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研究生(外文):Chiao-wen Yeh
論文名稱(外文):Search for appropriate photosensitizer for photodynamics therapy applacations---Study of concentration dependence of specturm characteristic and liifetimemeasured by time-correlated single photon counting system in organic solutions.
指導教授(外文):Tai-huei Wei
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光動力療法(Photodynamic Therapy)是一種藉由特定光源照射感光劑產生對細胞有減活效果的單支態氧而破壞感染細胞的治療方式,由於其對於感染細胞與正常細胞有良好的篩選能力,比起傳統手術可以做更小範圍的細胞破壞,近年來逐漸被應用於癌症的臨床治療上。
此實驗使用中心波長為820nm的Ti:Sapphire脈衝雷射(82MHz,平均必v150mW),經由二倍頻晶體轉換中心波長到410nm(82MHz,平均必v6mW)作為激發光源,並使用Jobin Yvon的Triax550光譜儀測量發射光譜,搭配PicoQuant的單光子偵測系統(Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting, TCSPC)測量出螢、燐光強度隨時間的變化曲線,分析出能階的半生期(lifetime)。
選擇Aluminum phthalocyanine chloride溶於甲醇(CAP/ethanol)、Silicon 2,3-naphthalocyanine bis(trihexylsilyloxide) 溶於Trtrahydrofuran (SiNC/THF) 、Phthalocyanine溶於甲苯(H2PC/toluene)和Zinc Phthalocyanine溶於1-Chloranaphthalene (ZnPC/1-Chloranaphthalene)等我們研究過的樣品,並改變其濃度,然後觀察其螢光光譜與對應半生期的變化,並以五能級模型作為理論基礎,解釋被吸收光能從有機分子傳至鄰近氧分子的過程。
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a treatment for malignant tumors. It uses an ideal photo sensitive drug, referred to as photosensitizer or photosensitizing agent, to absorb the light and promote the surrounding oxygen molecules from the ground state (triplet) to the excited singlet state via the annihilation process. On the excited singlet state, the oxygen molecules can inactivate viruses in biological fluids.
The efficiency of PDT can be determined by monitoring the phosphorescence emitted by the oxygen molecules on the excited singlet state via the singlet®triplet relaxation. Since the phosphorescence wavelength is around 1270 nm and can not be detected by our visible avalanched photo detector available presently, we instead start with the measurement of the visible fluorescence emitted by the photosensitizing agent. Once after we get familiar with the detection technique and the infrared detector becomes available, we will switch to the measurement of 1270 nm phosphorescence by excited singlet oxygen molecules.
In this thesis, we measured the absorption and emission spectra of several organic solution including phthalocyanine dissoveld in toluene (H2PC/toluene), zinc phthalocyanine dissolved in 1-Chloranaphthalene (ZnPC/1-Chloranaphthalene), aluminum phthalocyanine chloride dissolved in ethanol (CAP/ethanol) and Silicon 2,3-naphthalocyanine bis(trihexylsilyloxide) dissolved in trtrahydrofuran (SiNC/THF) with different concentrations. Our measurements indicate that the absorption peaks at the same wavelengths with concentration; however, the absorbance increases as the concentration increases. Besides, the former two solutions show much lower absorbance than the latter two solutions of the same concentrations. The emission spectra of the former two solutions, H2PC and ZnPC, also peak at the same wavelength with concentration, similar to the absorption peaks of all the four solutions. However, the emission spectra of the latter two solutions, CAP and SiNC, show that the peak wavelengths vary with their concentration. The peak wavelengths of these two solutions shift to the long wavelength range as the concentrations increase. Beside the absorption and emission spectra measurements, we also measured the lifetime of emission at the peak wavelengths with TCSPC system and found that the lifetimes of the former two solutions decrease as the concentrations increase; however, the lifetimes of the latter two solutions increase as the concentrations increase. We explain this different trends in terms of reabsorption of CAP and SiNC emission.

第一章 簡介
1.1 光動力療法簡介……………………………………………………………….…1
1.2 光動力療法發展背景與文獻回顧……………………………………………….3
1.3 動機…………………………………………………………………………….....6
1.4 目標…………………………………………………………………………….....7
第二章 理論
2.1 五能級模型……………………………………………………………………...10
2.2 螢光半生期(fluorescence lifetime)…………………………………………..12
2.3 單光子計數系統(time-correlated single photon counting,TCSPC)……….14
2.4 螢光半生期擬合………………………………………………………………...18
第三章 實驗儀器與架設
3.1 儀器與架設……………………………………………………………………...21
3.2 光譜儀…………………………………………………………………………...24
3.3 電子雪崩式光二極體(Avalanche photodiode,APD)………………………26
第四章 實驗結果與討論
4.1 吸收光譜(absorption spectrum)……………………………………………..29
4.2 發射光譜(emission spectrum)……………………………………………….31
4.3 螢光半生期……………………………………………………………………...35
4.4 結論與未來工作………………………………………………………………...42
附錄A 樣品資訊…………………………………………………………………….43
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