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研究生(外文):Ching-yang Chen
論文名稱(外文):A Micro-Mechanics Based Computational Model for Hygro-Thermo-Mechanical Analysis of Heterogeneous Adhesive Bonding Layer in Packaging Structures
外文關鍵詞:modeling of multiple particlesparticulate-reinforced compositesheterogeneous adhesive bonding layerhybrid moisture element method (HMEM)finite element method (FEM)infinite element method (IEM)
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The direct application of the conventional finite element method (FEM) to modeling of the particulate-reinforced and fiber-reinforced composites has limitations. The infinite element method (IEM) has been used in predicting the mechanical behaviors of heterogeneous materials, but so far is still not in maturity. In this thesis, a micro-mechanics based computational model for hygro-thermo-mechanical analysis of heterogeneous materials reinforced with arbitrarily distributed multiple particles is proposed. First, the infinite element method not only is enhanced by taking the temperature and moisture effects into account but also is extended to deal with three-dimensional elastostatic problems in which the constituent material properties are heterogeneous. Next, an innovative IEM application for studying material interface problems and a novel numerical technique, hybrid moisture element method (HMEM), for modeling and analyzing the moisture diffusion in heterogeneous epoxy resin filled with multiple randomly distributed particles are also both well presented. Finally, the IE-FE and HME-FE coupling scheme are addressed and their implementation are accomplished by employing the commercial software ABAQUS to greatly enhance the convenience and capability of our proposed methods. With the proposed approach, the execution time in the modeling stage, the number of DOFs, and PC memory storage were significantly reduced. A series of problems relating to the two-dimensional packaging structure containing heterogeneous adhesive bonding layer and three-dimensional particulate-reinforced composites are investigated. The proposed approach provides another simple and efficient numerical analysis tool for related problems of heterogeneous material, as demonstrated in the analysis result presented in this dissertation.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 IX
一、 緒論 1
1-1 接合膠層結構 1
1-1-1 覆晶底膠 1
1-1-2 導電膠膜 2
1-1-3 紫外光固型環氧樹脂 3
1-2 接合膠層結構對構裝可靠度的影響 3
1-2-1 新型CMOS影像感測構裝體 4
1-2-2 電子構裝與光電封裝之構裝體 5
1-3 研究目的 7
二、 發展微觀力學計算模型 13
2-1 描述材料異質性的相關力學模型 13
2-1-1 等效材料特性 13
2-1-2 濕氣擴散特性 18
2-2 無限元素法 20
2-2-1 等參元素的相似性 20
2-2-2 二維彈濕熱無限元素法 22
2-2-3 二維彈濕熱無限元素法之延伸應用 32
2-2-4 三維異質性無限元素法 33
2-2-5 有限元素法與無限元素法之整合 41
2-2-6 無限元素法的驗證 41
2-3 複合濕元素法 43
2-3-1 濕氣擴散統御方程式 43
2-3-2 二維複合濕元素法 44
2-3-3 有限元素法與複合濕元素法之整合 47
2-3-4 二維複合濕元素法的驗證 47
三、 材料異質性對其所組成結構的影響 62
3-1 等效材料特性的定義 62
3-2 二維具有異質性材料層的多層結構 63
3-2-1 異質性材料的等效材料特性 64
3-2-2 多層結構的等效模型 65
3-2-3 多層結構的實際模型 66
3-3 三維多表面覆層顆粒強化的複合材料 68
3-3-1 覆層粒子介面彈性係數的影響 68
3-3-2 覆層粒子介面厚度的影響 69
3-3-3 覆層粒子分佈的影響 70
四、 材料異質性對濕氣擴散的影響 82
4-1 濕氣擴散模擬 82
4-2 異質性封裝接合膠層 83
4-2-1 暫態濕傳分析 84
4-2-2 粒子填充物的影響 84
五、 結論與未來方向 90
參考文獻 96
附錄 102
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