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研究生(外文):Su-chun Lin
論文名稱(外文):Michael Smith's moral realism
指導教授:言午 漢
外文關鍵詞:moral realismmoral factobjectivityconceptual analysissuperveniencedispositional analysis
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This thesis discusses Michael Smith’s argument for his theory of Naturalistic Moral Realism. Smith points out, there exists “the moral problem” in ethics. The moral problem occurs when we cannot accommodate both the objectivity and the practicality of moral judgement, if we accept Hume’s theory of human psychology. This problem makes the idea of morality altogether incoherent, and engenders vast discussions and disagreements in contemporary meta-ethical theories. Smith attempts to provide his solution to the moral problem. His solution is, in part, to defend two claims. His defense of the first claim consists in a naturalistic account of moral realism. According to Smith, moral judgements describe some natural states of affairs, and express beliefs that have cognitive natural content. But Moore (a non-natural realist) and Ayer (an expressivist/ emotivist) point out, moral concepts are unanalysisable. They maintain that we cannot define the moral in terms of the natural. Moreover, Ayer claims that moral judgements do not describe any natural states of affairs; rather, they express attitudes. For Ayer, moral judgements have only non-cognitive content. Smith argues that his naturalistic moral realism can make sense of another form of definitional naturalism, which offers a non-reductive way of analysis (dispositional analysis). That moral concepts are analyzable provides an important premise for Smith’s argument for his second claim, that is, moral facts are facts about the reasons that we all share.
In this thesis, first, I explain what ‘the moral problem’ is and Smith’s claim about how to solve the problem. Then, I explain Moore’s and Ayer’s arguments against the idea that moral concepts are analyzable. And I explain Smith’s responses to both of them. But even if it can be justifiable that moral concepts are analyzable, is it also reasonable and necessary to argue for naturalistic moral realism? I will discuss Smith’s arguments. In the final chapter, Smith’s idea of dispositional analysis is further discussed, and I shall offer my tentative reflections about Smith’s claims.
前 言………………………………………………………………………….………1
第一章 道德的難題及化解………………………………………………….……....7
第一節 何謂「道德的難題」……………………………………………….…7
第二節 解決「道德的難題」的主張………………………………………....15
第三節 道德事實…………………………………………………………..…..20
第四節 本章結語…………………………………………………………..…..21

第二章 不可分析的道德概念:穆爾及耶爾 vs. 可分析的道德概念:史密斯….23
第一節 穆爾以及耶爾:反對自然主義道德實在論…………………...…….24
第二節 史密斯的回應:待決問題論証及表達主義的挑戰.……………...…28
第三節 非化約形式概念分析的進一步思考……………………………...….55
第四節 本章結語……………………………………………………….….......58

第三章 自然主義型式的道德實在論…………………………………………...…..60
第一節 反對低限道德實在論…………………………………………...…….61
第二節 價值性質隨附於自然性質………………………………………...….65
第三節 本章結語………………………………………………………………79

第四章 可分析的道德概念再說明:傾向分析仍具有客觀性… ………..…...…81
第一節 客觀的概念---邁奇、麥克道爾與史密斯……………………………85
第二節 傾向分析所隱藏的相對問題…………………………………......…101
第三節 本章結語……………………………………………………...….…..109

結 論………………………….……………………………………………...….…..110

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