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研究生(外文):Rhay-Hung Weng
論文名稱(外文):Using Knowledge-Based View to Explore the Impact of Alliance Network Diversity on Organizational Innovation in Hospitals
外文關鍵詞:Hospital ManagementKnowledge-Based ViewOrganizational InnovationNetwork DiversityStrategic Alliance
  • 被引用被引用:14
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Hospitals have existed in highly competitive market based on knowledge economy. Under this business environment, hospitals should integrate several kinds of specialties efficiently and drive organizational innovation aggressively to enhance competitive advantage. More recently, strategic alliances have been frequently employed by hospitals as strategic tools. With the increasing usage of strategic alliances, alliance networks of hospitals have become more diverse. Therefore, we attempted to address the impact of alliance network diversity on organizational innovation. Since we argued the influence of alliance diversity would originate from knowledge benefits and limits, we hence adopted knowledge-based view (KBV) to analyze it.

Four research constructs generated by the knowledge-based view included inter-organization relationship knowledge store (IOR knowledge store), potential absorptive capability (PACAP), realized absorptive capability (RACAP), and external knowledge acquisition. Based on these constructs, we built up eight research hypotheses. The self-administered mail survey was employed to collect data. Questionnaires were mailed to 460 hospitals accredited as district hospitals and above. The informants were the top managers or alliance managers of these hospitals. The overall valid response rate was 35.45%. We finally obtained 138 samples excluding hospitals not joining any alliance. After testing sample representativeness, we adopted confirmatory factor analysis to test the construct validity of each research construct and hierarchical multiple regression to test our hypotheses.

Our findings indicated alliance networks of hospitals actually appeared diverse; the number of partners, unique local partners, and unique industries of partners were 21.24, 4.93, and 3.75. Alliance network diversity would affect organizational innovation directly, and the relationship between these two constructs exhibited an inverse-U curve. External knowledge acquisition would partially mediate this relationship in addition to direct effect. Further, PACAP and IOR knowledge store would fully mediate the relationship between alliance network diversity and external knowledge acquisition. RACAP would also play the mediating role in explaining the influence of external knowledge acquisition on organizational innovation. There was one other thing that is important for us. We found that the impact of knowledge gathered by hospitals from alliance networks on management innovation is greater than technological innovation.

According to the above research findings, we testified that alliance network diversity would direct and indirect affect organizational innovation of the hospital. Besides, KBV actually was a vital theoretical logic while managers and researchers discussed how to enhance organizational innovation by alliance network diversity.
圖 目 錄 viii
表 目 錄 ix
附 錄 目 錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 預期研究貢獻 3
第三節 研究目的 4
第二章 文獻回顧 5
第一節 組織創新 5
壹、 組織創新的定義 5
貳、 組織創新的類別 8
參、 醫院組織創新的內涵 9
肆、 小結 10
第二節 不同理論觀點對策略聯盟的探討 11
壹、 聯盟形成 11
貳、 聯盟管理結構 13
參、 聯盟績效 15
肆、 小結 20
第三節 聯盟網絡多元性 20
壹、 網絡理論 21
貳、 網絡理論下的策略聯盟 25
參、 聯盟網絡多元性的本質與重要性 27
肆、 小結 29
第四節 知識基礎觀點 30
壹、 知識的定義與類別 30
貳、 知識基礎觀點的源起與核心概念 33
參、 知識基礎觀點下的策略聯盟 34
肆、 小結 37
第五節 吸收能力 37
第六節 組織間關係知識庫 40
第三章 研究方法 43
第一節 研究假設 43
壹、 聯盟網絡多元性對醫院組織創新的直接效果 43
貳、 外部知識獲取的中介效果 44
參、 聯盟網絡多元性對外部知識獲取的直接效果 44
肆、 外部知識獲取對醫院組織創新的直接效果 46
伍、 吸收能力的調節效果 47
陸、 組織間關係知識庫的調節效果 49
第二節 研究架構 51
第三節 研究樣本與資料收集 51
第四節 研究構念之定義與衡量 53
壹、 聯盟網絡多元性 53
貳、 醫院組織創新 55
參、 外部知識獲取 56
肆、 吸收能力 57
伍、 組織間關係知識庫 58
第五節 問卷效度與信度 59
第六節 控制變數 59
第七節 分析方法 63
第四章 研究結果 65
第一節 樣本特性 65
第二節 研究構念之測量模式 68
壹、 吸收能力之測量模式 68
貳、 組織間關係知識庫之測量模式 70
參、 組織創新之測量模式 72
肆、 整體研究構念之測量模式 74
第三節 階層迴歸分析結果 80
壹、 外部知識獲取之分析結果 80
貳、 組織創新之分析結果 81
第五章 討論 94
第一節 醫院之策略聯盟網絡現況 94
第二節 聯盟網絡多元性對組織創新的影響 95
第三節 吸收能力與組織間關係知識庫的調節性角色 96
第四節 整體研究模式之修正 98
第六章 結論與建議 100
第一節 結論 100
第二節 實務意涵與建議 101
第三節 理論意涵與貢獻 103
第四節 研究限制與未來研究建議 104
參考文獻 106
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