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研究生(外文):Yao-Jun Huang
論文名稱(外文):Deriving Recovery Rate and Default Point:Reconciliation of Structural and Intensity Models
指導教授(外文):Paul Hsueh
外文關鍵詞:Recovery RateStructural ModelDefault PointIntensity Model
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This paper introduces a new methodology that integrates information in equity market, bond market, and financial statements to derive a unique recovery rate for every company by reconciling structural models with intensity models. We model a firm’s equity as the down-and-out call option and the expected loss of creditors as the down-and-out binary put option. Under the equilibrium between structural models with intensity models, the default probabilities derived from the two models are identical. Besides, we numerically obtain the expected recovery rates for the companies of concern. And the default points surprisingly consist with empirical findings as well. The main goal of this paper is to find out the equilibrium between structural models and intensity models in order to derive primary parameters numerically for pricing credit derivatives. We also apply our method to create a credit indicator that is used to predict default possibilities for companies. Consequently, it exhibits outstanding performance to our surprise.


I. Introduction......................................... 1

II.Theoretical Framework and Calibration Methodology.... 4
1. Equity Value as a Down-And-Out Call Option.......... 4
2. Expected Loss as a Down-And-Out Binary Put Option... 7
(1) Expected Loss in Intensity Models............... 7
(2) Expected Loss from Structural Models............ 8
3. Other Parameters must be Specified................. 11
(1) Recovery Rate R................................ 11
(2) Weighted Average Debt Maturity T............... 13
(3) Implied Asset Volatility σA.................... 14

III.Model Implement.................................... 16
1. Data............................................... 17
2. Results............................................ 18
(1) Expected Recovery Rate......................... 19
(2) Implied Asset Volatility, Equity Volatility
and Expected Loss Volatility................... 20
(3) DPT% vs. Moody’s KMV Default Point............ 21
(4) Default Curve.................................. 23

IV. Model Application—Default Indicator DI............ 26

V. Conclusion......................................... 28

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