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研究生(外文):Ming-Yuan Kao
論文名稱(外文):Two essays on the yield spread and economic activity
指導教授(外文):Ming-Hsiang Chen
外文關鍵詞:interest rateyield spreadreal activitymonetary policy
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Essay I. The yield spread as a predictor of economic activity in G7

It was documented in the literature that yield spread of U.S. and several European could predict economic growth. This paper extended previous paper to investigate the ability of term structure of domestic countries and United States to predict the real activities in G7. We found that the domestic term structure has more influence in some countries and the term structure of United States has more influence in other countries. The results also show that term spread contains the economic information beyond monetary policy in many countries. Then, following Hamilton and Kim (2002), we decompose the effect of term spread into an expectation effect and a term premium effect and examine their effects on real activities. The result shows that although the results are not consistent across different countries, both effects are statistically significant in many countries. We also found the term premium effect contributes more in predicting than the expectation effect in most countries. The expectation effect only continues for a short term, but the term premium contains the economic information for a long time in many countries.
Essay II. The predictability of economic activity using yield spread in five Asian countries

Researchers of term structure have often suggested that yield spread contains information about the real activities. In this paper, we examined the output-the domestic spread and the output –the spread of U.S. relationship across five Asian emerging countries including Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand. Then, we further decomposed the spread into two effects: the pure expectation effect and the term premium and examine their influences. From the results, we found that the spread of United States are more important than the domestic spread in the forecast for the future growth of economy and the spread of U.S. contain the information of the economic growth independent to the other economic indicator and money policy in most Asian emerging countries. The results also show that the domestic expectation effect and term premium effect contained little information about the economic activities and the expectation effect of United States doesn’t have information for the economic activities as well. Conversely, the term premium effect of United States has consistently predictive power in most Asian emerging countries. For the spread of United States, the term premium effects are important than the expectation effect in the forecast of economic growth.
Essay I…………………………………………………………………………….…1
The yield spread as a predictor of economic activity in G7……………………..…..1
1. Introduction……….………………………………………………………...2
2. Theoretical bases and empirical findings……………………..………….....3
2.1. Preliminary literature reviews……..………………………………...3
2.2. Theoretical basis……………………….……………………………5
2.2.1. The theory of Harvey (1989)….…………………………......5
2.2.2. The effect of U.S. spread………………..……………............6
2.2.3. The theoretical explanations of Hamilton and Kim (2002).…6
3. Data and methodology…………………………………………………………….7
3.1. The term spread as a predictor of real economic activity……………………….8
3.2. The decomposition of the yield spread…………………………………...……..9
4. Empirical results…….……………………………………………….........10
4.1. The domestic term spread as a predictor of real economic activity.....................................................................................................10
4.2. The U.S. term spread as a predictor of real economic activity…….11
4.3. The predictive power of the pure expectation hypothesis or term premium hypothesis…..…………………………………………...12
4.3.1. The predictive power of the domestic spread…..………......12
4.3.2. The predictive power of the spread of United States……….12
5. The discussion the empirical results………………………….……….......13
5.1. The predictive power of term spread……………………….……...13
5.2. The decomposition of the term structure into the two effects….….14
5.3. The reasons about the difference of the results across different countries………………………………………………………….15
6. Conclusion……...……………………………………………………………......16
Appendix: Classification of exchange rate regimes…………………………….......17
Essay II…………………………..………………………………………………….52
The predictability of economic activity using yield spread in five Asian countries..52
1. Introduction…………………………………………………..……………53
2. Theoretical Basis and empirical finding…………………………………..54
2.1. Preliminary literature reviews……………………………..…….....54
2.2. Theoretical bases……………………………………………….....56
2.2.1. The theory of Harvey (1989)...………………….………….56
2.2.2. The effect of U.S. spread…………………………………...57
2.2.3. The theoretical explanations of Hamilton and Kim (2002)...58
3. Data and methodology…………………………………………………………...59
3.1. The term spread as a predictor of real economic activity……….......................59
3.2. The term spread as a predictor of real economic activity……..….60
4. Empirical results………………………………………………………….62
4.1. The domestic term spread as a predictor of real economic activity..62
4.2. The term spread of United States as a predictor of real economic activity………………..……………………………...……………62
4.3. The predictive power of the pure expectation hypothesis or term premium hypothesis…………………………………………….63
4.3.1. The predictive power of the domestic spread……………...63
4.3.2. The predictive power of the U.S. spread……………..…......63
5. The discussion of the empirical results……………………..……………..64
5.1. The predictive power of the term spread…………………….…….64
5.2. The decomposition of the term structure into the two effects…….64
5.3. The reasons about the difference of the results across different countries…………………………………..…………………….....65
6. Conclusion…………………...………………………………………………......67
Appendix: Classification of exchange rate regimes………………………………...68

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