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研究生(外文):Mai-Huan Yang
論文名稱(外文):An Analysis of European Union Lifelong Learning Policy
指導教授(外文):Ming-Lieh Wu
外文關鍵詞:lifelong learning policyEuropean Unionlifelong learning
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歐 盟 終 身 學 習 政 策 之 分 析

研 究 生:楊美緩
摘 要


An Analysis of European Union Lifelong Learning Policy
Adversior: Dr. Ming-Lieh Wu
Student: Mai-Huan Yang
This study is to analyze the lifelong learning policy of European Union (EU). Five research purposes are followed: 1. to explore the background of EU lifelong learning policy 2. to extract the content of EU lifelong learning policy 3. to discover the achievement of EU lifelong learning policy 4. to analyze the characteristics of EU lifelong learning policy 5. to acquire implications from EU lifelong learning policy experience for Taiwan. The methodology employed by this study is documentary analysis. Documents, programs and plans after 1993 for EU lifelong learning policy are collected, reviewed, analyzed and integrated. And research results are found as follows:
1. Maastricht Treaty Article 126 and Article 127, the legislative base, empower Community and Member States legitimacy to develop education and vocational training.
2. The developing background of EU lifelong learning policy is influenced by globalization oncoming, economic degeneration, and social exclusion.
3. Key concepts of EU lifelong learning policy are to uphold learning rights, to strengthen citizens’ capacities, to extend states’ role, to cultivate learning culture, and to develop characteristics of European Union.
4. Vision of EU lifelong learning documents is to construct an integrated learning system which emphasizes the development of education and training, justice of learning opportunities, and practice of lifelong learning.
5. Lifelong learning action plans include Socrates program for cooperation in education, Leonardo da Vinci program for vocational training innovation, and elearning for developing digital ability.
6. The obstacles of educational and vocational training programs needed to be overcome are inefficiency of administration, lack of communication and negotiation, shortage of budget, conflicts of interests, receiving of new Member States. Concrete achievements are communicative cooperation, innovative research and development, advance language competence and employment.
7. Characteristics induced from multiple lifelong learning policies are to cope with the challenge of globalization, to achieve an economic function, to create European identity, to cultivate learning culture, to develop partnerships, to apply plural lifelong learning strategies, to increase mobility and exchange, to promote social justice, to enhance people’s capacities, to compose lifelong learning indicators, and to reinforce information technology learning.
8. Beyond the current obstacles and achievement, EU needs to overcome obstacles, to reach consensus, to value learning rights, to establish evaluation system, to develop long-term plans, to pay close attention to Central and Eastern Europe, and to enhance international cooperation.
9. Development of Taiwan’s lifelong learning activities corresponds to the vision of EU lifelong learning policy. Based on the experience of EU, seven implications are concrete strategies, systematic integration, network of information and academia, cultivation of people’s competence, coalition of private resources, and international cooperation.
According to the research results, the following suggestions are posited:
1. Suggestions for ministry of education and local education authorities implementing lifelong learning policy
(1) Establish complete lifelong learning accompanying measures.
(2) Formulate lifelong learning policy to cope with globalization, to promote economic growth and to combat social exclusion.
(3) The central government needs to enact integrated policy, to put the content of White Paper “Towards the lifelong learning society” into practice, and to facilitate lifelong learning programs continually.
(4) Accelerate digital environment construction and promote every citizen’s digital competences.
(5) Execute strategies for dealing with Taiwan possible obstacles contrast to EU lifelong learning ones.
(6) Concoct research and innovation vigorously
2. Suggestions for further study
(1) Conduct research on single EU lifelong learning program.
(2) Do research on only one Member States.
(3) Visit EU subordinate institution and collect data.
(4) Enhance lifelong learning quantitative research.
(5) Pay attention to the movement of lifelong learning.
(6) Proceed research and development of lifelong learning continually.
目 次
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與重要性 1
第二節 研究動機與目的 3
第三節 研究方法與步驟 5
第四節 名詞釋義 9
第五節 研究範圍與限制 11
第二章 歐盟終身學習政策的發展背景 13
第一節 歐盟整合進程與機構弁? 13
第二節 歐盟終身學習政策的法源基礎 19
第三節 影響歐盟終身學習政策的因素 22
第三章 歐盟終身學習政策文件的理念與內涵之分析 29
第一節 歐盟終身學習的意義與核心理念 29
第二節 歐盟終身學習政策文件的具體內涵 34
第三節 歐盟終身學習政策文件的評析 44
第四章 歐盟終身學習行動方案與計畫之分析 51
第一節 歐盟教育層級的合作:蘇格拉底方案 51
第二節 歐盟職業訓練的創新:達文西方案 59
第三節 歐盟數位學習網絡的發展:數位學習與數位歐洲方案 66
第四節 歐盟學習區域的建立:終身學習區域網絡 76
第五節 終身學習行動方案與計畫的評析 79
第五章 歐盟終身學習政策的推展及其對我國的啟示 85
第一節 歐盟終身學習政策的願景、目標與策略之分析 85
第二節 歐盟推動終身學習政策的障礙與成效 90
第三節 歐盟終身學習政策特色與發展趨勢 96
第四節 歐盟終身學習政策對我國的啟示 105
第六章 結論與建議 109
第一節 結論 109
第二節 建議 116
參考文獻 120
附錄一 致歐盟教育與文化總署之信函 132
附錄二 歐盟教育與文化總署之回函 133
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