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研究生(外文):Han-yi Lin
論文名稱(外文):Tribological Study of Self-Assembled Monolayer on Micromachine
指導教授(外文):Yeau-ren Jeng
外文關鍵詞:contact angleHDTwearself-assembled monolayercoating filmfrictionMEMsadhesion
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本論文的目的就是為建立微元件的自組裝薄膜製程技術與性能分析,在此研究中使用不同末端鍵結(-CH3, -COOH)和前端鍵結(-SH)烷基硫醇的自組裝薄膜,並使用原子力顯微鏡(AFM)、奈米測試儀、接觸角分析儀,來分析末端或是前端鍵結對表面的黏附力、磨擦力和表面能的影響,並探討自組裝薄膜對基材表面與鍍膜本身性質之影響。我們在自組裝薄膜上設計製造不同表面粗糙度之表面,探討其加工表面形貌對微元件之真實接觸面積、黏附力及毛細力的影響效應,以取得較佳之表面形貌,提供專業參考選用。
In the MEMS and precision machine, particles and liquid films (capillary force) are often presented at contact interfaces. These two factors will enhance the adhesion, friction and wear of contacting surfaces. In the meantime, in order to minimize the adhesion and wear problems of moving MEMS, numerous coating methods are being designed to improve these surface properties. Self-assembled monolayer (SAM) coating has been demonstrated to achieve anti-stiction and low friction characteristics when properly integrated into microstructure release process.
The objective is to establish analysis and manufacture technology of SAMs in MEMS. For this purpose, several kinds of SAMs, including alkyl and biphenyl spacer chains with different surface terminal groups (-CH3,-COOH), and head groups (-SH), were prepared. The influence of spacer chains, surface terminal groups, and head groups on adhesion, friction and surface energy properties were investigated by AFM, nano tester and contact angle analyser. The effect of self-assembled monlayers on matrix surface and coating film characteristics. Moreover, in order to design the optimal surface, the effects of adhesion and capillary force of surface micromaching on the real contact area of microparts are investigated.
In this study, it is found that HDT exhibits the smallest adhesive force and friction force, because of low work of adhesion of -CH3 surface terminal group, and high-compliance long carbon chain. The influence of velocity on friction forces of HDT film is very small. In order to design the optimal surface, we found that Vicker’ surface has lowest surface energy, and adhesion properties.
中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅱ
目錄 Ⅲ
表目錄 Ⅴ
圖目錄 Ⅵ

第一章 緒論...........................................1
1.1 前言...........................................1
1.2 研究動機與目的.................................3
1.3 論文架構.......................................4

第二章 理論基礎和文獻回顧.............................7
2.1 有機-無機分子層................................7
2.1.1 Langmuir-Blodgett 薄膜.........................7
2.1.2 Self-assembled Monolayers 薄膜.................9
2.2 自組裝薄膜的磨潤性能與機械性質................13
2.3 黏附力文獻回顧................................15
2.4 毛細力文獻回顧................................16
2.5 表面能文獻回顧................................19
2.6 附著力........................................20
2.7 磨擦力與磨擦係數..............................22

第三章 實驗設備與實驗流程............................34
3.1 實驗設備......................................34
3.1.1 射頻濺射鍍膜系統..............................34
3.1.2 原子力顯微鏡..................................35
3.1.3 奈米測試儀....................................38
3.1.4 接觸角量測儀..................................39
3.2 薄膜和表面形貌製作程序........................40
3.2.1 實驗藥品與材料................................40
3.2.2 基板的製備....................................41
3.2.3 薄膜的製作....................................41
3.2.4 製作表面形貌..................................42
3.2.5 自組裝薄膜的製作..............................43

第四章 實驗結果分析與討論............................59
4.1 薄膜性質分析..................................59
4.1.1 薄膜剛性量測分析..............................59
4.1.2 薄膜抗刮深度量測..................... ........60
4.1.3 薄膜接觸角和表面能分析........................61
4.1.4 薄膜接觸角和表面能分析考慮溫度變化............62
4.1.5 薄膜黏附力分析................................63
4.1.6 探針速度對薄膜黏附力的影響........... ........63
4.1.7 探針速度對薄膜磨擦力的影響........... ........64
4.2 不同材質探針頭薄膜性質分析....................64
4.2.1 不同材質探針頭對薄膜黏附力的影響..............65
4.2.2 不同探針頭速度對薄膜黏附力的影響... ..........65
4.2.3 不同探針頭速度對薄膜磨擦力的影響... ..........66
4.3 不同表面形貌對薄膜性質影響....................67
4.3.1 不同表面形貌對HDT薄膜接觸角和表面能影響.......67
4.3.2 不同表面形貌對MHA薄膜接觸角和表面能影響.......68
4.3.3 不同表面形貌對ODT薄膜接觸角和表面能影響.......68
第五章 結論與建議...................................102
5.1 結論.........................................102
5.2 建議.........................................103
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