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研究生(外文):Jian-Ying Lee
論文名稱(外文):In-Plane Residual Stress Analysis by Using Combination of Moir Interferometry and Blind Hole-Drilling Method
指導教授(外文):Jong-Ning Aoh
外文關鍵詞:Residual StressBlind-hole drilling methodMoir InterferometryFricton Strir Welding
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殘留應力是材料與元件還沒使用或沒受外力時已存在材料結構中的應力。然而釵h機械元件為了改善或變化機械性質,如:表面耐磨、結構強度等,以接觸或非接觸方式輸入瞬間能量在元件表面上,使表面產生相變化或晶粒大小改變,同時也產生不同的體積收縮與擠壓,致使元件表面產生內部的殘留應力,而難以量測。一般量測殘留皆以半破壞性的鑽孔法來檢測,此法對元件整體影響較小,但是常受應變規的限制,因此開始以雲紋干涉法(Moir Interferometry)來量測鑽孔時所釋放的殘留應力,此也大大提高利用鑽孔法量測應力的精度。
Residual stress is the stress that already takes place in a component/material even though it hasn’t been subjected to any external forces. Many mechanical components require some specific improvement or mechanical properties like wear resisting ability, toughness etc. In order to achieve those requirements, the components were subjected to an instantaneous energy input either by direct or indirect contact, and this treatment might caused a phase transformation or grain size alteration on its surface, which resulting in volume contraction and expansion that produces residual stress in the component. Hole-drilling is a typical method in residual stress measurement. This method can be grouped as semi-destructive style, which mean that the effect is trivial compared to the entire component. Yet, this method always endured to the limited usage of strain gages. In that case, moir interferometry technique was applied to replace the strain gages for calculating the released residual stress and to increase the accuracy level on hole-drilling method.
Currently, our laboratory had successfully implemented the moir interferometry technique to the blind hole-drilling method. The mechanism of the method also had been established and experimental had been carried out on the mechanism by means of uni-axial loading force. In that case, the present experiment objective is focused on the fringe pattern of blind hole-drilling with moir interferometry technique by means of uni-axial loading under different magnitudes of residual stress, different angles of optical grating and specimen, and various kind of laser beam polarization, and also successfully derived the relation between the fringe orders with displacement in the specimen in order to analyze the fringe pattern of the experiment, which the outcome results are in a good agreement.
Bi-axial loading mechanism which is the expanded version from uni-axial loading had also been established. With this mechanism, we expected the fringes pattern of different planes on the specimen could be observed. Comparing the fringe pattern from the experimental with analytical results, we may have displacement of contour plot which could be use to discuss the residual stress distribution in the specimen under various ways of given loading and also to establish the complete database of those fringe patterns.
We had also applied the blind hole-drilling method with moir interferometry technique to estimate the residual stress on the FSW (Friction Stir Welding) specimen. Blind holes are drilled in several parts of the weld track to examine the accuracy and the feasibility of this method in estimating the residual stress.
第一章 緒論 2
1-1 前言 ……………………………………………………………2
1-2 文獻回顧 ………………………………………………………3
1-2-1 應變規鑽孔法 …………………………………………3
1-2-2 雲紋干涉術 ……………………………………………4
1-2-3 雲紋干涉術結合鑽孔法 ………………………………5
1-3 研究動機與目的 ………………………………………………8
第二章 理論背景介紹 ………………………………………………10
2-1 鑽孔法…………………………………………………………10
2-2 雲紋干涉術 ……………………………………………………14
2-2-1 條紋-位移量關係式推導 ………………………………14
2-2-2 偏振光雲紋干涉 ………………………………………20
2-3 結合雲紋干涉術與盲孔鑽孔法………………………………23
2-4 求取校正係數…………………………………………………26
2-5條紋級數的判別 ………………………………………………28
第三章 研究設備與方法………………………………………………32
3-1 研究流程………………………………………………………32
3-2 結合雲紋干涉術與盲孔鑽孔法設備…………………………34
3-3 試片與負荷機構之製備………………………………………37
3-3-1 試片與光柵之選擇 ……………………………………37
3-3-2 雙軸向負荷機構製備 …………………………………38
第四章 研究結果與討論………………………………………………42
4-1 平面應力狀態下應力-位移關係式之推導 …………………42
4-2 結合雲紋干涉術與盲孔法之單軸向應力的雲紋圖…………57
4-2-1 條W級數之影響 ………………………………………57
4-2-2 單軸向雲紋之角度影響 ………………………………58
4-2-2-1 光柵黏貼角度對雲紋圖的影響分析……………60
4-2-2-2 光柵黏貼角度對理論解等位移線的影響分析…68
4-2-2-3 光柵黏貼角度對雲紋圖與理論解等位移線影響比較………………………………………………76
4-2-2-4 光柵黏貼角度對雲紋應力計算的影響…………79
4-2-3 單軸向應力對雲紋的影響 ……………………………88
4-2-3-1 單軸向應力對雲紋圖的影響分析………………91
4-2-3-2 單軸向應力對理論解等位移線的影響分析……94
4-2-3-3 單軸向應力對雲紋圖與理論解等位移線影響比較 ………………………………………………97
4-2-3-4 單軸向應力對雲紋應力計算的影響……………99
4-2-4 偏振的影響……………………………………………102
4-2-5 單軸向應力雲紋干涉之歸納…………………………108
4-3 平面應力之雲紋圖 …………………………………………109
4-3-1 雙軸向雲紋之應力影響………………………………109
4-3-1-1 雙軸向應力對雲紋圖的影響分析 ……………111
4-3-1-2 雙軸向應力對理論解等位移線的影響分析 …113
4-3-1-3 雙軸向應力對雲紋圖與理論解等位移線影響比較………………………………………………116
4-3-1-4 雙軸向應力對雲紋應力計算的影響 …………118
4-3-1-5 等位移線圖隨雙軸負荷變化之影響 …………121
4-3-2 雙軸向雲紋之角度影響………………………………124
4-3-2-1 等位移線圖隨角度變化之影響 ………………124
4-4 雲紋干涉術結合盲孔鑽孔法於FSW銲道殘留應力的檢測 ……………………………………………………………127
4-4-1 試片之製備與其鑽孔位置……………………………128
4-4-2 雲紋圖的分析…………………………………………130
4-4-3 銲道整體雲紋圖的比對………………………………143
4-4-4 銲道雲紋應力的計算…………………………………145
第五章 結論與未來研究方向 ………………………………………148
5-1 結論 …………………………………………………………148
5-1 未來研究方向 ………………………………………………149
附錄 ………………………………………………………………150
1. 雲紋干涉之幾何繞射原理……………………………………150
2. 繞射與光柵……………………………………………………160
2.1 單狹縫之繞射 …………………………………………161
2.2 雙狹縫之繞射 …………………………………………163
2.3 繞射光柵 ………………………………………………164
3. 光位移量與相位………………………………………………167
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