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研究生(外文):Po-ching Chuang
論文名稱(外文):Studies of interface and magnetic properties of CoO/Co grown on Ge(111)
指導教授(外文):Yeong-Der YaoJyh-Shen Tsay
外文關鍵詞:exchange bias
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本研究是在超高真空環境下將Co蒸鍍在Ge(111)表面上,再於Co/Ge(111)系統上於氧壓下鍍Co而獲得超薄CoO層,以歐傑電子能譜儀與表面磁光科爾效應儀對此超薄膜進行表面組成及磁性質之分析,藉此一系列地研究探討超薄CoO反鐵磁層與Co鐵磁層介面以及其厚度對磁性的影響。在經由場冷卻後進行表面磁光柯爾效應的量測,發現到有交換偏壓(Exchange Bias)現象。當CoO薄膜厚度固定為10 ML,Co薄膜厚度從10 ML 增加至20 ML時,其交換偏向場有上升的趨勢,而Co薄膜厚度從20 ML增加至40 ML時,交換偏向場則有逐漸下降的趨勢,且交換偏向場HE值大小與鐵磁層Co薄膜厚度tFM呈現反比關係。此外,當Co薄膜厚度固定為20 ML,反鐵磁層CoO薄膜厚度從0 ML增加至10 ML時,交換偏向場呈現上升的趨勢,而在10 ML CoO/20 ML Co/Ge(111)此組薄膜樣品中,發現有一交換偏向場的峰值,為583 Oe;而當CoO薄膜從10 ML增加至35 ML時,交換偏向場逐漸下降,且呈現一指數遞減。以反射式高能量電子繞射儀與低能量電子繞射儀探究其結構,發現此系列CoO薄膜具有短程有序之面心立方(FCC)CoO結構。
The main purpose of this research is to systematically study the interface and magnetic properties of ultrathin CoO/Co/Ge(111) films in the ultra high vacuum (UHV), and this topic has been attacked using surface magneto-optic Kerr effect (SMOKE) technique for magnetic measurement, Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) for compositional analysis and Reflection high energy electron diffraction(RHEED) for structure analysis. From AES and RHEED analysis. The CoO structure of ultrathin CoO/Co/Ge(111) film is short range ordering FCC phase. In 10 ML CoO/x ML Co/Ge(111) series films, with increasing Co thickness, exchange bias field increases from 0 Oe for x=10 to 583 Oe for x=20 and decreases from 583 Oe for x=20 to 312 Oe for x=40. On the other hand, in y ML CoO/20 ML Co/Ge(111) series films, with increasing Co thickness, exchange bias field increases from 0 Oe for y=0 to 583 Oe for y=10 and decreases from 583 Oe for y=10 to 151 Oe for y=35.
第一章 緒論.........................................................1
第二章 基本原理......................................................8
2-1-1 磁性物質的種類........................................8
2-3 交換磁異向性....................................................19
2-3-1 理想鐵磁/反鐵磁介面模型...................................20
2-4 薄膜成長理論....................................................24
2-5 氧吸附及氧化現象................................................28
第三章 儀器設備與工作原理...........................................32
3-1 超高真空系統(UHV)....... .......................................32
3-1-1 真空概論.............................................32
3-1-2 真空設備與技術................................................36
3-2 樣品的備置......................................................49
3-2-1 Ge單晶..................................................................49
3-2-2 樣品座...............................................50
3-2-3 樣品潔........................................................52
3-3 超薄膜蒸鍍系統..................................................55
3-4 歐傑電子能譜儀(AES).............................................56
3-5 表面磁光柯爾效應(SMOKE).........................................62
3-5-1 表面磁光柯爾效應原理.................................62
3-5-2 表面磁光柯爾效應儀之配置......................................66
3-6 低能量電子繞射儀(LEED)..........................................71
3-6-1 低能量電子繞射儀.....................................71
3-6-2 LEED光強度分析................................................72
3-6-3 低能量電子繞射實驗原理.....................................73 3-6-4 I-V LEED實驗原理.....................................76
3-7 反射式高能電子繞射儀(RHEED).....................................77
第四章 實驗結果與討論...............................................82
4-1 CoO/Co/Ge(111)超薄膜之製備......................................82
4-1-1 表面成分分析.........................................82
4-1-2 膜厚計算.............................................84
4-1-3 CoO/Co/Ge(111)之薄膜成長與組成分析.........................84
4-2 y ML CoO/ x ML Co /Ge(111)之表面結構分析........................94
4-2-1 Ge(111)之表面結構分析................................94
4-2-2 y ML CoO/x ML Co/Ge(111)之表面結構分析...............95
4-3 y ML CoO/ x ML Co /Ge(111)之表面磁性分析….....................103
4-3-1 10 ML CoO/x ML Co/Ge(111)之表面磁性分析.............103
4-3-2 y ML CoO/ 20 ML Co/Ge(111)之表面磁性分析............109
第五章 結論........................................................113
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