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研究生(外文):Chin-Min Lin
論文名稱(外文):The study of aging volunteer's motivations to accept leader position,the role competence, learning needs and learning methods.
指導教授(外文):Fu-Shun Huang
外文關鍵詞:aging volunteerrole competencelearning needslearning methods
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【摘 要】

The purpose of this research is to investigate what kinds of learning methods used by aging volunteer leaders to satisfy learning needs and promote learning experiences of role competences.The main 5 goals are: (1) to realize the motives of aging volunteer leaders to accept supervisor’s positions; (2) to investigate the acknowledgement of necessary role competence by aging volunteer leaders themselves; (3) to discuss the learning needs of aging volunteer leaders to advance role competence ; (4) to declare the learning methods of aging volunteer leaders for promoting role competence ; (5) according to research’s conclusions, to supply some comments to relative agent organizations for references of aging volunteer staffs’ learning activities and learning participations.
For the above purposes, firstly I uselized references analysis to investigate related studies and concepts and according to references analysis designed individual interview principles and focus group interview principles; and then invited 18 aging volunteer leaders of public civilization-education institutes for individual interview and invited another 12 aging volunteer leaders for focus group interview; finally according to individual and focus group interviews, I achieve 6 points conclusions:

(1) The most existing in 6 major motives of aging volunteer leaders to be supervisors is [altruistic motive」.
(2) The most important in 6 major role competences of aging volunteer leaders is 「communication and cooperation competence」.
(3) The most desired in 5 major learning needs of aging volunteer leaders is「learning need of leadership competence」.
(4) The most frequent in 3 major learning methods of aging volunteer leaders is 「participating learning courses or discusson meeting」.
(5) The most appearant in 5 major learning obstacles of aging volunteer leaders is「 unsatisfied learning courses」.
(6) The gains of aging volunteer leaders participating various learning activities have positive effects on personal achievements and political leadership.
According to the conclusions of the above study, I suggest several opinions to volunteers-managed units, aging volunteer leaders, governmental departments and future researches:

(1) Suggestions for volunteer-managed units: to satisfy the altruistic motive of aging volunteer leaders; to plan the learning activities of promoting their role competences; to supply freqent learning courses or discussion meeting; and to assist expelling
learning obstacles for elevate learning motives and achievement.
(2) Suggestions for aging volunteer leaders: to encourage other aging people to be aging volunteer leaders; to participate in various learning activities aggressively for elevating oneself life meaning.
(3) Suggestions for government departments: to found the mechanisms of honor and encouragement; to encourage aging people to be volunteer leaders; to found the specializing fosterage of aging people’s teachers for elevating the effects of learning.
(4) Suggestions for future researchers: to concentrate academic research resources, to enlarge the boundary of study; to take both qualitative and quantitative methods; and then to investigate the all faces of aging volunteer leader’s learning needs and methods.
目 次
謝 誌…………………………………………………………….V
目 次……………………………………………………………VII
圖表目次 ………………………………………………………IV
第一章 緒論
第一節 問題背景與重要性 .……………………………………….1
第二節 研究動機與目的 .………………………………………… 8
第三節 研究方法與步驟…………………………………………. 16
第四節 名詞釋義..………………………………………………….22
第五節 研究範圍與限制.…………………………………………..24
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 高齡者參與志願服務的意義與弁遄K……………………27
第二節 高齡志工擔任領導者的動機因素…………………………37
第三節 高齡志工擔任領導者的角色知能 ……………………43
第四節 高齡志工擔任領導者的學習需求 ……………………54
第五節 高齡志工擔任領導者的學習方式 ……………………61
第三章 研究設計與實施
第一節 研究概念與待答問題..……………………………………..68
第二節 個別訪談之設計與實施 .…………………………….69
第三節 焦點團體座談之設計與實施………………………………75
第四節 資料處理……………………………………………………78
第四章 研究結果分析與討論
第一節 研究對象基本資料分析 .………………………………….81

第二節 受訪者擔任志工領導者之動機分析 ….…………………89
第三節 受訪者擔任志工領導者所需具備之角色知能分析….…104
第四節 受訪者擔任志工領導者之學習需求分析 ………..….…118
第五節 受訪者擔任志工領導者之學習方式分析 .…………..130
第六節 受訪者其他反應意見分析 .……………………………..144
第五章 結論與建議
第一節 研究發現 ……………………………………………..153
第二節 結論 .…………………………………………………….155
第三節 建議 ...…………………………………………………...158
參考文獻 ……………………………………………………..164
附錄一 個別訪談邀請函及同意函 …………………………174
附錄二 個別訪談大綱 ………………………………………175
附錄三 個別訪談回饋函 ……………………………………177
附錄四 焦點團體座談邀請函及焦點團體座談大綱 …..……178
附錄五 焦點團體座談發言單 ………………………………179
附錄六 個別訪談逐字稿範例(摘錄) … ……………….180
附錄七 個別訪談意義單元與核心概念資料分析範例 ……...186
附錄八 個別訪談個案的核心概念及訪談摘要分析 .……..194
附錄九 焦點團體座談會紀錄分析表. ………………..280
附錄十 研究結果分析表 .…………………………328

圖 表 目 次

表2-1-1 「志願服務」定義彙整表 …………………………… 30
表2-2-1 高齡志工接受領導職務之動機因素彙整表 ………… 42
表3-2-1 本研究個別訪談及焦點團體座談對象一覽表 ……… 71
表3-2-2 個別訪談對象基本資料彙整表 ………………………72
表4-1-1 焦點團體座談對象基本資料彙整表 …………………88
表4-2-1 個別訪談受訪者擔任志工領導者之動機彙整表 ……328
表4-2-2 焦點團體參與者擔任志工領導者之動機彙整表 ……329
表4-3-1 個別訪談對高齡志工領導者角色知能的認知彙整表..330
表4-3-2 焦點團體對高齡志工領導者角色知能的認知彙整表.. 331
表4-4-1 個別訪談受訪者學習需求彙整表 ……………………332
表4-4-2 焦點團體座談參與者學習需求彙整表 ………………333
表4-5-1 個別訪談受訪者學習方式彙整表 ……………………334
表4-5-2 焦點團體座談參與者學習方式彙整 …………………336
表4-6-1 個案別談受訪者綜合意見彙整表 …………………338
表4-6-2 焦點團體座談參與者綜合意見彙整 …………………342
圖1-3-1 本研究流程圖 ……………………………………………21
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