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研究生(外文):Zhi-Ping Su
論文名稱(外文):3D Image for Optical Measurement System
外文關鍵詞:Optical measurementcenter of area defuzzifier
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This paper proposes to develop a fast optical measurement system for measuring large objects. This system, which is composed of a charge coupled device and a digital light process at calibration plane, can transform object measurement into digital, which can be used for further implication.
The rationale of this system is based on the mapping function to transform two-dimensional image into three-dimensional image, in order to obtain a higher experimental result. The experiment uses gauss filter and normalized image to increase the quality of image and avoid other noises and non-uniform images. With the high quality image measured, it is easier to find the light plane by using center of area defuzzifier. The rationale of center of area defuzzifier concerns the largest slope as the boundary point. Using this method will calculate the exact boundary point. Finally, the experiment will transforms this point into three dimensional data.
The experiment tries to measure various objects empirically. However, owing to the fact that each measurement cannot obtain the entire data, it is necessary to move or switch the object measured in order to achieve the full measurement. Nonetheless, iterative closest point registration method is used in the experiment in order to integrate each portion of the data into an integrated one.
第一章 緒論…………………………………………………………..001
1-1 前言…………………………………………………………001
1-2 文獻回顧……………………………………………………004
1-3 研究目的與研究方法………………………………………007
第二章 量測原理………………………………………………..……011
2-1 前言…………………………………………………………011
2-2 單點雷射三角法……………………………………………011
2-3 雷射線掃描量測法…………………………………………014
2-4 白光面掃描量測灰階編碼法………………………………017
2-5 相位移疊紋量測法…………………………………………022
第三章 實驗設備與數位影像處理……………..……………………027
3-1 系統設備……………………………………………………027
3-2 系統光學分析………………………………………………030
3-3 離散式高斯濾波……………………………………………034
3-4 影像處理……………………………………………………036
第四章 校正原理……………………………………………………..043
4-1 校正過程………………………………..…………………..045
4-2 尋邊方法……………………………………………………049
4-3 映射函數演算法……………………………………………052
4-4 灰階編碼及線段平移方法…………………………………055
第五章 量測過程與實驗結果……………….….…………………062
5-1 量測過程……………………………………………………062
5-2 程式介面介紹…..……………….………….………………063
5-3 量測精密度分析……………………………………………069
5-4 實驗結果……………………………………………………076
第六章 結論與未來方向……………….….………………...……091
6-1 結論…………………………………………………………091
6-2 未來方向…….………………………………………………092
附錄一 掃描資料之定位與整合…………………………….……100
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