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研究生(外文):Shu-yuan Huang
論文名稱(外文):Maturity Effects, Day-Of-The-Week Effects, and Lead-LagRelations of Signed Options and Futures Volume
指導教授(外文):An-Sing Chen
外文關鍵詞:Signed VolumeMaturity EffectDay-of-the-week Effect
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This paper is intended as an investigation of price impacts of signed options and futures volume with transactions data for options and futures on the FTSE 100 index.
The price impacts of signed options and futures volume are investigated under three classified data, which are unclassified, different terms of days to maturity, and each day-of-the-week. The results clearly show that signed futures volume and negative options volume have significant contemporaneous price effect, and price impacts are varied under different terms of days to maturity and dissimilar under each day-of-the-week. After investigated the price impact of signed volume, there further discuss the source of the effect. Under the unclassified data, there reject the perfect market hypothesis in favor of the information hypothesis for negative options volume and positive futures volume, and in favor of the liquidity hypothesis for the negative
futures volume. Under the different terms of days to maturity, on the 0-30 category, there conclude the source of the effect of positive futures volume is result from both information and liquidity factors, but the effect of negative futures volume is the result of liquidity factors. Under the 31-60 category, there suggests that the price impacts of signed futures volume under this category are largely informational. The results observed from over than 60 days category indicate that price effect of signed options volume is reflects liquidity effects, but signed futures volume is represents information effects. Lastly under the day-of-the-week data, the perfect markets hypothesis is not rejected on Thursday, but is in favor of the liquidity effect on Wednesday, and other day-of-the-week is mostly represents information effects, especially on Friday. At the last section of this paper, there examine the relation of
signed options and futures volume and find they are influenced by each other but their relationship is not always constant, it changes under different terms of days to maturity and day-of-the-week.
This paper is intended as an investigation of price impacts of signed options and futures volume with transactions data for options and futures on the FTSE 100 index.
The price impacts of signed options and futures volume are investigated under three classified data, which are unclassified, different terms of days to maturity, and each day-of-the-week. The results clearly show that signed futures volume and negative options volume have significant contemporaneous price effect, and price impacts are varied under different terms of days to maturity and dissimilar under each day-of-the-week. After investigated the price impact of signed volume, there further discuss the source of the effect. Under the unclassified data, there reject the perfect market hypothesis in favor of the information hypothesis for negative options volume and positive futures volume, and in favor of the liquidity hypothesis for the negative
futures volume. Under the different terms of days to maturity, on the 0-30 category, there conclude the source of the effect of positive futures volume is result from both information and liquidity factors, but the effect of negative futures volume is the result of liquidity factors. Under the 31-60 category, there suggests that the price impacts of signed futures volume under this category are largely informational. The results observed from over than 60 days category indicate that price effect of signed options volume is reflects liquidity effects, but signed futures volume is represents information effects. Lastly under the day-of-the-week data, the perfect markets hypothesis is not rejected on Thursday, but is in favor of the liquidity effect on Wednesday, and other day-of-the-week is mostly represents information effects, especially on Friday. At the last section of this paper, there examine the relation of
signed options and futures volume and find they are influenced by each other but their relationship is not always constant, it changes under different terms of days to maturity and day-of-the-week.
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................1
LITERATURE REVIEW......................................................................2
EFFECT .................................................................................................4
ABOUT INFERRING TRADE DIRECTION..................................................5
DATA AND EMPIRICAL MODEL......................................................6
EMPIRICAL MODEL..............................................................................6
DATA ....................................................................................................8
EMPIRICAL RESULT........................................................................ 11
PRICE IMPACTS OF SIGNED VOLUME................................................... 11
Estimation procedure ..................................................................... 11
Main findings ................................................................................. 11
Prediction .......................................................................................14
Correlation of futures and options volume.....................................14
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