaves outstandingly in the past international exhibitions of innovation, all due to the efforts from the excellent independent inventors in new product development (NPD). However, what are the key success factors (KSF) in new product development by those outstanding inventors? Which factors are the key especially?
In the past, the researches on the independent innovators are rare actually, nothing more than focus on inventors’ careers, commercialized progress and basic statistical analysis. No one discovers in independent inventors’ key success factors of new product development. Moreover, the past researches on inventors’ careers only induced some key factors, but unable to understand which factors are the most important to those independent inventors.
Therefore, the study first undertakes to develop a key success factors’ hierarchical framework and then adopts Fuzzy AHP method. The KSF weighting hierarchy system is consisted of 7 main dimensions and 26 indicators. Through interviewing 25 excellent independent inventors, this research constructs relative weights of each factor, orders all KSF in ranking and discusses the result with an independent inventor. The findings are as follows:
1.To independent inventors’ NPD process, the internal factor (47.70 %) has nearly equating weight to the external factor (52.30 %).
2.In the internal factors, the individual career is the most important (30.31 %). In the external factors, the commercialized resource is the most important (24.74 %).
中文摘要 -------------------------------------------------------------------I
英文摘要 ------------------------------------------------------------------ II
目錄 -----------------------------------------------------------------------III
表目錄 ----------------------------------------------------------------------V
圖目錄 ----------------------------------------------------------------------VI

第一章 緒論 ---------------------------------------------------------------1

第一節 研究背景 ----------------------------------------------------------1
第二節 研究動機 ----------------------------------------------------------1
第三節 研究目的 ----------------------------------------------------------2
第四節 研究流程 ----------------------------------------------------------2
第五節 章節結構 ----------------------------------------------------------4

第二章 文獻探討 -----------------------------------------------------------7

第一節 發明家之定義與創新產品的發展程序 ----------------------------------7
第二節 獨立發明人本身內部成它]素 ---------------------------------------14
第三節 獨立發明人新產品開發外部成它]素 ---------------------------------17
第四節 傳統AHP法與模糊AHP法 ---------------------------------------------23

第三章 研究設計 ----------------------------------------------------------29

第一節 層級架構 ---------------------------------------------------------29
第二節 問卷設計 ---------------------------------------------------------36
第三節 研究對象與資料蒐集 -----------------------------------------------37
第四節 資料分析方法 -----------------------------------------------------38

第四章 研究結果 ----------------------------------------------------------45

第一節 受測者基本資料分析 -----------------------------------------------45
第二節 傑出獨立發明人新產品開發關鍵成它]素權重之建立 -------------------47
第三節 層級架構之一致性檢定 ---------------------------------------------56
第四節 傑出發明人之個案探討 ---------------------------------------------58

第五章 結論與建議 --------------------------------------------------------63

第一節 研究發現與結論 ---------------------------------------------------63
第二節 管理實務上之建議 -------------------------------------------------67
第三節 研究限制 ---------------------------------------------------------68
第四節 後續研究方向建議 -------------------------------------------------69

參考文獻 -------------------------------------------------------------------71

附錄A 台灣傑出獨立發明人新產品開發關鍵成它]素之研究-Fuzzy AHP法之專家問卷 -75
附錄B 受測專家名單 ------------------------------------------------------- 81
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