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研究生(外文):Chi-wei Lee
論文名稱(外文):Investigations on the magnetic properties of O/CoO /Ir(111) ultrathin films
指導教授(外文):J.S. Tsay
外文關鍵詞:O/CoO /Ir(111) ultrathin films
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Magnetic properties and compositions of O/CoO/Ir(111) ultrathin films have studied by using surface magneto-optic Kerr effect (SMOKE), Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) and depth profiling techniques. By way of post exposure to oxygen of Co films, oxygen shows layered distribution in the O/Co/Ir(111) system where most oxygen distributes at surface layers from the depth profiling measurements. Post annealing of the O/Co/Ir(111) structure causes the formation of CoO layer and adsorbed oxygen layer on the top. SMOKE measurements at low-temperatures show that the CoO layer exhibits high coercivity. Exchange coupling between CoO layers and subsequently deposited Co was revealed after field-cooling process. The coupling length is dependent on the thickness of CoO layer. From systematical investigations, one can obtain the optimal condition for the coupling between ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic layers.
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 基本原理 4
2-1 磁性物質 4
2-1-1 磁性物質的種類 4
2-2-2 鐵磁性物質的特性 7
2-2 磁異向性理論 9
2-3 薄膜成長理論 15
2-4 氧吸附及氧化現象 18
2-4-1 氧與鈷的吸附與化合 18
2-4-2 能譜線的偏移與電負度 21
2-5交換偏移(exchange bias) 23
2-5-1 交換偏移的現象 23
2-5-2 薄膜材料的交換偏移 26
第三章 儀器設備與工作原理 29
3-1 超高真空系統(ultra high vacuum) 29
3-1-1 真空的定義 29
3-1-2 超高真空系統裝置 32
3-1-3 達到超高真空的步驟 48
3-2 歐傑電子能譜(Aauger electron spectroscopy) 52
3-2-1 歐傑電子產生機制 52
3-2-2 歐傑電子能譜儀裝置 58
3-3 表面磁光柯爾效應 (surface magneto-optic Kerr effect) 58
3-3-1 磁光柯爾效應理論 58
3-3-2 磁光柯爾效應儀器裝置 64
3-3-3 磁光柯爾效應儀器架設 67
3-3-4 磁光柯爾效應儀器的操作流程 70
第四章 實驗結果與討論 72
4-1 Ir(111)的Co薄膜成長與O/CoO/Ir(111)薄膜的形成 72
4-1-1 Co薄膜成長分析 72
4-1-2 O/2 ML Co/Ir(111)之熱退火、O/2 ML CoO/Ir(111)薄膜形成
與組成分析和O/2 ML Co/2 ML CoO/Ir(111)薄膜形成與組
成分析 74
4-1-3綜合討論O/X ML Co/ /Ir(111)、O/X ML CoO/Ir(111)與O/X
ML Co/Y ML CoO/Ir(111) 84
4-2 O/X ML Co/Y ML CoO /Ir(111)的低溫磁性分析 96
4-2-1 O/1~4 ML Co/2 ML CoO /Ir(111)低溫磁性分析 96
4-2-1-1 O/1~4 ML Co/2 ML CoO /Ir(111)低溫磁性實驗現象 97
4-2-1-2 O/1~4 ML Co/2 ML CoO /Ir(111)數據分析 120
4-2-2 O/1~4 ML Co/4 ML CoO /Ir(111)低溫磁性分析 132
4-2-2-1 O/1~4 ML Co/4 ML CoO /Ir(111)低溫磁性實驗現象133
4-2-2-2 O/1~4 ML Co/4 ML CoO /Ir(111)數據分析 151
4-2-3 O/1~4 ML Co/1 ML CoO /Ir(111)低溫磁性分析 164
4-2-3-1 O/1~4 ML Co/1 ML CoO /Ir(111)低溫磁性實驗現象165
4-2-3-2 O/1~4 ML Co/1 ML CoO /Ir(111)數據分析 185
4-3 不同厚度CoO的磁性分析 201
第五章 結論 209
參考資料 212
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