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研究生(外文):Yen-Chen Liu
論文名稱(外文):A Comparison of Futures Hedging--Time Series Approach and Nonlinear Time-Projection Method
指導教授(外文):An-Sing Chen
外文關鍵詞:certainty equivalent incometransactionspanning polynomial projectionhedgefuturesgarchvecm
  • 被引用被引用:2
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本論文旨在探討線性模型與非線性方法對於期貨避險的績效比較,線性模型是以誤差修正模型結合雙變量條件異質模型為主,而非線性模型的部分則是以擴張多項式預測模型為代表.對於最適的避險比率,本篇研究是站在一個mean-variance的架構下,算出使certainty equivalent income(CEI)最大的避險比率,另外在穩健度測試中,我們亦加入交易成本來考量.
This paper examines the effectiveness of hedging crude oil price fluctuations using crude oil futures contracts traded at the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX). On the framework of mean-variance objective, we define the optimal hedge ratio as to increase hedger’s certainty equivalent income(CEI) the most and we compare the hedge effectiveness of two different models—VEC-GARCH model and spanning polynomial projection (SPP) method.
Both in-sample and out-of-sample hedging performances are examined, and for robustness, we take transaction cost into account .Result reveals that risk averse hedgers might be better off using either the SPP or VEC-GARCH approaches to hedge their crude oil exposure.

1. INTRODUCTION...........................................1

2. LITERATURE REVIEW......................................3

3.1. Optimal Hedge Ratio..................................7
3.2. Hedging With VEC-GARCH Model........................10
3.3. Hedging With SPP Model..............................11

4. DESCRIPTION OF DATA...................................13

5.1. In-Sample Model Estimate and Hedge Ratios Comparison Results..................................................16
5.1.1 VEC-GARCH Model....................................16
5.1.2 SPP Model..........................................21
5.1.3. In-sample Comparisons of Hedging Effectiveness....23
5.2. Out-of-Sample Hedge Ratios Comparison Results.......26

6. CONCLUSION............................................28


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