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研究生(外文):Fu-hwa Swei
論文名稱(外文):A study of improving adults'conditional reasoning competence by receiving formal and informal logic courses
指導教授(外文):Fu-shun Hung
外文關鍵詞:condition reasoningcompetence of conditional reasoningformal logicinformal logic
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Teaching people how to reasoning has long been recognized as an important educational goal. Educational training in logic has been shown to improve adults’ ability to conditional reasoning. A major problem in teaching reasoning is what kind of method or programme as the way to teach conditional reasoning does seem to be more effective. This research tried to explore that different logic courses which enhance adults’ conditional reasoning competence.
This study compared the competence of conditional reasoning in two treatment groups of second-semester Chinese Air Force Academy senior students. In a quasi-experimental, pretest/posttest, and matched-group design, the treatment group A (n=23) took formal logic lecture, the treatment group B (n=23) attended informal logic course, and control group (n=23) received no instructional treatment. Each group was given the pretest and posttest for the adapted Wason’s selection task to measure levels of conditional reasoning ability.
The present research asked four questions. First, before logic training, what picture of adults’ conditional reasoning performance will be? Second, do students have different patterns of conditional reasoning competence that can be accounted for by attending formal logic course? Third, do students have different patterns of conditional reasoning ability that can be accounted for by receiving informal logic course? Fourth, after instructional treatment, does the different conditional reasoning performance between three groups exist?
According to literature review and the research problems, the hypotheses investigated in this study were: (1) There will be low correct answer in pretest. (2) In pretest, the correct rate of concrete version is better than abstract version. There will produce content effect. (3) The right answer of affirmative problem is more succeeded than negative one. (4) The matching bias effects are obvious. (5) The formal logic course is little or no use to facilitate adults’ conditional reasoning ability. (6) The informal logic course is helpful to increase adults’ conditional reasoning competence.
Results generally confirmed the original hypotheses despite the formal logic course an apparently opposite outcome. First, there were low correct answer, content effect and strong matching bias. Second, the right answer of affirmative problem was better than negative one. The correct answer of concrete problem was better than abstract one. Third, formal and informal logic course was significant predicator for felicitating adult’s conditional reasoning ability. Fourth, the students who accepted informal logic course were more succeeded than the students who attended formal logic course in increasing conditional reasoning competence. Fifth, with exception of abstract question, the experimental effect for four editions of question, the subjects who received formal logic course or who attended informal logic course were succeeded than the subjects of control group.
In accordance to the findings, this research proposed several recommendations for providers of adult learning, teachers and researchers. It would be useful for provider and teaching of adult learning in the field of conditional reasoning.

中文摘要 I
英文摘要 IV
目次 VI
表目次 IX
圖目次 X

第一章 緒論
第一節 問題背景與重要性 1
第二節 研究動機與目的 3
第三節 研究方法 5
第四節 名詞釋義 6
第五節 研究範圍與限制 8
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 邏輯訓練課程的內涵與要義 10
第二節 成人條件推理的意義與成效評量 13
第三節 成人條件推理的相關理論與問題 21
第四節 以邏輯課程增進成人條件推理相關研究的探討 45
第三章 研究設計與實施
第一節 研究架構與研究假設 56
第二節 實驗設計 57
第三節 研究工具 59
第四節 實施過程與資料處理 60
第四章 結果分析與討論
第一節 受試者條件推理的能力之分析 65
第二節 形式邏輯教學對受試者條件推理能力之差異分析 69
第三節 非形式邏輯教學對受試者條件推理能力之差異分析 78
第四節 形式與非形式邏輯教學對受試者條件推理的比較分析 88
第五章 結論與建議
第一節 研究發現 100
第二節 結論 103
第三節 建議 103
參考文獻 108
附錄一 實驗組(A)的教學大綱 115
附錄二 實驗組(B)的教學大綱 116
附錄三 語句邏輯的基本符號和語句邏輯的推論
規則 117
附錄四 自編選擇作業(專家效度用) 120
附錄五 專家效度之專家名單 137
附錄六 預試的選擇作業(再測信度用) 138
附錄七 選擇作業(前測與後測用) 146

表2-1-1 原子句的真值 12
表2-2-1 條件句的真值 15
表2-2-2  條件句和雙條件句的可能真假值 16
表2-2-3  四種條件推論的形 17
表2-3-1  條件句在日常用語的意 27
表2-3-2  條件推理的研究綜 37
表2-3-3 否定條件句的的結構與例句 38
表2-3-4 否定條件句的四種推理 39
表2-3-5 選擇作業中不同內容的例舉 43
表2-4-1  推理訓練後的表現 50
表2-4-2  問題類型和訓練方式與答對的比率 52
表3-2-1 教學實驗實施表 59
表3-3-1 專家效度評分的平均數與標準差 63
表3-3-2 預試工具的再測信度分析 64
表4-1-1  受試者在前測中各選項的次數分配 65
表4-1-2  問題版本與勾選配合偏誤之比例 67
表4-1-3  具體與抽象題型答對比率的比較 67
表4-1-4  具體版本問題的答對比率 68
表4-1-5 肯定與否定條件句的答對比率 69
表4-1-6 肯定和否定條件句與勾選配合偏誤之比例 69
表4-2-1 實驗A組前後測無母數符號檢定 70
表4-2-2 實驗A組前、後測答題的差異分 71
表4-2-3 實驗A組在具體題型之前後測差異比較 73
表4-2-4 實驗A組在抽象題型之前後測差異比較 75
表4-2-5 實驗A組在肯定題型之前後測差異比較 76
表4-2-6 實驗A組在否定題型之前後測差異比較 78
表4-3-1 實驗B組前後測無母數符號檢定 79
表4-3-2 實驗B組前、後測答題的差異分析 80
表4-3-3 實驗B組前後測具體題型的無母數符號檢定 81
表4-3-4 實驗B組在具體題型之前後測差異比較 82
表4-3-5 實驗B組在抽象題型之前後測差異比較 84
表4-3-6 實驗B組前後測肯定題型的無母數符號檢 85
表4-3-7 實驗B組在肯定題型之前後測差異比較 86
表4-3-8 實驗B組在否定題型之前後測差異比較 87
表4-4-1  A、B、C組後測各答題的差異分析 89
表4-4-2  A、B、C三組在後測的具體題型之比較 91
表4-4-3  A、B、C三組在後測的抽象題型之比較 92
表4-4-4  A、B、C三組在後測的肯定題型之差異比較 94
表4-4-5  A、B、C三組在後測的否定題型之差異比較 95
表4-4-6 A、B、C組敘述統計 97
表4-4-7 不同題型在實施教學實驗後之單因子變異數分析 98

圖2-2-1 Wason的選擇作業 19
圖2-3-1 否定結論的偏誤 40
圖2-4-1 橫斷研究受試者答對的比率 54
圖2-4-2 縱貫研究受試者答對的比率 54
圖2-4-3 各學院學生口頭推理增進的比例 54
圖2-4-4 各學院學生統計與方法推理增進比例 55
圖2-4-5 各學院學生條件推理增進的比例 55
圖3-1-1 研究架構圖 57
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